Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 127 I have to wait for someone here

Seeing the people in front of him forming a circle and looking at the box expectantly, he was a little shy, and with a blushing face, he snapped off Lu Ze's two fingers, and hid his face behind Lu Ze's fingers

Lu Ze supported Victini with one hand, and patted Victini's small head with the other hand and said

"It's okay, we're all friends"

Then he looked at everyone with distaste

"Why look at the box, it's in my hands now"

Everyone was not embarrassed, they just shifted their eyes to Lu Ze's face

Tang Yunqin asked a little disappointed

"Does he not like us? That's why he doesn't let us see"

Lu Ze looked at Victini

Victini is also a little dazed

When he just ate the small round cake, his back was facing Lu Ze, so he completely saw the laughter and slapstick of everyone in front of him

It has been a long time since he has seen such a pure and lively scene, not to mention that there is his favorite little round cake in this scene

Victini turned his head to look at Lu Ze, he saw encouragement and gentleness in Lu Ze's eyes

"It's okay, do it according to your own ideas, don't mind theirs"

Lu Ze looked at the hesitant Victini, smiled slightly, picked up another small round cake and handed it to him

Victini took the pancake subconsciously, and when he was about to put it in his mouth, he suddenly shook his head

(No, I'm Victini, how can I leave them with the image of a glutton?)

Thinking about it, Victini was about to put down the biscuit, and then he was releasing the invisible state

But when I was about to let go, I was a little bit reluctant

(Well, if it’s one piece, it shouldn’t be a problem)

Thinking of this, Victini felt relieved and lifted his invisibility

In the surprised look of everyone, he flew in the air with a small round cake in one hand, and waved to everyone with the other hand to say hello


The atmosphere at the scene was quiet for a while. In fact, Lu Ze had already prepared that Victini would not show up, but he still didn't expect Victini to agree? Is the temptation of the small round cake too great?

In the end, Snorlax reacted first, narrowing its eyes and waving Victini

Victini also waved at Snorlax

He didn't know why looking at the chubby guy in front of him made him feel so kind

It was only when Victini waved his hand for the second time that Sui Yan reacted and yelled


A loud cry not only rescued everyone from the state of shock

And scared the victini in the air to tremble

Victini turned around in horror and flew back behind Lu Ze, leaving only a small head protruding from Lu Ze's shoulder

Observation in the dark.jpg

Lu Ze was furious and walked over


Gave Suiyan a brainstorm

"Can you stop being so loud? Last time Suicune was scared away by you, is it still the same this time? Is it easy for me to meet me?"

Sui Yan knew he was wrong and dared not speak

After all, seeing Victini's frightened look, everyone was glaring at Sui Yan

Lu Ze picked up Victini and said

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, he has that personality, in fact, he is pretty good, but he is a little silly"

Victini secretly glanced at Sui Yan



This made Sui Yan depressed, he turned his head and asked Su Tingxi, who was staring at Victini, said

"Do I look silly?"

Su Tingxi turned her head to look at Suiyan with great face, and nodded after looking at it for a while

"Hmm, silly"


Everyone laughed, and with this smile, Victini also laughed in Lu Ze's arms

At the same time, the eyes of the elves who were eating were also diverted.

Just like that, they also saw the strange elf in Lu Ze's arms

They had already eaten almost, put down the elf food in their hands, and surrounded them curiously

But among the elves, Victini is not as shy

Instead, he opened Lu Ze's arms and flew nimbly among the elves. A few newborn elves and the wind speed dog Ghost Stone were also flying around with Victini.

Playing with a group of elves, Victini's laughter soon filled the entire courtyard

However, Lu Ze's side is not so easy. Under the persecution of everyone headed by Su Tingxi, Lu Ze can't delay any longer.

"Hey~ I told you to let Suiyan explain to you when you get in the car, why are you so anxious?"

Lu Ze spread his hands helplessly, this place is really not suitable for them to popularize their own abilities

When Su Tingxi heard this, he smiled sinisterly and shouted

"Xiao Luo, show him something"

“Okay Tolo~”

Rotom flew over from Victini's side, and showed Lu Ze a picture of him and Tang Yunqin sleeping next to each other very understandingly

Lu Ze blushed immediately when he saw it, and wanted to reach out to grab Rotom, but Rotom dodged it smartly and returned to Su Tingxi's side

"Okay, let's do it, I will tell you slowly"

Lu Ze sat on the ground melancholy, motioning for himself to start explaining

"Hey! That's right!"

Su Tingxi smiled happily and sat on the ground

But the others were a little confused. What exactly did Rotom show Lu Ze? Let Lu Ze be so honest

But now is not the time to ask this question, what Lu Ze wants to say is more likely to arouse their curiosity

"Okay, I'm going to start, and then don't interrupt me, and don't ask questions, I will try to make a long story short, okay?"

Everyone who has already sat down agrees

"Actually, my family has inheritance. People in my family have the ability to awaken the power of waveguide, and I am very lucky to have awakened waveguide..."


"Okay, that's about it. If you have anything you want to ask, go back to the car and talk about it on the road. Can you have fun with him now?"

Lu Ze took the victini that flew back into his arms, and asked everyone to discuss it later

Everyone also nodded and agreed, now let's have fun with Victini

Fortunately, it is not the peak season, nor is it the best time to view ginkgo trees

So there are no managers working in this yard, only Lu Ze and his party are here

Otherwise, Lu Ze would never agree to allow Victini to release his invisibility

Victini threw herself into Lu Ze's arms. Lu Ze quickly took out a glass of warm water, put a straw in it and handed it to Victini's mouth

After flying for a long time and laughing for a long time, Victini was so thirsty that he put his mouth on the straw and drank warm water

After drinking, I flew away to play with the elves, laughing, very happy


Soon, a few hours passed, and Lu Ze and the others had already passed the departure time

However, even if they are reluctant, Lu Ze and the others will rush to a place to stay now

After all, they didn't want to live outside this time when they came out, so they didn't bring tents out

Victini rushed into Lu Ze's arms again. After Lu Ze opened the water glass and let him drink a few sips, he said to Victini with some reluctance.

"Victini, we are leaving, we have to go to the next place."

When Victini heard it, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and after a while of silence, he nodded very slightly

Everyone was a little sad looking at Victini, Tang Yunqin also came up, touched Victini's head and asked softly

"We still have to go to the next place to play, do you want to come with us?"

Victini was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Lu Ze

Suddenly a childish voice appeared in Lu Ze's mind

"I...I have to wait for someone here..."

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