Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 333 Leaving and the Frozen Land

After the meal, after leaving two ghost elves to watch the night, everyone was ready to go to bed.

Today, if we don't talk about elf battles during the day, just the chase in Ba Dahu's camp is enough for Lu Ze and the others to be exhausted.

So soon, everyone slept in their own tents.

A quiet and peaceful night.

Because of the golden spray, the elves on the grassland did not disturb Lu Ze's sleep.

Similarly, because everyone is fighting during the day, no one will attack at night.

After all, in this kind of place, people with a little brain know that people or elves need to watch the night when they sleep.

Ordinary sneak attacks are basically unsuccessful, so as time goes by, everyone will not waste this effort.

But even so, people who enter here will not relax their vigilance, and will still arrange people or elves to watch the night.


Lu Ze sat up from the squirrel's stomach, rubbed his eyes, and after stretching, he let out an extremely comfortable sound.

"What time is it?"

While sleeping drowsily, Su Tingxi tried hard to open his eyes and asked.

"Seven o'clock."


After Lu Ze checked the time on his phone, Su Tingxi closed his eyes again.

"Look for a while."

Lu Ze didn't care, he put his phone back up and walked out.

There is no mobile signal here, so I can only watch the time.

"Morning, forked bat."


The cross-word bat also squinted its eyes and waved its wings to Lu Ze, saying hello.

At around four o'clock this morning, the cross-word bat took over the wandering night spirit who was on guard last night and continued to stand guard.

The first post is Geng Gui, who sleeps late.

The second post is the Wandering Night Spirit, a night owl.

The third post is the cross-word bat, which gets up early.

In this way, the three elves perfectly adjusted their night shift positions according to their schedules, and everyone was still in high spirits during the day.

Lu Ze looked around and scratched his head: "It seems that I still lack a water elf."

"Forget it, let's wait for the thorn shellfish or Menus to get up."

Because there is no water spirit, there is no way to wash your face and brush your teeth immediately, so you can only sit there and watch the scenery.

But although this place is called the Black Secret Realm, the scenery is not dark at all.

Half of the sun in the distance jumped out of the horizon, dyeing the green grass a little golden.

Walking Grass and Shuttlecock Grass also calmed down, lying on the ground, bathed in the golden sunshine, enjoying their breakfast happily.

Um? ?

A few question marks appeared on Lu Ze's head, this scene...something seemed wrong.

But before Lu Ze could think about it, You Yuyou rushed out of the tent.

"That, that, he's gone!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, take your time, who left?"


You Yu lobbied, and handed the paper to Lu Ze.

"Ozawa, goodbye, see you if you have a chance, see you at school if you don't have a chance."

Lu Ze looked at the tone on the paper and immediately knew that it was a note left by Li Shuqing.

"Let's just go."


You Yuyou was stunned for a moment, he thought that Li Shuqing would be anxious to say goodbye to Lu Ze without saying goodbye, but he didn't expect such an understatement to pass.

"Are they up?"

You Yuyou shook his head: "No."

"Okay, I'll call them."

As Lu Ze said, he walked into the big tent with a happy face.

After a while, everyone sat on the grass outside with listless faces, looking at Lu Ze resentfully.

But Lu Ze was smiling all over his face, exuding a sense of happiness all over his body.

"Eat, what are you waiting for?"

"When can I beat you up."

Sui Yan said to Lu Ze with a dark face, the ghost knows what they just went through.

"Eat quickly, let's go to the frozen land after eating, we haven't found the exit of the secret realm yet."

As Lu Ze said, he sped up the food in his mouth.

Everyone finished their breakfast quickly, and the elves stopped eating.

After resting on the spot, he took back some slow elves and left behind the faster ones before heading towards the frozen land.

Ba Dahu Camp and the tunnel are connected together, but between the tunnel and the frozen land is the grassland.

It should be said that the main component of the entire secret realm is the grassland.

Things like the Ba Dahu Camp, the Horned Goldfish Lake, and the Frozen Land all formed an area on the grassland.

In this area, because there are many elves of a certain species or race, and a certain attribute, they are called separately.

The grassland between the tunnel and the Frozen Land was not that big, and Lu Ze and the others reached the periphery of the Frozen Land in a short while.

"Little boss, you need a padded jacket, or a thief to keep warm."

"Crap, don't listen to him, little boss, keep warm, it has to be a military coat!"

As soon as Lu Ze and the others arrived here, they saw a few people selling warming supplies outside the frozen land.

The two peripheral bosses saw Lu Ze and the others, and immediately started fighting for it.

One is holding a down jacket, the other is holding a military coat, neither will let the other.

"A stove? A must-have for a night in a frozen place."

While the two were fighting, an old man curled his hands and said silently.

Lu Ze's attention was immediately attracted, the stove is a good thing.

"Master, come one after another, why worry?"

The old man shook his head slightly: "I'm not selling the same kind of thing as you, so don't care."

The man who bought the down jacket was choked, and stopped talking about the old man, but stared at Tang Yunqin and Yin Hanling.

"Little girl, how about a down jacket? It's beautiful and warm."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Yunqin and Yin Hanling's heart was moved immediately. They looked at the army green army coat and white down jacket beside them, and made a decision instantly.

Finally, after paying 70 berries, Tang Yunqin and Yin Hanling bought two down jackets, and the boys each got a military coat.

What boy can say no to a military coat?

As for the stove, everyone decided that there was no need for it. It was hard to take it away, because they had fire spirits.

The coal turtle, the wind speed dog, are all warm, not to mention the two fire-breathing dragons with flames burning on their tails.

After purchasing the supplies to keep out the cold, everyone entered the range of the frozen land.

The frozen place is indeed a frozen place, the entire ground under the feet is frozen with a thin layer of ice, and if one is not careful, it will be slippery.

"Charizard, fire flames!"

Just as everyone was carefully trying to feel the feeling of skating, two mini-ices attacked Tang Yunqin.

The seven [ice cones] were directly melted by the [jet flame] in the air, and then the momentum of the [jet flame] continued unabated, directly dissipating the two miniature ice.

"Tang Yunqin, go and see what's there."

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