Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 191 Flashing mini dragon, debut!

The first is still the physical training of the two elves, followed by the training of speed and moves.

The training has started, and Lu Ze is not idle. Forkbat doesn't need to worry, she knows what needs to be practiced now.

And the iron claw lobster is also practicing the proficiency of skills and the strength training of lobster claws under Lu Ze's plan.

The Fire Dinosaur was running, and Lu Ze was also running with the two Fire Dinosaurs. Also running with Lu Ze was Sui Yan.

The little fat man was too rich, so he didn't want to move after only two laps, he lay down on the training equipment, and didn't run anymore.

In this way, after running, I practiced my skills and exercised my body, and soon, the day passed.

The next day, Lu Ze rubbed his sore calf muscles, gritted his teeth and continued to follow behind the two fire dinosaurs.

In the afternoon, after the training was over, Sui Yan proposed again that two fire dinosaurs should fight against each other. Lu Ze readily agreed without saying anything.

In this way, the two fire dinosaurs who had trained together for a day stood on the opposite side again, and both sides looked at each other aggressively.

Although there was not much physical strength left, the two fire dinosaurs still had a high fighting spirit, and rushed towards each other with a roar at the same time.

After a while, the two fire dinosaurs lay on the ground together and panted heavily.

It's no good, I really don't have enough physical strength. After a day of training, I don't have the physical strength to maintain a high-intensity battle after the end.

Lu Ze smiled and helped the Fire Dinosaur to rub its sore muscles.

However, Lu Ze's massage skills are really not good, and as expected, he was once again disgusted by the elves.

"Oh my god, it's comfortable~"

In the evening, after eating, Lu Ze lay in the yard, resting his head on the lap of the sweet and cold beauty, enjoying Miss Qu'er's massage technique.

Not only the soreness of the thigh and calf was relieved, but also the soul was comforted.

This kind of treatment made the Fire Dinosaur beside him very envious, and he also wanted to enjoy this kind of treatment.

The Fire Dinosaur cautiously moved closer to Tianmei Lenghou's side, but was immediately stared back by Tianmei Lenghou's eyes.

Helpless, the aggrieved Fire Dinosaur had no choice but to cry to Kirbymon.

After enjoying the emperor-like treatment, Lu Ze got up and was about to go back to his room to sleep.

Tian Mei took a cold look, her eyes lit up, and immediately followed behind Lu Ze, wanting to go back to the room with him to sleep.

But before he took two steps, he was grabbed by the back of the neck by Miss Qu'er behind him.

Sweetness is not reconciled to being cold, she finally found an opportunity, but lost it like this.

Miss Qun'er ignored Tian Lengmei's tearful and coquettish appearance, and took her back to her room.

Lu Ze didn't know that Miss Qun'er rejected a guy who wanted to warm his bed for him. After he went upstairs, he said good night to the elves, elf eggs and the energy core of Deoxys as usual, and then Turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Well, going to bed early and getting up early is good for my body, just like me.

Early the next morning, Lu Ze, who was bleary-eyed and eating breakfast, suddenly felt the gradually increasing waveguide in the room.

Lu Ze, Lu Wu, and Lu Xingguo looked up at Lu Ze's room at the same time.

The sudden movement of the three of them startled Liu Xiangjun. Liu Xiangjun looked at the three of them and said dissatisfiedly.

"Eat, why is this?"

Liu Xiangjun's words reminded Lu Ze, who quickly got up and rushed upstairs.

Lu Xingguo looked at Lu Ze's back, took a sip of porridge happily, and said with a smile

"This house is really getting more and more lively."

This time, Liu Xiangjun was even more dissatisfied, he frowned, cast a blank look at Lu Xingguo, and ignored him, making it like someone who was very curious, always half-spoken.

"what does it mean?"

Lu's mother put her head close to Lu's father, and asked in a low voice, now, it is clear who is very curious.

After Lu Ze quickly rushed back to the room, the miniature dragon came out of the egg.

Lu Ze and the mini dragon looked at each other, and love flashed in Lu Ze's eyes on the spot.

Oh my god, who can resist this pink miniature dragon, it's too cute! !


When the mini dragon saw Lu Ze, it cheered happily and threw itself into Lu Ze's arms.

Lu Ze was very happy hugging the miniature dragon. It's too cute. Who can resist hugging it.


The mini dragon yelled again, the aggrieved voice almost melted Lu Ze's heart.

"Mini dragon, are you hungry? Let's go downstairs and eat."

Lu Ze hugged the mini dragon and hurried downstairs.

When the mini dragon came out of the room, it poked its head out of Lu Ze's arms, and glanced at Deoxys' energy core suspiciously.

(Why? It looks so close.)

Sensing the gaze of the miniature dragon, Deoxys' energy core couldn't help sending out fluctuations, but soon he fell silent again.

After Lu Ze walked down the stairs quickly, under the surprised eyes of everyone, he fed the Moo Moo milk in his cup to the mini dragon.

"Gudong, Gudong"

The miniature dragon dragged its tail to the bottom of the cup, happily drinking Moomoo's milk, its head was almost stuffed into the cup.

"Slow down, slow down, it's all yours."

Lu Ze nervously watched the mini dragon gulp down Momoo's milk, good guy, the little Snorkel was not so vigorous back then.

"Where did the miniature dragon come from? It's still a different color."

Mother Lu asked when she saw the mini dragon lying on her belly in Lu Ze's arms after drinking Momoo's milk.

Seeing everyone's curious and surprised gazes, Lu Ze explained

"It was the day I went to pick the elf eggs with you. Didn't I tell you that I went there that morning? They each picked one, and I picked the elf eggs of the miniature dragon. I told you ah."

Lu's mother blushed and said quickly: "Of course I know, but your grandparents don't know. I asked for them."

Lu Ze secretly rolled his eyes, and didn't expose his mother, but just hugged the mini dragon gently.

But there is one thing to say, the miniosaurus is indeed quite light, and it is so strange that such a long body is not as heavy as the fire dinosaur.

After the mini dragon was full of milk, he lay quietly in Lu Ze's arms, and soon fell asleep.

"You, can you perceive the different colors in the elf eggs?"

After seeing the mini dragon fell asleep, everyone's voices also consciously quieted down, and Mama Lu also asked Lu Ze in a low voice.

Lu Ze laughed: "Mom, what are you talking about, how can you still perceive whether it is a different color?"

Of course I can, but can I tell you? I told you, didn't I have to go to find you a different-colored elf egg today? I'm not that stupid.

"Oh, okay"

Mama Lu sighed in disappointment, and subconsciously poked the porridge in the bowl with a spoon.

Lu Ze: As witty as I am, haha

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