Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 26 Hesitate and you will lose

After calming down the supersonic bat, it was getting late, Lu Ze hugged the supersonic bat and touched the moon Yibo beside him.

"The supersonic bat still needs your help to teach some skills. You have worked hard these days. When my dad brings the supersonic bat tomorrow, I will make you some delicious energy cubes, just as a thank you."


Moon Ibrahimovic gave him a reproachful look, saying that this is a trivial matter, what kind of gift do you need?

Lu Ze chuckled: "Haha, yes, these are trivial matters, so don't refuse."

Then he turned his head and said to the stick-tailed scale armored dragon, "It's your part too, don't refuse."


The stick-tailed scale armored dragon patted his chest, expressing a small problem

Just when they were about to go home, Su Tingxi came over and said to Lu Ze

"Lu Ze, I thought about it for a while, do you want to see which egg's elf?"

Su Tingxi said uncertainly that he still hadn't made a decision, because he wasn't sure when he would have his second elf, and it would be a disadvantage if he was still an elf after entering university.

But he still thinks that the coconut tree in Hawaiian form has too many weaknesses, and although he can open space by himself, in this way, others will know that his coconut tree will open space first when he enters the field. The opponent must either directly strengthen himself or use The moves and attacks with outstanding effects are relatively disadvantageous.

Lu Ze agreed, and the four of them walked out together. On the way, Su Tingxi told Lu Ze what he thought just now, and wanted Lu Ze to analyze and analyze what to do.

Lu Ze couldn't help being a little funny, thinking that Su Tingxi was thinking too much

"Think about it, although he has many weaknesses, he also has a lot of attacking surfaces, such as ground-type stomps, earthquakes, fighting-type kicks, tile splitting, brute force, evil-type wild swings, and poison-type fouls. Mud bombs, psychic impact of the psychic system, mind hammer, iron tail and iron head of the steel system"

"And it can open a sunny day, open space, open a field, strengthen sword dance, learn to defend poison, learn power exchange, feature exchange, dual resistance is not low, can resist, fight, assist, and control , just because you are afraid of being the first to suffer the first loss? What kind of bicycle do you need if this is the case?"

Lu Ze clapped his fingers and explained to him the advantages of the balls one by one.

"And evolution is nothing more than a leaf stone and a trip to Hawaii. Given your family conditions, it is very easy."

Su Tingxi was completely moved. Indeed, with so many advantages, it really shouldn't be clinging to that one shortcoming. He should have made a decision earlier, so he hurriedly pulled Lu Ze forward

"I've decided, it's him, let's run fast"

"Hey? Hey! Will he run away, what are you in a hurry for?"

Lu Ze was helplessly dragged by Su Tingxi to run.




When they arrived at the place, Eggy's elf egg had disappeared. Lu Ze called the clerk in the store, who said that the egg had just been bought, so the scene above appeared, and the three of them looked at each other in silence.

Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin, who came from behind unhurriedly, looked at this scene, a little curious

"What's the matter with you?"

Lu Ze told them the ins and outs of the matter, and they immediately looked at Su Tingxi with pity.

"...just laugh if you want to"


When he walked to the door, Su Tingxi was still a little downcast, and finally it was Lu Ze who broke the silence

"Sorry, I didn't expect him to actually run away"

Su Tingxi shook his head and said to Lu Ze in frustration

"What's so embarrassing, it's not your problem, it's my problem, I missed him because of my indecision, and thank you for helping me analyze it, this time it's a lesson, I won't be here in the future Hesitated"

Lu Ze couldn't bear it

"Have you ever heard that sentence?"


"If you hesitate, you will lose"


"If you are decisive, you will give it in vain"


Su Tingxi looked puzzled, is this comforting me?

Lu Ze and the others laughed loudly: "Okay, it's not the only one that missed this one. Let's go to the elf store this weekend and see if we can help you pick a second elf."

Su Tingxi also smiled: "Okay, I will trouble you."

"piece of cake"

The four of them bid farewell to each other at the entrance of the breeding house, and Lu Ze was going to wait here for Lu's parents and mother to go home together. It shouldn't be long before they can go back.

Nothing for a week, it will be Saturday soon, there is nothing to do this week, every day is the same life, go to school, train, go home, go to school...

However, because of Lu Ze, several people found some elder elves to teach them elf skills. After a week, every elf has learned at least one new skill, except the ugly fish.

Elf: Supersonic Bat

Gender: female

Attributes: Poison, Flying

Features: Penetration (can penetrate the opponent's barriers and substitutes to attack)

Qualification: Orange

Basic Skills: Drain, Ultrasonic, Fright, Black Gaze, Poison Fang, High Speed ​​Star, Strange Light, Shadow Ball, Provoke

Inherited Skills: Cross Poison Blade, Air Slash, Vicious Pursuit

Elf: Little Snorkelling

Gender: Male

Attribute: General

Feature: Thick Fat (Because it is protected by thick fat, the damage of moves with fire and ice attributes is halved)

Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: tongue licking, bumping, rounding, longing, biting, lightning fist, freezing fist, flame fist, megaton punch, sleeping, bodybuilding, dream talk

Inherited Skills: Hiccup, Curse, Earth Crack, Double Refund.

