Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 233 Mo Qiancheng? Team Splash?

"Dragon's Dive!"

Zhong Lixing was shocked, shouldn't he try it out, why did he suddenly use his big move?

"Bazillo, hurry up, shrink into the shell!"

Watching the Blastoise retract into its shell, Lu Ze and the Super Charizard X who rushed into the air raised the corners of their mouths at the same time.

"Dragon Tail!"


After the fire-breathing dragon approached, it didn't directly hit the hard shell of the water arrow turtle, but turned around and hit the water arrow turtle back into the poke ball with a [Dragon Tail].

Zhong Lixing was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, gritted his teeth and threw another elf ball

"Go, steel cannon arm shrimp! Waves of water!"

Lu Ze looked at the [Water Wave] from the steel cannon arm shrimp. Sure enough, the opponent didn't know that the attribute of Super Charizard X was fire plus dragon, not the previous fire plus flight. Otherwise, the opponent would have I used [Dragon Wave].

"Charizard, Dragon Claw!"

"My God! The super fire-breathing dragon resisted the double-damage [Water Wave] and stepped forward, using the [Dragon Claw] to shoot the steel cannon arm shrimp into the air!"

Zhong Lixing gritted his teeth, "Why is this happening? The fluctuations of the water seem to have no harm to the fire-breathing dragon at all."

"One more time, Dragonclaw!"

"Evil wave!"


"Once again, again against the opponent's attack, once again hit the steel cannon arm shrimp. The steel cannon arm shrimp seems to be unable to withstand this kind of damage. It can be seen that the steel cannon arm shrimp has lost its strength. fighting ability!"

"Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp has lost the ability to fight, please replace the elf, and the timeout will result in a loss."

"Damn it, isn't it from the ghost system? You green, what else can it be if it's not the ghost system!"

Zhong Lixing gritted his teeth and retracted the steel cannon arm shrimp. Although he guessed that the fire-breathing dragon might have changed its attributes after it evolved again.

But he didn't know what attribute was changed, he could only judge by the appearance of the super fire-breathing dragon.

But he would never have thought that Super Charizard X turned out to be a dragon that had nothing to do with Youlu. After all, he didn't take the fact that Charizard was a flash into consideration.

"Go, Blastoise! ​​Ask for rain!"

"Stop him, Dragon's Dive!"

When Zhong Lixing watched the fire-breathing dragon flying towards the water arrow turtle, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Now, surf!"

Just when Super Charizard X approached Blastoise, Blastoise forcibly interrupted [Praying for Rain] and set off a huge wave to head towards Charizard.

Lu Ze looked at the huge waves and gritted his teeth: "Charizard, hit it!"


The fire-breathing dragon bumped into the body of the water arrow turtle, and was also shot down by the huge wave raised by the water arrow turtle.

"The super fire-breathing dragon loses its ability to fight. Please replace the next elf. If the timeout expires, it will be judged as a loser."


After Lu Ze relaxed, he threw the poke ball calmly.

"Go, iron claw lobster, water jet!"

Zhong Lixing was about to breathe a sigh of relief after seeing the fire-breathing dragon fall, when he saw the iron-clawed lobster rushing towards the water arrow turtle at an extremely fast speed.

Zhong Lixing's face changed drastically, and he couldn't care less about laughing, and immediately ordered Blastoise to use the [Protect]

"Ambush the vital point!"

[Protection] was broken by the Iron Claw Lobster's [Water Jet], but the next blow from the Iron Claw Lobster made Zhong Lixing and Blastoise completely unable to react.

The iron claw lobster hit the water arrow turtle's shell with its pincers, and lifted the water arrow turtle out, falling to the ground.

"The water arrow turtle loses its ability to fight, the iron claw lobster wins, and the winner of this game is Lu Ze."

The referee's verdict made Lu Ze finally relax. He didn't look at Zhong Lixing who was still in disbelief. After Lu Ze took the iron claw lobster back, he walked off the court. He still needs to ask Mo Qiancheng about it. one time.

Lu Ze was finished, but Zhong Lixing was deeply puzzled when he saw the water arrow turtle on the field with its legs upturned and eyes circling.

Why? Why does the iron claw lobster's moves link up so quickly? It was so fast that neither he nor the water arrow turtle could react.

Of course he didn't know that Iron Claw Lobster was only studying [Flame Fist] all day long, and was also training the proficiency of [Water Jet], [Shoot Down], [Sneak Attack] and [Shell Blade].

If there is a level of proficiency in reality, then the proficiency of the iron claw lobster in these moves has definitely reached the peak level.

After he had practiced [Water Jet] against his face, he subconsciously used [Sneak Attack] or [Shell Blade] on his pliers.

"The player can retire."

The referee's words finally pulled Zhong Lixing out of his self-doubt.

After Zhong Lixing looked up at the referee, he took the water arrow turtle back and walked off the field.

"Uncle Mo, are you still in the house now?"

"Well, I'm here, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, wait until we meet."

After Lu Ze hung up the phone, he looked back at Zhong Lixing's back, and then walked towards his friends.

"You guys stay here first, I'm going back a little bit earlier."

"Need help?"

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Lu Ze shook his head: "No, it's just a little thing."

"Okay, then you go."

Seeing Lu Ze's serious face, everyone didn't make such inappropriate jokes, and they all expressed that they asked Lu Ze to go back and deal with it in advance.

"Well, come on, don't be eliminated."

Before Lu Ze left, he patted Suiyan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm going to join you in the finals."

Sui Yan grinned, ignoring Tang Yunqin's white eyes and said.

"Well, come on."

After speaking, Lu Ze turned around and left, walking towards his hut.

Lu Ze is the third of them to play today. The first Tang Yunqin and the second You Yuyou have already won the game, and now only Suiyan is left.

Tang Yunqin's luck is still very good. After the start of the race, she was the first to draw a special venue, and it was a pool venue.

The moment the venue came out, Lu Ze and the others were all feeling that she was indeed the reincarnation of Pokkisi, and there was really no one with this luck.

"Uncle Mo, I discovered something important."

Lu Ze pushed open the door of his apartment, and said to Mo Qiancheng who was lying on the sofa and playing games with the giant golden monster.

Mo Qiancheng has been staying at Lu Ze's house for the past few days. Except for going there once on the first day of the race, he has been nestling on the sofa at Lu Ze's house for the rest of the day, watching movies and playing games. It's just a fat house.

"What's the matter?"

Mo Qiancheng didn't even look back, he and the golden monster were fighting fiercely.

Should it be said that the golden monster is indeed an elf with four brains, even though he has no hands and only uses his mind to operate the handle, he still rubs Mo Qiancheng on the ground.

Lu Ze had no choice but to wait for Mo Qiancheng to be beaten to death by the giant gold monster before he spoke to Mo Qiancheng

"Uncle Mo, I found a member of the Splash Team in school. He is also the son of the Splash Team's captain, the prince of their Splash Team."

Mo Qiancheng was taken aback after hearing this, and then showed a strange smile

"How did you find him?"

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