Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 182 Breakthrough in Super Evolution

Lu Ze glanced at the little fat man Fugui, smiled and said

"It's ok, not only me, you have many people to fight against"

After Lu Ze patted Fugui on the shoulder, he walked towards home

"Come to my house tomorrow, let's go first, bye"

"Greetings, Master"

The little fat man Fugui jumped up excitedly, waving his arms happily.

"Are you going back so early? It's only a little past three o'clock now."

On the way back, Sui Yan asked with some doubts, why didn't he go out and have a good time today, and he was going back in such a hurry?

"Well, just now my grandpa sent me a message, I'll go back and put the elf eggs of the miniature dragon at home, and then go to the research institute"

"Oh, well, then I can only go back by myself, it's so boring"

Sui Yan sighed helplessly, put his hands on the back of his head, and lazily kicked the pebbles on the road.

"Why don't you go to the research institute with me?"

Lu Ze looked at Suiyan's appearance and asked with a smile

Sui Yan was visibly moved, but finally shook his head

"No, I'll go back and put the elven eggs of the Frog Seed at home first, and then go to the park and have a few elf battles with others. I really don't have much experience in battles now."

"Okay, come on"

After Lu Ze made a perfunctory sentence with a smile, he abducted into the house, and Sui Yan behind him was a little annoyed, and said dissatisfiedly

"Hey, you can't persuade me, maybe I will go."

Lu Ze turned his head and looked at Suiyan contemptuously: "Advise you? Go and increase your battle experience."


Sui Yan gave a disdainful "cut" to Lu Ze, then turned and walked towards his home

After Lu Ze watched Suiyan's back gradually go away, he also returned home

"Huh? Why is there no one? Mom isn't here either?"

Lu Ze looked at the empty home and was a little curious. It stands to reason that his mother is fine and should be watching dramas at home now. Why is she not at home now?

At this time, Lu's mother, who was supposed to be watching dramas at home, finally found a suitable place to open a shop by herself, and it was not too small.

Lu Ze looked at the empty home, shook his head helplessly, and went upstairs with the culture medium in his arms.

After placing the miniature dragon's elf eggs on the desk, Lu Ze looked at the two mediums on the desk and muttered to himself

"I didn't expect it. It's only been more than four months. I have initially gathered six elves in my team. I thought I would have to wait until the end of the first half of the freshman year at least."

With that said, Lu Ze patted the medium containing the energy core of Deoxys lightly, and said with a smile

"Deoxys, I don't know when I will be born. Look at the electric shock monster. He arrived later than you, but he was born earlier. Now there is another younger sister."

Then Lu Ze thought of the situation of Deoxys, smiled helplessly, and then looked at the elf egg of the mini dragon

"Forget it, your brother doesn't know when he can be born, but you came later than him, even if you were born earlier, can you still be his younger sister?"

Lu Ze approached the mini dragon's elf egg, and said gently

"That's it."

"Ha ha"

Lu Ze smiled happily, turned to Deoxys' energy core, and said

"I found a younger sister for you, you two should get along well"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ze lightly touched the two mediums, and then walked outside. He still had to go to the research institute. Grandpa just sent another two-day message, urging him.

"younger sister"

After Lu Ze left, a thought suddenly came out from the energy core of Deoxys

Then Deoxys' energy core began to tremble slowly.

After a period of time, Deoxys' energy core activated the mind in the culture medium, and slowly dragged the culture medium containing the miniature dragon over.

But Deoxys is just an energy core after all, just like an elf that hasn't been born yet, and doesn't have much ability.

But even so, he is still trying to use his thoughts to drag the culture medium of the miniature dragon.

After a long time, the culture medium containing the miniature dragons was finally dragged over by Deoxys, just next to three stone slabs stacked together.

Because of the birth of the electric shock monster this morning, when Lu's mother came in this morning, she stacked three stone slabs together, and then placed Deoxys on top of the three stone slabs.

Well, it's all about neatness.

In this way, the culture medium of the miniature dragon was pulled over by Deoxys, and it was tightly attached to the three stone slabs.

Seeing the energy of the three stone slabs pouring into the mini dragon's elf egg at the same time, Deoxys felt relieved


Another thought was transmitted, and Deoxys gradually stopped moving, and his energy core seemed to be dimmed, not as bright as before.

The elf egg of the miniature dragon shook slightly in the culture medium, and it seemed to be closer to the side of Deoxys.


"Grandpa, how is it going?"

Lu Ze pushed open the backyard door, came in and asked

"Preliminary judgment, the cooling time of super evolution does exist, and the time is about four hours."

After watching Lu Ze come in, Lu Xingguo nodded to him and said

"But we also found a problem. I just evolved Lucario, and I can evolve, and my marsupial and his giant gold monster can also be purified before."

Lu Xingguo said, pointing to the researchers at the side

"However, they can't evolve. They are obviously evolved according to your allocation, but they just won't succeed. We discussed it and found a problem. It seems that super evolution can only evolve your own elves."

"Because among the three elves that successfully evolved before, Frog Flower, Lizard King and Water Arrow Turtle were also evolved together by their respective trainers, so now I'm wondering if only my own elves can evolve"

Just as Lu Xingguo finished speaking, Mo Anguo also interrupted and said

"Well, even though it's such a guess, the researcher's Bi Diao didn't evolve successfully just now. This is his own elf."

Mo Anguo pointed to the embarrassing intern researcher at the side and said

Lu Ze pondered for a while, of course he knew the reason, but he couldn't say it directly

"Huh? Do you have any idea?"

Seeing Lu Ze like this, Lu Xingguo asked with bright eyes.

He knew his grandson, not to mention the past ten years or so, but after a few months of enlightenment, his mind is not a bit bright.

Although he wasn't by Lu Ze's side some time ago, but Dad Lu was there, and Dad Lu told him everything Lu Ze did during this period.

Not only that, his research results are also vivid, which makes Lu Xingguo very happy. He thought that his grandson was just a mediocre person, but he didn't expect him to accumulate a lot of money.

"Well, I'm a little confused"

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