Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 309: Three out of a hundred

The [Triple Attack] with its nose facing north flew towards the forked bat.

The cross-bat just turned slightly in the air, and [Triple Attack] flew towards the back of the cross-bat.

If there is a slow-motion playback, you can see that when the cross-bat turned sideways, the red energy in the [Triple Attack] flew past the belly of the cross-bat, and the distance between the two may not be within a distance. finger.


"Big nose, wide-area defense!"

The [ultrasonic wave] of the cross-word bat caused fluctuations in the air, and the examiner was also very decisive.

With the speed of the north face, it is impossible to avoid [ultrasonic wave], so it can only use [wide-area defense] to resist.

Otherwise, if it falls into a state of [chaos], it will be difficult to regain the initiative.

Even, the outcome is on this.

Lu Ze smiled slightly, he couldn't hear the examiner's voice.

If he could have heard it, he would have said, "That's right, that's where the winner is."

Immediately after the cross-word bat's [ultrasonic wave], when it was defending against the north nose, it used the [trick] again.

"Next, it's our turn!"

The corners of Lu Ze and the forked bat raised their mouths at the same time, and when Lu Ze pointed forward, he used the skills he had just learned recently.

"Hot air!"

The cross-word bat waved its wings, and a red storm visible to the naked eye flew towards the north nose.

Da Chaobeibi had just used [Wide Area Defense], and it was too late to do it again.

The use of wide-area defense takes time, and the speed of [Ultrasonic Wave] is not fast, so it can be completely blocked.

But the speed of the hot wind is very fast, and there is no time at all.

"Falling rock!"

There is no way to use [Wide Area Defense], so I can only use other methods.

A huge stone appeared out of nowhere and landed in front of Da Chao Beibi, blocking Da Chao Beibi's face completely.

However, the [Hot Wind] with the special attack level plus four can't be blocked by just falling rocks.

【Hot wind】Blowing by, the falling rock was blown out, and then hit Da Chaobeibi's body completely.

"Big nose to the north!"

The examiner cried out involuntarily, and then he was slightly relieved when he saw that the big nose didn't fall down directly.

"Big nose to the north, rock blast!"

Although I was a little worried about facing the north, this was the work of the two of them, and we still had to continue.

Panting heavily with his nose facing the north, he began to condense the energy of the rock again.

Although the [Hot Wind] just now didn't knock him down directly, the damage still hit him completely.

But it's a pity, just after [Rock Blast] fired one, it was swept back by [Hot Wind] again.

Forked Bat's second shot [Hot Wind] has arrived.

The north-facing nose of the rock and steel system, although the steel system is restrained by the fire system, but the rock system is also resistant to the fire system.

So even if it was a fire-type skill, hitting Da Chao Beibi would only do normal damage.

Coupled with the double defense facing the north nose, Lu Ze is ready for a second.

So at the moment when Da Chao Beibi stood up, the cross-word bat immediately used the second [hot wind].

In fact, the best way is to use fighting or ground skills to hit him. These two attributes are quadruple damage to rock and steel elves.

But it's a pity that the cross-word bat can't learn the skills of these two attributes.

The second [hot wind] passed, Da Chaobei could no longer resist it, and after being blown away, he turned his eyes in circles.

After shrugging his shoulders at the referee, the examiner retracted the big nose.

In fact, after he saw the forked bat use [trick] to strengthen for the second time, he knew that he was gone in this round.

The forked bat with the special attack level plus four, even if it is ground, can grind to death the big north-facing nose with poor flexibility.

However, because of the identity of the examiner, even if he knew that he couldn't fight, he still had to fight until the last moment.

"Da Chaobei loses his ability to fight, and the student wins!"

With one stroke of the referee's flag, he pronounced the verdict loudly.

Then, after Lu Ze took the forked bat back, he was taken away by another staff member.

After following the staff to another room, the staff went out.

"Hello, I am your examiner, please choose your elf."

In the room, a middle-aged man said to Lu Ze expressionlessly after seeing Lu Ze come in.

Lu Ze looked at the computer screen next to him. On the computer screen, a hundred elf balls were moving randomly.

Soon, the first scramble was over, and four options appeared in the subsequent interviews.





Lu Ze chose one at random, but it was just a poke ball anyway, and he couldn't see the pokemon inside, so it all depended on luck.

Just after Lu Ze made the selection, all the poke balls in the top five rows disappeared, and then the remaining poke balls started to move randomly again.

Then, in the five by ten rectangular grid, there appeared ten numbers, one to ten.

One represents the first sequence, two represents the second sequence, and so on.

Lu Ze casually ordered another six.

Now, except for the sixth vertical column, all other poke balls are displayed.

Then, after the five elf balls form a row, they are all opened.

The first king catfish.

The second big needle bee.

The third Herakhros.

The fourth leave king.

The fifth water arrow turtle.

Lu Ze quickly clicked on the next three.

Needless to say, Herakhros, the king of insects, must choose Heracross among the big needle bees that are also insects. After all, the big needle bee has not super-evolved, so it doesn't make much sense.

Similarly, although the leave king has rubbish characteristics, he can't hold back his strong race value.

The last one was chosen between Catfish King and Water Arrow Turtle.

Also being a water-type elf, Catfish King is nothing compared to Water Arrow Turtle except that it has an electric-type immunity than Water Arrow Turtle, and the grass damage is four times stronger than Catfish King.

In this situation where it is not clear who the opponent is, the more obvious the weakness is, the harder it is to solve it.

After seeing Lu Ze being so decisive, the examiner was also slightly taken aback, then smiled again, and then quickly clicked a few times on the computer screen beside him.

Under the computer screens on both sides, a channel was opened, and the conveyor belt inside sent three poke balls out.

After Lu Ze and the examiner picked up three poke balls at the same time, the referee stretched out his hand to signal both parties to release their skills at the same time.

Lu Ze took out Heracross' poke ball and threw it at the same time as the examiner.

He is betting, he can't see the information of the elves in the elf ball, but he wants to bet, the characteristic of Heracross is [overconfidence].

In this case, he has the possibility to push the team, which is a big plus for passing the exam.

After the two elves appeared, Lu Ze looked at the examiner's elves in shock.

"Damn! Bug!"

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