Elf:Catty Dog

Gender: female

attribute: fire

Trait: Catching fire (when receiving a fire attribute move attack, absorb the flame, and the fire attribute move you use will become stronger)

Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: bite, stare, howl, bite, move at high speed, spray flames

Genetic Abilities: Flame Wheel, Charged Flame Strike, False Bravery

Elf: Coal Turtle

Gender: male

attribute: fire

Feature: Sunshine (weather becomes sunny when it comes out)

Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: sparks, shrinking into the shell, high-speed rotation, smoke screen, clearing smoke, sharp stone attack

Inherited Skills: Cloudy Mist, Fire Breathing, Ground Fissure

Elf: Big Tongue

Gender: Male

attribute: water

Features: continuous attack (if you use continuous moves, you can always use the highest number of times)

Qualification: orange

Basic skills: impact, water gun, retract into the shell, boulder, stare, tide spin, ice cone, water jet

Genetic Abilities: Water Ring, Life Drop, Rock Blast, Mud Shot

Genie: Mini Dragon

Gender: male

Attribute: Dragon

Features: Moulting (by shedding the skin on the body, it can sometimes heal the abnormal state)

Qualification: Red

Basic skills: Constriction, Stare, Tornado, Electromagnetic Wave, Dragon Tail, Substitute, Dragon Dance, Frozen Beam, Dragon Wave

Inherited Skills: Dragon's Breath, Water Jet, White Mist, Water Wave, Black Mist

Ugly fish can't learn any new skills, it's still the same as before, but the big tongue shell really gave Tang Yunqin a surprise, not only the characteristic of continuous attack, but also a rock blast that can't be learned by itself, but can only be inherited. Tang Yunqin was so happy that she learned her core skill, the ice pick.

Sui Yan secretly targeted Lu Ze. Not only did Katie learn long-range attack, but also let Coal Turtle first learn the rock-type skill sharp stone attack that restrains supersonic bats.

Mini Dragon fills up an ice-type attack surface


On Saturday morning, the four got together again, ready to go with Sutingxi to find a suitable second elf.

On the subway, Lu Ze asked

"How about it, do you want an elf egg or go to the wild to try your luck?"

"It must be an elf egg. If you encounter dragon skills in the wild, let alone whether you can beat it, the probability is too low."

Su Tingxi looked at Lu Ze with a puzzled face, how could he ask such a question?

"Haha, just kidding, don't we take the subway to go to the Elf Headquarters, don't worry"

Lu Zepi was very happy, but he didn't see Tang Yunqin and Suiyan's eyes.

"Go, get off"

After arriving at the place, Lu Ze greeted them, and the four of them got out of the car together, and then entered the head office of the elves. Just after entering, Sui Yan pulled a clerk and asked

"Hello, do you have any dragon-type elf eggs, take us to have a look"

The clerk's eyes lit up. The price of dragon-type elf eggs is relatively high, and the price of one sold is quite high, so he showed a bright smile and led Lu Ze and the others to the shelves inside.

"Come, this way please"

"There are only two dragon-type elf eggs, the final evolution form is the ground, the elf egg of the dragon-type desert dragonfly, and the elf egg of the flaming tortoise."

Su Tingxi asked Lu Ze in a low voice

"How about Lu Ze?"

Lu Ze frowned and explained to Su Tingxi

"Desert dragonflies are better. Flying to resist thunder and digging holes to hide from earthquakes. Earth dragon is a good combination of attributes. It has high attack and good resistance. It only has four times the damage of ice and double the damage of dragons and immortals. The speed is not high. Low"

"But it's embarrassing compared to the Lie Bite Lu Shark of the Earth Dragon group at the same time. It's also the waist of the bucket, but all the items are suppressed. Biting a land shark is not recommended”

"As for the flaming tortoise... the mainstream is also breaking through the shell like the thugs, but it is also embarrassing. The speed after breaking the shell is not as fast as that of the thugs, but let's go to the space. It is faster than the initial speed of most space thugs. It is higher, and it does not breathe fire and smoke, and its space output capability is also limited.”

"Although there is a powerful exclusive skill trap carapace, it can only be triggered by physical damage, and the priority of the skill is negative, which is very embarrassing. The advantage may be that the ice type is normal damage, and there is no quadruple damage. You can use To resist ice, especially for ice-type attackers such as Tulongbei and Tulongdao, but these two are not recommended.”

Su Tingxi believes in Lu Ze unconditionally. He has been asking Lu Ze for so many days, and has been listening to Lu Ze's views and analysis on various elves. He found that Lu Ze is not only more thorough than those people on the Internet, but even better than some school professors. He spoke clearly.

Since he doesn't recommend it, forget it, so Su Tingxi said gently to the clerk

"Okay, these two are not in line with my team building ideas, let's look at others"


The clerk was a little disappointed, but he still served with a smile.

When passing by the ordinary elf egg area, Lu Ze whispered to Su Tingxi

"Would you like to see the nameless elf egg? I still know a little about elf eggs"

There are two types of elf eggs. One is the one that Lu Ze chose on the day when the little Snake was selected. The manager can accurately tell what kind of elf this elf egg is, what its paternal line is, and what its matrilineal line is.

Another kind is that I don’t know the paternal line and the matrilineal line. Although some types of elf eggs can be seen from the patterns, they are only a few. For example, the patterns on the elf eggs of the dragon type and poison type are all purple.

This kind of elf egg is generally cheaper, not as expensive as the exact elf egg.

Just like Suiyan, just walk in the door and point out that I want the elf, and the clerk will take him to get that elf. The number of two types of elf eggs is about 50-50. A somewhat gambled odds.

"Okay, I believe you"

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