Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 155 Your grandma is back with a reward from your grandpa!

Just as Lu Ze was in love with the Electric Shock Warcraft, the Snorby on the side met eyes with the wearing bear

Wearing a bear and looking up at this bear who is taller than him, a little curious

However, the two elves have a relatively gentle personality, so the two elves didn't say anything about fighting, they just looked at each other

"Wearing a bear, this is my elf, Kirby"

Seeing this, Lu Ze patted the electric shock monster on the shoulder. After being released, he introduced each other to the two elves.



Kabimon's eyes were round, and he watched in shock as Lu Ze was thrown to the ground

"Haha, sweet and cold queen, long time no see"

Lu Ze lay on the grass, touched his sweet and cold head and said

After being sweet and cold, she lay on Lu Ze's body with joy and used her signature skill [Happy Sticker]

Just posted it twice, it was picked up after being sweet and cold

Lu Ze was not surprised, he stood up directly, and stretched out his fist to the elf who picked up the sweet and cold queen


After bumping his fists lightly, Lucario put down the sweet and cold queen

After being sweet and cold, she didn't dare to say anything, she could only pouted aggrievedly and hid behind Lu Ze

As if comforting, Lu Ze touched the sweet and cold head and said to Lucario

"Hey, aren't they here?"

Lucario glanced at Lu Ze dotingly, put his right fist on his chest, and spread out the waveguide

After a while, the Flaming Roaring Tiger jumped over from the other side. After seeing Lu Ze, his eyes lit up, but he didn't rush towards Lu Ze, but stayed firmly in front of Lu Ze.

Lu Ze stretched out his palm

Blazing Roaring Tiger Stretches its Claws

clapping two paws together

"Long time no see, Blazing Roaring Tiger"


After the blazing roaring tiger, rogue crocodiles, marsupials (Marsupials) and one-horned rhinos (Diamonds) also came to Lu Ze together

A few elves formed a circle, surrounding Lu Ze in the middle, all of them looked delighted

After all, Lu Ze is also the only child of the old Lu family.

And Lu Ze is not as mischievous as Lu Wu was when he was a child

On the contrary, they are extremely well-behaved, and they are also very good to elves like them.

Not only will there be some delicious food for them, but sometimes when they are injured in a battle, Lu Ze will also give them medicine with a distressed face.

And after taking the medicine, he will take out the candies he treasured and rewarded by the adults to feed them

After feeding them, they would pat their foreheads and tell them that eating sugar would relieve the pain, and they would lower their heads cooperatively every time, so that Lu Ze, who was only four or five years old at the time, could reach them.

The elves looked at Lu Ze, who was sitting on the grass in the middle, showing a sunny smile. The little Lu Ze in memory and the current appearance of Lu Ze seemed to blend together, which made them feel warm

Suddenly, the rogue crocodile and the blazing roaring tiger were startled, and the hairs on the blazing roaring tiger stood on end

The two elves turned sideways subconsciously, making way for a path

"Slimy Melon Dragon!"

Lu Ze's eyes lit up, he jumped up and hung on Nian Meilulong's body

Unlike other elves, Nianmeilulong has always been the eldest sister here, and when Lu Ze got into trouble when he was a child, it was all up to her to protect him

If Lu Ze makes Father Lu angry, they will dare to protect Lu Ze

But if Lu Ze makes Grandpa Lu Ze angry, the only ones who dare to protect Lu Ze are Electroshock Warcraft and Lucario

And if Lu Ze made his grandma angry, the electric monster would not dare to show up. At this time, only Nian Meilulong dared to stand up and protect him

Well, although Nian Meilulong was able to protect Lu Ze after he made his grandma angry, but in the end he still needed a "love appeasement"

Lu Ze hung up for a while and then came down. After looking around, he found that there were still a few elves that hadn't arrived.

But he didn't care, the ones that didn't arrive were all the elves of Lu Ze's grandma, and they probably went to class with them

"Hey, this is my initial elf, the forked bat"

Lu Ze pointed to the cross-word bat and introduced it to the elves, and then pointed to the squirrel and said

"My second elf, Kirby"

All the elves looked at the fork-bat and Snorbeast gently, and the fork-bat and Snorby waved their wings and waved their hands to say hello to the seniors.


Lu Ze was about to introduce Charmander, when he realized that the little Charmander that was at his feet suddenly disappeared

"Huh? Where's my Charmander?"

Lu Ze raised his foot and looked around, only to find that all the elves were behind the bag dragon

Lu Ze followed everyone's gaze and looked over.

I found that Charmander is lying on the body of the dumb beast who didn't know when it was here, and was about to bite it with its mouth wide open.

"Little Charmander, stop, no, shut up!!"

If others don't know, how can Lu Ze not know?

Although this dumb beast usually responds slower, the super power in its body is comparable to that of Hu Di.

If the dumb beast reacts slowly, the super power will automatically protect the owner, and it will not be fun to beat the little Charmander out

Little Charmander opened his mouth and looked at Lu Ze curiously. He didn't understand why Lu Ze interrupted him from eating seafood.

Before Lu Ze moved, the saliva of the little Charmander fell from the open mouth on the shell on the tail of the dumb beast under the eyes of everyone.

The dumb beast hasn't reacted yet, but the shell on the tail has reacted first

His eyes slanted, looking at the little charmander who seemed to want to eat him

Little Charmander is not very good-tempered, you still dare to stare at me? I'm going to bite right now

Fortunately, before Charmander opened his mouth, Lucario picked up the little Charmander like a sweet queen

Seeing this scene after being sweet and cold, I couldn't help covering my mouth and smiling

Finally, I'm not the only one enjoying this treatment

Only then did Lu Ze relax and wipe off the cold sweat that didn't exist

Just when the little charmander was about to speak, Lu Ze's heart was almost in his throat, he was afraid that the dull shell beast would bounce the little charmander out due to a stress reaction, luckily

Only then did the dumb beast react, and slowly raised its head to look at the struggling little charmander in the air

Looking at the little charmander in Lucario's hand, Lu Ze introduced with some embarrassment

"Um, my third elf, Charmander"

Everyone looked at the little fire dragon who was still struggling but had no effect at all, and they all showed a little smile, as if seeing Lu Wu when he was a child

"Hey, there's this one, the lobster soldier who has just been subdued!"

In order to divert attention, Lu Ze quickly pushed the lobster soldier out, and introduced

Sure enough, although the appearance of the lobster minion has diverted some attention, the little charmander who is constantly struggling in the air is still getting more attention

Lu Ze is helpless, anyway, after the introduction, I don't care about him anymore, let him play by himself

"Lu Ze! Your grandma is back! She's back with the reward your grandpa gave you!"

When Dad Lu's words came from inside the house, Lu Ze became excited all of a sudden. After saying "you play" to the elves, he rushed into the house with a big stride


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