Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 184 Xanadu's Wife

"Uh, then why should I shout?"

Mo Qiancheng asked Lu Ze in a daze

"You can do whatever you want"

Lu Ze said dumbfoundedly

"Okay, then I will start Ang, are you ready?"

"Let's get started, Momojiji"

Now, Lu Xingguo couldn't help it anymore, he patted Mo Qiancheng on the back of the head lightly and said

"Okay, respond to my evolution, Boss Cordora, super evolution!"

Boss Kedora looked at Mo Qiancheng excitedly, his body was surrounded by white light

evolution begins

"Really, really evolved?"

Mo Qiancheng opened his mouth wide and looked at Lu Ze. Only then did he truly believe what Lu Ze and the others said.

"Look at what you said, it's like when I lied to you"

Lu Ze gave Mo Qiancheng a helpless look.

The two national-treasure-level researchers ignored their words, looked at the evolved Boscodora seriously, and hurriedly directed everyone to measure body data, energy data, and so on.

After the evolution, Boss Kedora has slightly increased in size, and the body color has changed from the original black to the current white.

After a busy period of time, the general data of Boscodora has been tested, but there are still some specific data that have not been tested in time. Super Boscodora has degenerated back to the appearance of ordinary Boscodora .

"Unfortunately, there is not enough time, otherwise these evolved forms have almost been studied."

Mo Anguo shook his head regretfully and said.

"Take your time, now we are much ahead of other countries"

Lu Xingguo looked at the data of Super Boss Cordora in his hand, and replied casually.

"Yeah, thanks to Ozawa, otherwise we would be like them, we haven't started yet."

Mo Anguo patted Lu Ze's shoulder excitedly, thinking about how to get him an official reward.

Lu Ze touched the back of his head and said modestly, "Hey, it's a small matter."

"Oh, by the way, my guess just now probably came to fruition."



As soon as Lu Ze said, Mo Anguo and Lu Xingguo looked at him at the same time, and the body data of Super Boss Kedora in their hands was not good.

"Well, I just heard from you that his Bi Diao didn't evolve, and the first test, when there was no cooling time, and there was still no movement, I was wondering if there was something else conditions of"

"It just so happens that I have been researching the evolutionary conditions some time ago, and after excluding all the evolutionary conditions that I know, there are only two kinds of evolutionary intimacy and evolution of Menus, and beauty evolution."

"So I'm wondering if it has something to do with intimacy. After all, Grandpa Mo and your elf have both successfully evolved, and his Bi Diao didn't evolve because of insufficient intimacy."

"That's how I thought of Uncle Mo. He is a very suitable candidate. After all, the Big Steel Snake was not long after he tamed it. The intimacy may not be very high, and his Boss Kedora has been with him for a long time. The elf, the intimacy will not be too low, that's why I asked Grandpa Mo to call Uncle Mo over."

After listening to Lu Ze's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

An older researcher on the side also said to the young researcher beside him who was somewhat similar to him

"Have you seen it? Bold analysis, careful verification, this is the attitude of a qualified researcher"

"I see"

The young researcher on the side looked at Lu Ze who was talking with admiration, and said to the older researcher beside him.

"So, in my opinion, the condition for super evolution should be the keystone in the hands of the trainer and the corresponding evolution stone carried by the corresponding elf. This is a prerequisite."

"The second condition should be the one I just tested successfully. It requires the elf and the trainer to have intimacy requirements, so that it can evolve successfully."

Mo Anguo and Lu Xingguo nodded at the same time, and then a frenzied light flashed in their eyes, and they started calling to shake people.

The shaker of the two national treasure-level researchers, even the king of heaven, has to give face, let alone for the research mission of the country.

Those who are close mean that they will arrive soon, and those who are far away also mean that they will arrive as soon as possible.

Of course, such top-secret research at the national level is basically notified to trainers who know the basics and trust them very much.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

After Ji Qianyi watched them shaking people wildly, she took the initiative to come forward and ask

Lu Ze looked at Ji Qianyi, nodded and said, "Of course, let's release all the elves first, and see if there are any suitable evolution stones."


Ji Qianyi quickly agreed. The trainer must be the most excited about the elf evolution. It is very exciting to witness the new form of his elf, even if it is temporary.

"Everyone, come out"

Six white lights flashed, and six elves condensed their bodies on the grass.

Lu Ze swept across the elves, and shouted in his heart, "It's up to you, Super Empress Shanaido"

Ji Qianyi's six main battle elves are Mrs. Hua Jie, Pokkisi, Xanadu, Xishi Hairen, Galer Flaming Horse and Pixie from left to right.

"Xanadu, there is her evolution stone"


After Ji Qianyi agreed excitedly, she snatched the keystone from Mo Qiancheng's hand and held it in her palm.

Lu Ze took the Xanadu Stone from the young researcher and said "thank you" to him.

Turning around and walking towards Xanadu, after putting the bracelet inlaid with the Super Evolution Stone on Xanadu's wrist, seeing Xanadu raising his hand curiously and looking at the Super Evolution Stone, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

"As expected of my wife, she is so pretty"

Xanadu, who was looking at the bracelet, was taken aback for a moment, and then gave Lu Ze a white look with a reddish face, and then a gentle voice of Yu Jie rang in Lu Ze's heart

"Hmph, smelly and shameless"

When Lu Ze heard the voice of Yujie in his heart, he panicked, and turned his head nervously to look at Xanadu who was lower than him.

It's embarrassing to meet each other

Lu Ze quickly called up Xanadu's information panel, smiled wryly and thought

"Why does it just happen to be the characteristic of [telepathy], this is the first time I have a good time"

"Hmph, bad guy, I don't believe it"

Shanaiduo raised her head, glared at Lu Ze again, and hurried to Ji Qianyi's side, leaving Lu Ze still in distress.

"Hey, in the future, if you find a wife of Xanadu, you must not have the [telepathy] characteristic, there is really no privacy at all."

"Ozawa, is it alright?"

Ji Qianyi looked at Lu Ze excitedly, Lu Ze came back to his senses, nodded quickly and said

"Yeah, it's ok, just like Uncle Mo did just now."

"Yeah, respond to my evolution, Xanadu, super evolution!"

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