Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 311 Doragon Swings to Death~

Seeing the lava snail appearing on the field, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

The lava snails of the fire system and the rock system are four times restrained by the ground system.

In other words, Heracross, who now has a physical attack plus three (sword dance plus two, and overconfidence plus one), only needs an earthquake to take away the lava snail.

The examiner smiled helplessly, and he couldn't do anything about it. Except for the double-axe war dragon, one of the remaining two elves was the Longlong Rock in the Hawaiian area.

Then there was the lava snail on the field. Both elves were restrained four times by the ground system, so he said that the opponent had already won the assessment this time.

There is no way, the restraint of the ground system is four times, plus the physical attack of Heracross plus three.

A long-range 【Earthquake】can make the lava snail take him away before it even touches him.

Sure enough, as soon as the lava snail landed, the seismic wave passed through, taking away the lava snail that hadn't reacted yet.

The examiner shook his head helplessly. He had no choice but to take the lava snail back and throw Longlongyan's elf ball out.

Regardless of whether it is a loser or not, this process still has to go.


Still just after landing, [Earthquake] took Longlongyan away, without the slightest ability to resist.

"Longlong Rock lost the ability to fight, and Heracross won."

The referee raised the flag and pronounced the verdict.

After the referee pronounced the verdict, the examiner put the elf ball in the machine and clicked it on the computer screen.

Then, the staff came in and guided Lu Ze to put the elf balls of Heracross, King of Leave, and Blastoise into the machine, and then took Lu Ze out.

"Please wait in the hall for a while, the results will come out soon, or you can go home and wait for the results to come out, and they will be sent directly to your mobile phone."

Lu Ze nodded: "Okay, thank you."

"I wish you a happy life~"

The staff lady stopped at the passageway, smiled at Lu Ze, and then returned to her work station.

After Lu Ze said thank you, he sat quietly on a chair in the lobby outside and waited.

It wasn't to wait for the results, but mainly to wait for Suiyan and the others. His battle ended relatively quickly, so he was the first to come out.

After a while, Lu Ze's result came out. On the big screen, Lu Ze's name was followed by two green words, Passed.

Lu Ze smiled, and then waited for Suiyan and the others.

After a while, Suiyan and the others also came out one after another, and at the same time the names on the big screen jumped up quickly, and Suiyan and the others passed the assessment of the junior trainer without any surprise.

"How is the battle going?"

On the way back, Lu Ze looked at Sui Yan and asked with a smile.

Sui Yan also happily replied: "The second event is a complete victory, the third event has two rounds, and it's easy to win!"

After Lu Ze and Sui Yan started the conversation, everyone started to complain.

This said that his dragon elf met two elves of the fairy type, disgusting!

The one who said that all he met with the ghost type was evil type, annoying!

Anyway, the ultimate meaning is that this assessment is too disgusting, as long as the fight is started, it will be against the attribute.

Just like that, after complaining and making noise, everyone returned to school.

"It's an appointment. After the holiday next week, let's go to the Black Secret Realm together."


After Su Tingxi spoke, everyone nodded and then separated, each going back to their dormitory.

Although it is just an ordinary primary trainer assessment, the assessment time is not long, but just like the driver's license examination, the waiting time is relatively long.

So after the junior trainer certificate was obtained, it was already evening.

"What do you want to eat today?"

After Lu Ze entered the room, after releasing the Snakemon and the others, he asked with his homemade menu.


The miniature dragon spoke first excitedly, and ordered food on the menu with its tail, but Lu Ze refused without hesitation.

"No, fried chicken can't be eaten as a staple food, next one."

After the mini dragon shook his head in disappointment, he nestled on the sofa without interest and stopped looking at Lu Ze.

After the mini dragon passed, the fire-breathing dragon also stood up and pointed to the menu with his finger.


Lu Ze looked at the food ordered by the charizard and nodded: "Turkey noodles? Yes, I will make turkey noodles for you."


The fire-breathing dragon turned over the menu, and then ordered some cheese on it.

"Okay, okay, I'll add cheese to you."

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, the turkey noodles are very convenient to make, so there is no problem.

"what about you?"

Lu Ze looked at the Forked Bat, Snorbeast, Electric Shocker, Iron Claw Lobster and Huhu again.

Several elves looked at each other, and then Snorkel took a step forward and patted its stomach.

Lu Ze understood, this means, what do you do, what do we eat, there is nothing in particular that we want to eat.

"How about spaghetti bolognese?"

Snobbling narrowed his eyes and nodded excitedly, he lay down in the middle of the living room and began to wait for his dinner.

The cross-word bat and the fire-breathing dragon also sat next to the carby beast, and each held a pot of tea and drank it.

However, the difference is that the forked bat is tartary buckwheat tea, while the charizard is sweet tea.

The iron claw lobster directed the electric shock monster to turn on the TV, and watched a movie with Deoxys and the mini dragon.

There was only one pot left, and after looking around for a while, he slowly came to the side of the fire-breathing dragon and looked up at the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon looked at the longing Huhu, shook his head helplessly, and then went to the kitchen to bring back a few berries for Huhu.

"Huhu, this can't be stored in the body if you can't finish it."

After seeing the fire-breathing dragon bring two berries out, Lu Ze quickly poked his head out and explained to Hu Hu.

Huhu pouted slightly, then nodded, and began to gnaw the fruit.

The berries stored in the pot are prepared by Lu Ze, so that the berries fermented by the pot will have other effects after being turned into berry juice.

After instructing the pot, Lu Ze turned his head and saw the sullen mini-dragon on the sofa, shook his head helplessly, and then said loudly.

"Today I can add a fried chicken drumstick, raise your hand if you want to eat~"

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Kirby raised his hand first.

Then there's Charizard and Zap.

The forked bat raised its wings, the lobster raised its pincers, and even the jug raised a front leg.

Only the mini dragon, after looking at his naked body, couldn't help but look at Lu Ze with grievances, curled his lips, tears were about to fall out.

Seeing the appearance of the mini dragon, Lu Ze panicked and said quickly

"The one with the tail up is fine too."

After hearing this, the miniature dragon held back the tears and quickly raised its tail.

Lu Ze looked at the elves and nodded: "Okay, dinner will be ready soon."

Then, I started to get busy in the kitchen again.

Make more turkey noodles, even if it is ordered by the fire-breathing dragon, it may not be eaten by the fire-breathing dragon.

After all, Snorlax will taste anyway.

And the taste of the Kirby may have eaten more than half of the food of the Charizard, so it is better to make more.

After all, with the Kirby, there is no possibility of leftovers.

Both turkey noodles and spaghetti bolognese are handy.

While cooking the noodles, Lu Ze fried some chicken legs.

No way, at the request of the mini dragon, I didn't see that after hearing the fried chicken legs, the mini dragon changed his sullen look before, and now he started dancing over the living room.

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