Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 139: It Matches You Well

"Western lion and sea lion, preemptive attack, energy ball"

The girl passionately commanded the lion and sea lion to attack first

After a green energy ball was condensed on the tail of the western lion sea lion, it flicked its tail gracefully, and hit the [energy ball] towards Menus

"Meinas, Dragon Tail! Smash him"

Under the command, Menus jumped up, and hit the energy ball into green fragments with his energy-wrapped tail like a baseball in the air

"Meinas - Frozen Beam"

Menus, who just shattered the energy ball, instantly sends out [Frozen Beam] from his mouth to hit you with the lion and sea lion

The Western Lion and Hairen also dodged very deftly.

The scene suddenly fell into silence. After probing for a while, the two sides stabilized at the same time, wanting to wait for the other party to make a move first, and then find an opening to counterattack

"Which one of them has a better chance of winning?"

Sui Yan tilted his head, approached Lu Ze and asked

Elf: Western Lion and Hairen

Gender: female

Attributes: water, fairy

Feature: Moist sound (all sound-type moves become water-type)

Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: Aria of Bubbles, Water Jet, Round Eyes, Charming Voice, Freezing Wind, Singing, Energy Ball, Bubble Light, One More Time, Misty Field, Destruction Light, Tide Spin, Weather Ball, Surfing, Absorbing Kiss ,surf

Inherited Skills: Drop of Life, Ring of Water, Song of the End (Song of Perdition)

Lu Ze looked at Xishi Hairen and smiled, and said

"As long as you keep your guard against the [Energy Ball], Menus still has a great chance of winning. After all, in a water-based civil war, both sides are water-resistant, but the fairy-type skills are not resistant to fairy-type skills."

"If I were the trainer of the Western Lion Sea Ren, I would definitely hide the [Energy Ball] and use it in the decisive battle."

"Besides, in the case of civil wars in the water system, it's okay for the Xishi Hairen's characteristic to be [Torrent], but if it's [Sound of Moisture], then his biggest reliance in the civil war, [Loud Sound] will not be of much use."

Just as Lu Ze was talking, a new round of confrontation on the field began

After seeing that the other party did not move, the two commanded at the same time:

"Western Lion and Hairen—Aria of Bubbles"

"Meinas - Destroying Death Ray"

The skills of both sides hit the opponent at the same time. Although the damage of [Destroy Death Beam] is higher than that of [Bubble Aria], the side effect of [Destroy Death Beam] also makes Menus stay in place and cannot move.

"Western Lion and Hairen——Energy Ball"

The girl also commanded Xishi Hairen to steal the damage while Menus was unable to move, and used the double-damage 【Energy Ball】

"Western Lion and Hairen——Energy Ball"

The girl pursued the victory and continued to use the energy ball to attack without reason

But Menus has recovered from the side effect of [Destroy Death Light], how can he be hit again?

I saw that Menus was still hit by [Dragon Tail], and then looked back and hit [Frozen Beam]

This time, Xishi Hairen didn't dodge, and was directly hit by the [Frozen Beam] on the body

Unfortunately, this blow also triggered the 10% additional effect of [Frozen Beam], and the Western Lion Sea Ren was unfortunately frozen

"Western lion and sea lion!"

The girl yelled anxiously, but the freezing effect is not the same as the sleeping state, you can wake it up by calling

Tang Yunqin was overjoyed, and happily said to Menus

"Meinas, Iron Tail, Queen of the Dragon Dance!"

Menus quickly moved in front of the ice cube, and under the watchful eyes of the western lion and sea lion in the ice cube, he danced his body heartily

Afterwards, the tail of Menus shone with a silver light, and with a [Iron Tail] shot from top to bottom, half of the ice cubes made by Xishihairen were thrown into the beach.

However, this blow [Iron Tail] also shattered the ice that wrapped the Western Lion Hairen.


After a sound, the western lion sea lion jumped out of the shallow pit made by Menus

The girl was overjoyed, and quickly directed Xi Shi Hai Ren to distance herself, and then used the [Water Flow Ring] to restore her physical strength

But Tang Yunqin is not Tie Hanhan, how could she let her distance herself?

"Meinas—Iron Tail!"

Menus moved quickly, and after catching up with Xi Shi Hai Ren, he sent a cruel [Iron Tail] hit Xi Shi Hai Ren's delicate face

The Western Lion Sea Ren was shot far, and when it landed, it rolled twice on the beach along with the impact force. Fortunately, this is the beach, otherwise the Western Lion Sea Ren would have suffered secondary damage

But even so, the Western Lion Hai Ren still rolled his eyes after landing

"Western Lion and Hairen lose their ability to fight, let us give applause to you two, thank you two beautiful ladies for bringing us a wonderful battle!"

As the tenor fell, the audience on the sidelines also gave their applause

Then, a dark-skinned man in beach shorts came up

The black man took out a colorful shell from his hand and handed it to Tang Yunqin, bent slightly and said

"Beautiful lady, this is the prize for the winner of our beach competition, a deep-sea shell that sets off your beauty, please accept it"

Tang Yunqin happily accepted this colorful shell, holding it in her hand and looking left and right, she was very happy

While Tang Yunqin was immersed in the surprise of the shiny and bright shells, the trainer of the Western Lion Sea Ren also cast envious eyes at the deep sea shells in Tang Yunqin's hands

The black man came to the Western Lion Sea Ren trainer, and dropped another shell wearing a rope from his hand as if by magic.

"My classmate, beautiful lady, your courage to challenge is worth this beautiful beach shell. Although this shell is not as beautiful as the winner's, it is still a rare treasure."

The girl looked at the shell in the black man's hand, and asked in disbelief

"Is there a prize for the loser?"

The black man smiled slightly and said

"Those who dare to challenge are not considered losers, take it, this is the reward you deserve"

After the girl happily took the shells from the beach, she hugged the sober sea lion and sea lion and happily twirled around

Then, the girl solemnly put the beach shell on the neck of the western lion and sea lion, and imitated the tone of the black man and said to the western lion and sea lion

"This is the reward you deserve~"

Sui Yan looked at the excited two girls, turned his head and said to Lu Ze

"See, learn more from others. If you are like him, I don't have to worry about it."


Lu Ze was stunned: "What are you learning? What is the same as him? And what's the matter with you, are you still worried?"

"Ah~ It's a pity, the way my external brain adds points doesn't seem to be balanced, it's obvious that the skill points are all added together"

Sui Yan sighed, spread his hands and said helplessly

Lu Ze frowned: "What the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Sui Yan ignored him, but hugged the back of his head with his hands, hummed a little song and walked back to the place where the beach chairs were placed

"Lu Ze! Look, is this shell beautiful?"

After Lu Ze was about to catch up and asked clearly

Tang Yunqin happily ran over to show off her deep sea shells to Lu Ze

Lu Ze had no choice but to turn around and look at the shell in Tang Yunqin's hand, which radiated colorful light in the sun.

Deep sea shells: shells in the deep sea, very beautiful

After observing the deep-sea shell, Lu Ze was a little disappointed and said to Tang Yunqin

"This shell is not the kind of shell that can be made into a shell bell, it's useless."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he noticed that Tang Yunqin's face was gradually darkening, and quickly added

"But it's still pretty, um, it goes well with you"

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