Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 133: Live Studying New Elves

"Yo, so confident?"

Mo Qiancheng glanced at Lu Ze suspiciously, and then thought

According to Lu Ze's whimsical idea, maybe it will really work out.

After all, anyone who can read a few words recorded in ancient books can guess how the big rock snake evolved into a big steel snake

Let’s not talk about this whimsical idea, he’s so courageous, the point is, it really made him succeed, it’s outrageous

"You will understand later"

Lu Ze smiled mysteriously, leaving him with a suspense

According to Lu Ze's thinking, one church, two big steel snakes, and seven left

As for the rest, there are two Dumb Kings, two Mosquito Frog Kings, and two Scorpio Kings.

In fact, there is still an official reward that hasn't been issued yet, so Lu Ze doesn't know it yet, not only Lu Ze doesn't know it, but even Mo Qiancheng doesn't know it

After all, the completion condition of this task is

"Introduce a partner to King Mo Qiancheng and succeed."

And this task is divided into three stages, and each stage has rewards, so this task is called the safest legendary task by insiders, and of course, it is also the most difficult to complete

The first stage is to bring the other party to meet their parents. This stage has been completed by Lu Ze, and the official reward is the first stage.

The second stage is to get a marriage certificate

The third stage is the birth of a child, and each child is rewarded one at a time

Among them, the reward for the second time is the richest, and the reward for the third time is the most

As soon as this mission came out, many people even wanted to drug Mo Qiancheng directly.

But in the end, it was considered that doing so was illegal, so Mo Qiancheng escaped unharmed.

I don't blame the officials, it's because most of the other heavenly kings or high-ranking officials have children, and even those who don't have children are married.

As for him, he is a maverick, not only has no children, he is not married, he does not want to get married, and he is straight...

That's why the officials secretly intervened in his relationship issues

"So can I start a live broadcast?"

Wang Hechuan came up and asked

As a star who loves fans very much, the moment he saw the new elves, he already wanted to broadcast live for everyone to see

But Mo Qiancheng said that now is not the time, and it is not up to him whether to expose it or not.

Reluctantly, Wang Hechuan was not only rejected by Mo Qiancheng for the live broadcast application, but also let his Lotte Kappa get beaten by a new elf, and suffered a blood loss.

Mo Qiancheng looked at Lu Ze, and Wang Hechuan followed Mo Qiancheng's gaze and looked at Lu Ze.

"Let's go, the article on evolution conditions is almost finished, and the official rewards are all down, so I don't have to worry about others plagiarizing it."


As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Wang Hechuan excitedly ran to the Big Steel Snake, took out his mobile phone and started the live broadcast

"Hey, my dear fans, as an excellent outdoor anchor, I have not come to the outdoors, I am so remiss, but I have brought you a surprise today, wait for me a moment"

Wang Hechuan is worthy of his status as a star. As soon as the broadcast started, many people flooded into the live broadcast room. At the same time, when he said that he was an excellent anchor, the bullet screens were all uniform




Later, it was said that there was a surprise, and the barrage changed.

"My brother really dotes on us too much!"

Lu Ze saw Wang Hechuan trying to run backwards, wanting to extend the distance, so that the whole body of the big steel snake could be seen in the mirror, so he patted Victini's little butt on his head and said

"Little guy, have you seen him? Don't remove the invisibility, or the whole country will see you, and you will be in trouble."

Victini didn't understand, so he tugged at Lu Ze's hair and asked him to explain why

Lu Ze was helpless, and he didn't know where Victini learned the bad habit of pulling his hair these two days

Since yesterday, if you don’t understand anything, if you don’t understand or haven’t seen it, you have to pull Lu Ze’s hair and ask him to explain.

Moreover, he seems to be addicted to lying on Lu Ze's hair. He has been lying on Lu Ze's hair since he finished eating in the morning, and he hasn't come down until now.

Lu Ze explained to Victini in a low voice why he was seen by the people of the whole country, and told him what would happen after he was seen

After hearing this, Victini turned pale with fright

(Mom, are so many people coming to grab my pancakes?)

That's right, the consequence Lu Ze told him was that if he was exposed, he would be robbed of his beloved pancakes and not let him eat

I have to say that although Lu Ze's statement was deceiving him, the effect is very good. Now Victini dare not move about anything, just lying on top of Lu Ze's head

After the live broadcast of the Big Steel Snake, Wang Hechuan laughed amidst the fans' admiration and said that he would play with Lu Ze and the others

Lu Ze has no opinion, and neither do everyone.

In the end, not only Wang Hechuan joined in, but even Mo Qiancheng expressed that he wanted to have fun

It's a pity that Victini was wronged, and now he can't show up casually

At the end of the live broadcast, Wang Hechuan released all his elves to show off

In addition to the Lotte Kappa at the beginning, there are also croaking frogs, squirrels, slow beasts, giant swamp monsters and gem starfish, the whole one water team

Before turning off the live broadcast, Wang Hechuan asked Lu Ze for his opinion, pointed the camera at Lu Ze's back and said

"It was he who discovered the conditions for the rock snake to evolve into a big steel snake. I can tell you with certainty that he is about the same age as you, my fans, and he is also a student who just finished the college entrance examination a few days ago."

"What I said first is that you are the future of the country. Don't spend all your time chasing stars, that is, on me. You must do your best to become a person useful to the country, okay?"

Lu Ze originally thought that Wang Hechuan was going to use himself to attract fans, but he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

This surprised Lu Ze, so Lu Ze decided to make the fire bigger and let his words be spread by more media

"In fact, not only have the conditions for the evolution of the big rock snake to become a big steel snake been researched, but there are also more elves that you think have no evolution type. I am also researching."

Lu Ze pondered for a while, just for a while, the barrage has already started to go crazy

"For example, your Silly Beast can not only evolve into a Silly Beast (Dark Hippopotamus), but also has another way of evolution"

The dumb beast has evolved into the dumb king? Guess Lu Ze has already told Dad Lu, but Dad Lu thinks it's better for him to prepare for the college entrance examination first, so he didn't let him participate in the verification

But as long as the verification method is correct, then his reward will be indispensable

Mo Qiancheng and Wang Hechuan were taken aback at the same time, and the friends were also shocked

The barrage also stagnated at the same time, and then started a crazier sending

Wang Hechuan looked at the barrage that was already a bit stuck, and quickly turned off the live broadcast

But what he didn't know was that not only what Lu Ze said just now, but also what the Big Steel Snake said to him has already begun to be reported by major media

All the media people are catching up with this trend, and at the same time making this matter more and more popular

Until finally, after the official end, another wave of assists came...

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