Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 158 Deoxys' Energy Core

Elf: Deoxys

Gender: None

Attribute: super power

Features: Sense of oppression (when the opponent's elves use skills, additional energy and stamina consumption will be added)

Qualification: Gold

Basic Skills: Stare, Constrict, Dark Shadow, Teleportation, Shoot Down, Psychic, Psychic Shift, Psychic Hammer, Cosmic Power, Self Regeneration, Psychic Advance, Destroy Light, Provoke, Brute Force, Electromagnetic Cannon, Instant Amnesia, double return, high-speed stars, high-speed movement.

Genetic Skills: None

Item: Deoxys Core

Function: Born after absorbing enough energy

Lu Ze was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time he saw two information interfaces pop up on one thing

Moreover, after the core of Deoxys absorbed energy, was he born? Instead of restoring or restoring? Is the color still blue? Isn't it purple or green?

In that case, this Deoxys is a juvenile, similar to the form of an ordinary elf in an elf egg?

"Well, are you interested in this thing?"

Mo Anguo leaned over and looked at the blue crystal and asked

Lu Ze nodded: "Well, I'm a little interested, what is this?"

"This one"

Mo Anguo seems to be stuck in memory

"This, this is what I picked up when I was doing research in the Xing'an Mountains a few years ago."

"Picked it up?" Lu Ze asked in surprise

"Well, I picked it up. It's a long story. Listen to me and tell you slowly."

"Yeah, tell me." Lu Ze nodded, his eyes lit up, he likes to listen to stories told by the older generation

"It was one night that day. Because I was young, I was doing research, and wherever I went, I was alone."

"And that night too, after I set up a tent by the lake alone, the giant golden monster and I were drinking tea in the tent, when we suddenly heard a sound from the lake outside, as if something had fallen into it."

"I became interested right away, and the golden monster and I went out immediately, but when we went out, there were only ripples left on the lake."

"But I thought, I'm already out of the tent, and if you let me go back without knowing anything, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me? So I decided to go directly into the water to look for it"

"Of course it wasn't me who went into the water. It was the golden monster and the gem starfish. They went into the water together and brought this crystal up in a short while."

"But the point is not this, the point is behind, you will never guess the development behind"

The more Mo Anguo talked, the more excited he became, with a strange light shining in his eyes

"Two alien-looking elves came from behind, with orange bodies, and they can transform!!"

"They seem to be looking for something, but they are too far away to see clearly, and then the contracted beast of our Dragon Kingdom, Likongzuo, came."

"Wow, you can't imagine how handsome Likongzuo is. The black Likongzao is really handsome in the air. It is worthy of being the beast of our Dragon Kingdom."

Lu Ze looked at the excited Mo Anguo, and quietly walked away a little helplessly, fearing that his saliva would spray on his face, and at the same time silently complained in his heart

"Cut, isn't it just the empty seat, in the previous life, I didn't even bother to catch it"

But thinking about it, if there is a cracked seat in front of Lu Ze now, then Lu Ze will definitely not have this attitude

"When Likongzao first arrived, he chased after two elves to fight. After all, Likongzao was also responsible for guarding the ozone layer, and the two elves knew that they came through the ozone layer."

"So it's not uncommon for Likongzao to attack them, and the two elves have no room to fight back. Even if they become a round shape, they should be in defensive mode, but they can't withstand the attack of Likongzao."

"And just after one of the elves was smashed, the other elf hurriedly pulled the smashed elf away, and it should have changed into a speed mode, with a streamlined body style and a very fast speed. Even the empty seat didn't catch up."

"Later, Likongzao was a little upset, and then rushed out of the universe. It should be like you said, he ate some meteorites, and the meteorite outside me should have been accidentally dropped from his mouth after he came back."

After listening to Mo Anguo's narration, Lu Ze put together the effective information in Mo Anguo's words, and came up with an outline of a complete story in his heart.

This battle should be two children of Deoxys, well, it should be considered a child, although I don’t know whether Deoxys will have children, but the information given by the system here is like this

This child of Deoxys, this blue crystal core, fell to earth for some reason

And the two Deoxys came to look for the child, but because they did not get permission, they passed through the ozone layer guarded by the Rift Seat.

And it also landed in the own territory in the heart of the black cracked space, that's why the black cracked space came over and wanted to kill them

But Likongzao didn't expect their speed to be so fast, so he let them escape, and Likongzao was depressed, so he had to go to space to eat some meteorites

When the empty seat was full and returned to the earth, it might be stuffed, and then the meteorite fell, and Mo Anguo found it, thinking it was something from the empty block

And the core of Deoxys, the two children of Deoxys, was also picked up by Mo Anguo

But the amazing thing is that Mo Anguo regarded the meteorite that fell out of the gap between the teeth of Likongzuo as a treasure, but he put the real treasure in the warehouse to eat ashes

But thinking about the treatment of the Arceus Slate, it seems that there is no problem with the core of Deoxys.

Lu Ze stared at Deoxys' energy core for a while, very excited

If you choose this, when the energy is full, it will be a phantom beast, and it will still be the kind of phantom beast with powerful fighting power

But the question is, what kind of energy does he need, and is the energy demand large? If he takes it back and cannot meet his needs, it will become an ornamental

Lu Ze glanced at the other shelves in the treasure house, and after seeing that they were all ordinary ones, he gritted his teeth and said to Mo Anguo

"Grandpa Mo, that's all"

Mo Anguo was taken aback: "Are you sure, I have so many good things, why don't you take this one?"

Lu Ze nodded: "Well, my waveguide told me that this is what I need most now"

Well, the best thing you have here too (besides the Tablet of Arceus)

But Lu Ze didn't say the last sentence

"Okay, let's see you"

Mo Anguo picked up the cushion supporting the blue core and walked outside

Lu Ze happily followed behind Mo Anguo, imagining how he would take out Deoxys and kill all directions

"Hey? Wait, don't rush to choose, put it down first"

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