Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 302 B station up master ~

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, it was the start of school again.

Lu Ze got up in the morning, had breakfast with the elves after cooking, and then left.

The cross-word bat still flew towards the forest with the fire-breathing dragon, and the kabby also held the electric shock monster in one hand and the iron claw lobster in the other, and strode towards the back mountain with great strides.

"Huhu, how are you today? Do you want to go to class with me?"


Huhu nodded, then was grabbed by Lu Ze and placed on his shoulder.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Lu Ze was like this, with a miniature dragon wrapped around his waist, putting his head on Lu Ze's right shoulder, and a jug lying on his left shoulder. One person and two elves walked towards the teaching building like this.

"It's time to think about it, when did Huhudu flash, in this case, when you go out, you will have two flashing elves on your shoulders."

Lu Ze looked at the pot on his shoulder and thought with a smile.

This is just a flashing miniature dragon that attracts the attention, plus a flashing jug, isn't that even more eye-catching?

Just like that, Lu Ze took the two elves and walked into Oh's classroom under the envious eyes of all the students.

Soon, classes will begin.

This lesson is about the differences that come with different types of elves.

"Grass elves, compared to other elves, are easier to raise. The daily needs are brought by the sun."

"However, grass-type elves need careful care, and they should not be allowed to bask in the sun for too long. If they produce too much chlorophyll and don't excrete it, it will be a burden to their bodies."

"Similarly, while grass elves are basking in the sun, trainers need to prepare water for them, preferably mineral water, so that they can directly obtain the minerals they need for growth through water."

The old teacher on the stage was talking seriously, and Lu Ze was also taking notes seriously.

These knowledge points were not mentioned in his previous games, watching animations, or comics.

"Then, does anyone know how to increase the toughness of grass-type elf vines?"

The old professor looked at the crowd with a smile and asked.

"You can use soybean water, which has the same effect as mineral water, but one absorbs trace elements, one absorbs minerals, and two..."

After class, Lu Ze put away his notes and walked outside.

Sui Yan called early in the morning and asked when Lu Ze would be free, saying he was going to collect the reward.

Lu Ze said that he had a class in the morning and went to look for him after class.

In this way, the two soon met, and then walked towards the school warehouse together.

"Hey, you said, what kind of elf am I choosing?"

Along the way, Sui Yan excitedly asked all kinds of questions.

Lu Ze thought for a while: "Now, coal turtle, wind speed dog, charizard, vulcan moth and wonderful frog seed, right?"

Sui Yan nodded: "That's right."

"There are a lot of fire elves, but fortunately, the weak point can be blocked by the wonderful frog seed."

With that said, Lu Ze touched his chin: "In this case, do you want to make a strong attack?"

"How do you say it?" Sui Yan became excited all of a sudden, the fire element, of course, is the attacking team.

"Bodhidharma Baboon, or Arrow Sparrow, are both good. Let's see, it's not necessarily true. After all, it's okay to have a wind fairy to make a transition."

"Go, go, I can't wait."

As Sui Yan said, he pulled Lu Ze and walked forward quickly.

"Hey, what's the rush?"

Although Lu Ze was a little helpless, he still kept up with Sui Yan.

"Hello, let's collect the rewards for the freshman competition."

"Okay, please show me your student ID card."

Lu Ze and Sui Yan handed their student ID cards to the young lady at the front desk.

"The first and second place in the freshman competition, right? Do you want to receive rewards together?"

Sui Yan nodded, then shook his head: "Let's get mine together first, and then get his."

The young lady glanced at Lu Ze, and Lu Ze nodded.

"Just listen to him."

"Okay, please follow me."

The young lady smiled slightly, and then led Lu Ze and Sui Yan to walk back.

"The second place in the freshman competition is to pick any elf egg, right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

After the final confirmation, the young lady opened the door of the cultivation room.

"Hey, that's all. The ones on the right are the elf eggs with estimated purple aptitude."

"Well, let me ask." Lu Ze looked at the elf eggs on both sides, and suddenly asked, "If we want to choose the one on the left, can we also?"

The young lady took a look at Sui Yan, after all, he was the second place, so he should make the decision.

"Listen to him."

The young lady is helpless, okay.

"Yes, but the elf egg on the left cannot determine the qualifications. Of course, if you want to choose, you can."


After the two made an ok gesture at the same time, they went down the steps and looked at the elf eggs on both sides one by one.

Elf: Mushroom


Elf: Meow to the tail


Elf: Silly Camel

Gender: Male

attribute: fire

Trait: Simple

Qualification: orange

Basic Skills: Scream, Impact

Inherited Skills: Primal Force, Growth, Hot Wind, Heavy Charge.

"Hey, in fact, it's okay to stay on fire. Not only does it have powerful skills [Smoke] [Fire], it also has ground-type skills, not bad."

After Lu Ze nodded, he wrote down the number of the dull camel.

This is not the same as the elf store outside. You write down the number of the elf store outside. When you come back, there may be no more.

This place is originally for rewards, so there are very few people who come to choose at the same time, so you can write down all the suitable ones and compare them at the end.

Elf: Rolling Bat


Elf: Porter


"Actually, the small transporter is also good. Although the evolved builder does not eat sunny days, he has a wide range of attacks. In fact, he is quite suitable as a tough attacker."

Lu Ze looked at the little craftsman's elf egg and thought for a while, feeling that he forgot something.

"What's wrong? Is this okay?"

Lu Ze shook his head: "Let's have a look again."


Sui Yan nodded, then looked forward.

Elf: Black-Eyed Crocodile


Elf: Foam Chinchilla


Elf: Seed Iron Ball


At the moment when he saw the seed iron ball, Lu Ze finally remembered what he forgot.

"That's right, there is no one to sweep nails!"

Lu Ze suddenly looked agitated, but then calmed down again.

"Having said that, it seems that the tactics of the disgusting people have not come out yet."

Lu Ze quickly replayed the battles he had watched before in his mind, whether it was the freshman battles in the school, or the heavenly king battles in the video, he didn't seem to see those nails, the sleeping team, the shrinking team, etc. .

"By the way, do you want to tell grandpa to engage in a battle similar to sword and shield? In this case, these tactics can always be figured out."

Thinking of this, Lu Ze is also excited, and then he can go back to his old job, b battle up master~

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