Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 125 Victory Star

Lu Ze looked at the forked bat flying with the green bird in the sky with gentle eyes and said

"Yeah, it evolved yesterday, but I didn't expect it either."

Su Tingxi was a little envious. The elves he got at the same time had already evolved to the final form, and his own was still in the second form.

Then I thought about it again, and the elegant blue hacker evolved into a fat yellow fast dragon

Thinking about it this way, there is nothing wrong with Hackron.

The yard is not big, and soon, everyone has arrived at the place where Tang Taizong planted the ginkgo tree

In fact, the ginkgo tree at this time point is not so beautiful

It’s not as beautiful as when the yellow fallen leaves are all over the ground after autumn, and the whole tree is glowing with golden light

After everyone turned around, it was almost noon

Everyone took out the blankets from the last camping and spread them on the ground

Taking out the prepared food again, a group of people and elves formed a circle, eating and chatting happily

Suddenly, Lu Ze's waveguide power seemed to be flicked

Lu Ze's heart moved, and he looked at the source of the change perceived by Bird

At the same time, Snorkel also looked up at the crown of the ginkgo tree

A sleepy elf with a yellow body and red ears flew out from the canopy of the ginkgo tree

Lu Ze was shocked: Victini? !

However, having learned the lesson from Suijun last time, Lu Ze didn't shout out this time, but quickly looked away, afraid of disturbing him.

After Victini flew out of the canopy, he wanted to see who woke him up

After all, it is the off-season and there are not many people. Victini wakes up naturally every day, but this time it was woken up by someone.

This time, Victini's waking breath could not be covered, and he flew out without even opening his eyes.

However, he suddenly saw the people and elves who had disturbed him, eating

This time, the eyes that were still bleary-eyed immediately became round

Immediately, they happily flew over to Lu Ze and the others, took out a Buffalo from the Snorlax's box, then flew back to the tree in hiding, sat on the branch, and began to taste the delicious food

Lu Ze didn't want to look at Victini at first, but Victini's courage is too great

In front of his face, took one from the Snorlax's food? even jiggled his little ass too much

Lu Ze looked at Victini, who was flying back, sitting on the branch, a little dazed

"Here, why is Victini so round?"

Victini takes a bite of Buffalo

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Then he squinted his eyes and showed a happy look, and his short legs dangled on the tree branch, looking very happy

He happened to take Snorlax's baofrei, and the baofrei prepared by Lu Ze for Snobmon were all sweet.

If he got Geng Gui's sour Buffalo, or the forked bat's slightly bitter Buffalo, he wouldn't have this expression

(Geng Gui also followed in Lu Ze's shadow. After all, a seven-seater car, adding him doesn't count as overloading)

When Victini was about to take a second bite, out of the corner of his eye he saw someone in the crowd looking in his direction

(Shouldn't it? I'm invisible, he can't see me, right?)

Victini tilted his head and thought, he wanted to verify whether that human could see himself

So, the little butt moved to the side

But he found that the human was still staring at him with a little smile?

Victini didn't believe in evil. After taking a bite of Buffalo, he stood up angrily, and walked to another branch while chewing.

After walking to another tree branch, he sat down again, looking at whether the man's eyes were still on his body

Lu Ze's eyes were indeed still on him, not only that, but his face raised a little

Victini was furious, and didn't think about why Lu Ze could see him, but stared back

But after he stared over, he realized that Lu Ze hadn't looked at him.

He followed Lu Ze's gaze, and it felt like it was on his waist

He didn't believe in evil, stood up, twisted his waist, and then Lu Ze's eyes moved accordingly

Now he was sure that the human was indeed staring at his waist

Victini looked down, there was nothing on his waist, it was nothing more than a little flesh on his stomach

After all, in this place, the tribute is eaten casually, and after eating, he lies on the tree and falls asleep. In case of bad weather, he will slip into the hall, and no one will see him anyway.

So, in the process of eating, sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating, and sleeping, he inevitably gained weight

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Victini's little head

Isn't this guy looking at my belly?

Thinking of this, Victini decided to try again, so he stretched out two fingers with the hand that didn't hold Buffalo, and pinched a lump of flesh around his waist

When Lu Ze saw this, he couldn't help it. He opened his mouth slightly. Although he restrained himself a bit, he could tell that he was very happy as long as he had eyes.

Of course Victini also has eyes, he can see it too

That human is mocking the meat of his belly

Damn, can this be tolerated? Can I be wronged?

Angrily, Victini threw the remaining half of Buffalo into his mouth, and rushed towards Lu Ze

But in Lu Ze's view, this scene is really funny

After all, the baofrei he made for Snorkel is not small, so even if half of it is left, it will make Victini's face bulge out

Victini flew over to Lu Ze, stood on Lu Ze's shoulder in anger, and raised his slap

But he didn't fight, he had to chew and swallow what was in his mouth first

Victini moved his mouth quickly and quickly swallowed everything in his mouth

Just when he was about to slap Lu Ze on the head

Suddenly, a small pink round cake appeared in front of my eyes, and some red round cakes were sprinkled on it.

(I have nothing to do with bictini in my life!)

Thus, Victini immediately forgot his purpose, picked up the biscuit with bright eyes and ate it

What Lu Ze handed him was Baofen, a sweet and spicy Baofen. He saw that this victini was so cute, the kind that bleeds, so he couldn't hold back his feeding hand at all.

Victini happily took a bite of the biscuit, then squinted happily

It looks the same as Snorby when it eats something it likes

Eating and eating victini, the spicy taste of sweet and spicy flavors came up

Victini couldn't help opening his mouth, a little "sucking and sucking"

Lu Ze saw it and quickly brought him a can of milk

Victini seemed to see a savior, and sucked hard on the straw

The milk flavor dilutes the spiciness, and there is no spiciness in Victini's mouth for a while, but at the same time, his head seems to be online

Victini, found a blind spot!

(This human? Why can you see me? Feed me something, this thing is not poisonous, why am I so close to a human?)

A little flustered, Victini looked at Lu Ze's side face, and didn't dare to move too much. From the corner of his eye, he looked at the small round cake in his hand, feeling a little bit reluctant.

(This is so delicious, others should be pretty good, after all, they took the initiative to give me such delicious food)

Thinking of this, Victini quickly shook his head

(No, no, how can I do this? I'm not the kind of elf who can only eat)

Lu Ze looked curiously at Victini who suddenly shook his head and asked

"Huh? What's the matter, how about I change it for you?"

PS: Thanks to the cute little shark for the reward, thank you ε(*ω)_/:☆

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