Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 306 The Power of Cheats

Sui Yan glanced at Deoxys in attack form with strange eyes, his lips twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, it's up to you next."

After Fengsugou nodded excitedly, he came to Suiyan's side.

After Sui Yan carried the burning worm down, the wind speed dog rushed into the arena with a look of fighting spirit.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, God Speed!"

Sui Yan held the burning worm and said to the wind speed dog.

Judging from the strength of Deoxys who beat the coal tortoise to the point of losing his fighting ability with a [wild swing] just now, he already understood that even if the cheat just made a sound, his wind speed dog would definitely I can't beat it.

But even though he can't beat it, he can't lose his momentum. At least look at this cheat, and see if there are any other outstanding points.

"Comparing speed?" Lu Ze smiled lightly.

"Deoxys, speed form, distance yourself!"

Deoxys changed his shape again, from a blade shape to a streamlined shape, his body became more refined, and his original four arms became two thin strips, one blue and one orange.

When the wind speed dog rushed in, Deoxys moved first, a blue-orange light flashed, and Deoxys instantly retreated to the water behind him.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, jet flames!"

Wind Speed ​​Dog's eyes narrowed, and he spit out a flame at Deoxys on the water.

Deoxys did not turn into a defensive form, but directly avoided the wind speed dog's [Jet Flame] in the speed form.

Even after dodging, Deoxys waited in the air for the [Jet Flame] to fire.

After the [Jet Flame] strafed over, it turned into a streamer again and rushed towards the wind speed dog that was still breathing fire.

The wind speed dog reacted very quickly. After seeing the direction of the streamer, his pupils shrank slightly, and then interrupted the [Jet Flame], and then increased his strength again, and launched it in front of him.

When Deoxys in the air saw the response of the wind speed dog, he immediately switched to the defensive mode, and then hit the wind speed dog with the fire column of [Jet Flame].

Sui Yan didn't notice what happened when the two elves collided because the speed was too fast and it was covered by flames.

But Lu Ze's waveguide caught it.

In the process of breaking through the flames in the defensive form, a faint pink light glowed on Deoxys' forehead, which was the [Mind Hammer].

That's why Sui Yan saw that the moment the two came into contact, the wind speed dog flew upside down, turned its eyes in circles and fell to the ground.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog..."

Sui Yan put the Wind Speed ​​Dog back into the elf ball with a wry smile, then looked at Lu Ze helplessly.

"Good guy, he's so strong just after he was born. If it takes a while, it will be so daunting."

Lu Ze smiled, good guy, can I tell you that at his peak, this guy can compete with the normal form of Liekongzuo, and he still has a slight upper hand.

"Otherwise, how do you say it's a cheat?"

"Tsk tsk, all right."

Sui Yan shook his head, looked at Lu Ze and raised the corners of his mouth: "However, today I acted as a detector for you, why don't you treat me to dinner tonight?"

Lu Ze waved his hand: "Please, you all come over tonight, I just have something to tell you."

"Okay!" Sui Yan nodded excitedly, there are not many chances to kill Lu Ze.

Afterwards, Sui Yan took the frog seed squinting by the water into the elf ball, and left with the burning worm in his arms.

"I'll go and heal the two elves first, and then I'll go find you Ang."

"Okay, let's go!"

After Lu Ze waved his hand at Sui Yan, he looked at his still wet clothes and the miniature dragon in the water.

Then he smiled lightly, and stopped wearing short sleeves. Anyway, he has six-pack abs, so whoever wants to see them can see them.

So he plunged directly into the lake and started playing with the miniature dragon.

The tyrannosaurus protruding from the lake in this scene dared not speak out. After all, Deoxys, who had just thrown him into the lake, was still floating on the water, and he didn't want to feel uncomfortable anymore.

Although I have a big temper, I am not stupid.


In the evening, after playing in the water for a while, Lu Ze returned home with the miniature dragon, forked bat and two fire-breathing dragons.

The place where the forked bat and the two charizards trained was not too far from the water's edge.

While Lu Ze was playing with the water, two fire-breathing dragons started a race in the woods, and when they rushed across the lake, the fire-breathing dragon saw Lu Ze and the miniature dragon in the water.

Being distracted, he bumped into a big tree by the lake, knocking himself into a daze.

As for Lu Ze, he heard a "bang", followed by a series of laughter.

When Lu Ze turned his head to look, Deoxys shook his head helplessly, and at the same time used his mind to fish the confused fire-breathing dragon over.

Afterwards, the cross-word bat who heard the sound also rushed over, and was stunned when he saw Lu Ze.

In this way, after introducing the elves to each other, Lu Ze brought them back.

Although it was the first time for everyone to meet each other, the Deoxys forked bat and charizard in the energy core form were also familiar.

Although Deoxys is in the energy core state, in the mid-term, he has his own consciousness, and he can already observe the outside world through superpowers.

So he is also very familiar with forked bats and fire-breathing dragons.

The only one I'm not familiar with may be Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon, but the two fire-breathing dragons are twins themselves, so they are similar, and naturally they become familiar quickly.

When he came back, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon thought about it, and went back after saying hello to Lu Ze.

Later, Lu Ze told the fire-breathing dragon that when Suiyan would come over and eat together, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon became excited, and then started a new round of racing with Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon .

In this way, after Lu Ze went to buy vegetables, they returned home, the elves played with their own, and Lu Ze began to prepare the ingredients for tonight.

Take out the meat in the freezer to defrost, and then move out the iron plate bought some time ago.

With so many people, the most convenient thing is hot pot.

But at home, it is troublesome to clean up the hot pot after eating, so it became a teppanyaki.

Anyway, everyone is a carnivore. Even if you are not a carnivore, you can still grill vegetables on a teppanyaki.

Take out all kinds of beef, mutton, pork, and chicken, cut them into small pieces, and marinate them.

The beef is marinated with salt, light soy sauce, oil consumption, a little cooking wine, then add egg whites and a little oil, so that it will be more tender when it comes out.

As for the mutton, because it is just bought, it is fresh New Province mutton, so just marinate it with salt. The mutton over there has no smell, so just use a little salt to add flavor.

Orleans marinade is used for chicken, and barbecue marinade is used for pork. They are all ready-made, just grab and mix well.

However, because of the existence of the squirrels, Lu Ze prepared a lot of meat. As a last resort, Lu Ze called Deoxys to help.

After marinating the meat, Lu Ze started to prepare other dishes.

Just like colored peppers, after cutting the colored peppers into sections, whether they are skewered with mutton or other things, they are very delicious and very greasy.

During the period, Lu Ze also froze the beer and Coke delivered by the store in the refrigerator.

In summer, having a Teppanyaki meal with beer and Coke is really the best.

Of course, Lu Ze didn't forget to prepare some fried chicken, after all, he promised Mini Dragon before.

And I also placed an order for crayfish with a new mobile phone, and it will be delivered after processing.

Summer is the season to eat crayfish, spicy garlic and thirteen fragrances, I want them all today.

I just don't know what the iron claw lobster will look like when it sees these crayfish, and whether it will eat the crayfish.

After all, strictly speaking, the two are not of the same species.

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