Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 136 Rich Rewards

Come leisurely, go hurriedly

The way back is always faster than the way back

After a while, Lu Ze and the others arrived home, and Su Tingxi sent everyone home one by one

Let’s not talk about dinner at night. After playing for a few days, it is more suitable to take a break. After all, there is a new journey tomorrow.

As soon as Lu Ze entered, he saw Mo Qiancheng sitting in the living room with a dark face

Lu Ze was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Father Lu, who also had a dark face.


"Tell him about Victini, it's so annoying"

Father Lu's face is dark, he has been bored for the past two days

Ever since Lu Ze sent him a picture of victini that day, Mo Qiancheng was a little anxious

As soon as I got off the plane, I got on the plane and came back. I came back, but I didn’t find Lu Ze (changed hotel)

And I can't get through to Lu Ze (he was blocked)

So I had no choice but to find Dad Lu first. Dad Lu Ze was also excited when he saw the victini photos that Lu Ze sent to Mo Qiancheng.

So Father Lu frantically called Lu Ze just like Mo Qiancheng did at the beginning

But, Lu Ze was playing with Victini at that time, and it was wrapped with Tang Yunqin, so it was Tang Yunqin who answered the phone

As soon as Tang Yunqin answered the phone, Lu's mother next to her became excited, and quickly grabbed the phone from Lu's father's hand and said

"Hey? It's okay, it's okay, you guys have to have fun."

Then I hung up the phone, and severely reprimanded Father Lu and Mo Qiancheng for not disturbing Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin's play

What can Father Lu do? He couldn't refute it at the time.

Just like that, Mo Qiancheng stayed at Lu Ze's house for two days, making Lu's father annoyed by what he did.

After Lu Ze came back, I didn't want to hear any news about Victini.

Mo Qiancheng's dark face is purely because Lu Ze played with him, aroused his curiosity and ignored him, and blocked him

"Um, Uncle Mo is here too."

Lu Ze was a little embarrassed, not to mention that he was not good at flirting through the Internet, but he was scared when we met

Mo Qiancheng stood up and rushed in front of Lu Ze, grabbed Lu Ze by the collar and shouted angrily

"Ahhhh! Damn it, why are you teasing me? It's too much."

Lu Ze helplessly waved with Mo Qiancheng's hand

"Uncle Mo, if you knock me out, I won't be able to tell you about Victini."

Mo Qiancheng quickly stopped, forcefully forced a smile, took Lu Ze's arm and sat down on the sofa

"Don't, you say, you say"

Father Lu also came out of the room, and sat next to Lu Ze with his usual expression.

Even Mo Qiancheng is very upset, but is there any scientific researcher who can reject the information of a phantom beast?

Lu Ze put the backpack aside first, and then the old god took a sip of tea

But he didn't see it. Father Lu's face darkened, and he slapped Lu Ze on the back of the head.


Father Lu was already full of anger, but Lu Ze dared to provoke Father Lu, how could this be tolerated?

"Ahem, no, no, wait, right now"

After Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, he asked with a wry smile

"What do you want to hear?"


"Where did you meet Victini? Does his special ability increase the winning rate of other elves? Is it possible for him to be subdued? Even if not, is he friendly to people?"

Dad Lu was interrupted by Mo Qiancheng as soon as he spoke, and Dad Lu didn't say anything. After all, the questions Mo Qiancheng asked were all questions that the authorities asked him to ask.

Lu Ze also reacted, and asked

"The official asked to ask?"


Mo Qiancheng nodded. If it wasn't for the official questioning, why would he be in such a hurry?

After all, although he is curious about the beasts, the beasts of super energy and fire are not within the scope of his subjugation, so he is not in a hurry to ask about Victini's information

Lu Ze nodded and said

"Okay, let me reply to you one by one. First, his special ability is not to increase the winning rate of other elves. According to my observations in the past two days, it should increase some ability values ​​for other elves. What is the specific ability? The value is not clear, but it is certain that it will increase the hit rate.”

"the second…"

"Wait, wait, speak slowly, don't worry"

Mo Qiancheng didn't expect that Lu Ze spoke so fast that he didn't even take out the video recorder

After a while, Mo Qiancheng set up the video recorder under Lu Ze's helpless eyes

"Okay, let's say it again."

Mo Qiancheng relaxed all of a sudden, lying down on the sofa, the old god lay down on the sofa, and said to Lu Ze

Lu Ze had no choice but to talk about the characteristics of Victini in general again, and then continued

"Victini should not be subdued, but it's hard to say, he seems to be waiting for someone somewhere, well, it's best not to bother him too much."

Lu Ze knew that, judging by the energy and wisdom of the country, they probably had already found where Victini was.

However, there are quite a few divine beasts living in the Dragon Country, so even if they are found, they will not bother them, but first ask the people who have had contact with the divine beasts

"As far as people are concerned, they are very friendly. We have played together for several days. We have a very good personality, obedient, and a cheerful personality, but we are a little afraid of people."

"That's it?"

Mo Qiancheng, who just snuggled into the sofa comfortably, was stunned, that's all? Two sentences gone?

"Yes, this is it!"

Lu Ze said with a sure face

Mo Qiancheng asked in disbelief

"Really gone?"

"It's gone!"

Lu Ze also said with certainty

Brother, you just asked these three questions, and I answered them all, what else do you want?

Mo Qiancheng sat up

"Are you sure? Victini's information is worth the key to a complete national treasure."

"If you keep asking, I will know everything."

Lu Ze suddenly became interested, good guy, the status of the beast is different

Mo Qiancheng scratched his head, as if he had nothing to ask. After all, the official gave him three questions to ask. If you asked him to ask himself, he didn't know what to ask.

"Well, save it first, and ask if it's okay later"

"Okay, what about my reward?"

Lu Ze stared at Mo Qiancheng with bright eyes and asked

Mo Qiancheng dodged his eyes and said weakly

"The information you just mentioned can probably obtain fragments of a national treasure house."

"Then what kind of conditions can be met to obtain a complete one?"

"Well, I don't know, but if you can subdue Victini, the reward should be better than this."


Lu Ze was so angry that if the beast was so easy to tame, Lu Ze would have tamed it long ago, okay?

Pokéballs are not omnipotent. With the power of a beast, they will not just run out of the Pokéball (you say so, Suicune)

Mo Qiancheng: Straightforward.jpg

"Then I can't control it, after all, I didn't send the rewards, but it said above, if you can fully understand Victini's information, a complete treasure house key is indispensable."

"After all, your father knows that no matter in our country or other countries, the information about the beasts is very precious and rare, so it is not unreasonable to reward them so well."

Lu Ze was delighted when he heard it. If you want to share information, it’s easy to handle. I, Lu Ze, have no other skills. I still have a hand at reading elf information.

"Don't worry, let the people above keep this reward for me, and I will give you a complete information about the beast soon."

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