Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 1177 The familiar Ace Beedrill!

However, even if Aledo came on the field, it didn't last long in close combat before being defeated by the opponent's Flame Ace.

"Freedom attribute?"

Sui Yan frowned slightly. If it was the [Freedom] attribute, it would be more difficult to deal with.

Especially in this kind of battle where there is no limit on four skills.

If the [Freedom] attribute is used well, it can restrain anyone who hits it, and it can resist anyone who hits it.

It can be regarded as a very disgusting attribute.

But it is not that there is no targeted method.

It requires your Pokémon to have a wider attack range.

Just like now, Flame Ace just used [Shadow Ball] to defeat Aledo, and at this moment he is a ghost attribute.

It is restrained by ghost, psychic and fairy types.

In this case, Sui Yan chose the Pokémon of Windy Dog.

"Windy Dog, God Speed, and then Psycho Fang!"

[God Speed] is a general attribute skill, which cannot cause damage to the current ghost attribute of Flame Ace.

However, Sui Yan did not intend to use the skill [Godspeed] to cause damage to the Flash Ace. The focus was on the [Spirit Fang] that came later.

He just borrowed the speed of [Godspeed].

As soon as Arcanine appeared, he immediately rushed towards the Flash Ace.

[Spirit Fang] hit, causing restraint damage to the Flash Ace.

Although the Flash Ace reacted quickly, it still used the skill and changed its attributes after the damage was caused.

[Roaring Loud]!

The attribute of the Flash Ace changed to evil.

But Sui Yan's mouth curled up.

In the battle between Aledo and Flash Ace just now, he did not let his Aledo die, or just simply tested the characteristics of the Flash Ace.

And the fighting style of the Flash Ace.

Users of the characteristics such as [Freedom] and [Changeable] are very familiar with the attribute restraint table.

Even Lu Ze's Porygon is the same.

Most of them who were attacked chose the attributes that they were immune to.

For example, now, Flare Ace chose the Dark attribute, instead of the Steel and Psychic attributes that resist psychic attacks.

If Lu Ze let his Pokémon learn all the skills that can be learned is a habit and a sense of security.

Then it is inevitable that Pokémon with the characteristics of [Freedom] and [Transformation] learn all the skills that can be learned.

As a top student, he memorized the learnable skills list of Flare Ace before going on the field.

There are [Iron Head] with Steel attribute and [Mind Hammer] with Psychic attribute.

But he still chose [Loud Roar] with Dark attribute.

Of course, no matter which attribute of the skill, he has a way to deal with it.

It's just that the skills to deal with are different.

For Sui Yan, Flare Ace using [Iron Head] with Steel attribute is obviously the best choice.

After all, the Fire attribute is the main attribute of Arcanine.

The skills of Dark attribute are not bad.

"Arcane, close combat!"

Sui Yan reacted the moment Flame Ace used [Roar].

The moment Flame Ace [Close Combat] hit him, Flame Ace also reacted.

But he was too late to use other skills.

He could only be attacked.

Seeing this, an idea flashed through the mind of Russian Bear, and he roughly understood Sui Yan's fighting style.

But before he could speak, Flame Ace used [Acrobatics] and changed to flying attribute.

Sui Yan's eyes lit up: "Crazy Volt!"

He didn't care about the reaction force at this moment. Now he just wanted to kill this difficult Flame Ace with the [Freeman] attribute first!

In this way, the Pokémon behind him would be easier to deal with.


Under the electric current, Flame Ace fell to the ground and lost its fighting ability.

"Tsk tsk, quick attack."

After seeing this scene in the lounge, Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh.

"Sui Yan is getting stronger and stronger."

"Indeed, facing this kind of Pokémon that can change its attributes at will, fast attack is the best choice."

Tang Yunqin nodded and glanced at Lu Ze: "It's so fast that he can't react and can't command his Pokémon. It's so fast that this Pokémon can only rely on its instinct to deal with it."

"Don't look at me. Although my Porygon also likes to play like this, it doesn't work on me."

Lu Ze understood Tang Yunqin's thoughts when he saw her eyes.

But he still smiled and defended himself: "The texture can completely change the attributes before the opponent's attack arrives. Another thing is that my wave power determines that I will not be disrupted by this kind of fast attack and be beaten to the point that I can't command my Pokémon."

"That's right."

Mo Qiancheng nodded aside: "The wave power is indeed disgusting."

"What do you mean disgusting? This is our ability, okay!"

Lu Ze was righteous, but Mo Qiancheng curled his lips.

If your father hadn't been a researcher a long time ago, I wouldn't have such a strong hostility towards the wave power.

Damn, you suppressed me for a whole teenage period, and I got up. You changed your career?


The battle on the field continued, and the Russian Bear player also took back his Flare Ace and replaced it with his fifth Pokémon.

"One hundred thousand horsepower!"


With just one punch, the Windy Dog flew backwards in an instant.

"No defensive characteristics?"

Sui Yan's face became serious after seeing this scene, and he looked at the monster in the field.

"Arcane has lost its combat ability, please change Pokémon!"

The reaction force of [Crazy Volt] just now made Arcane lose a lot of physical strength.

In addition to the physical strength consumed by the Life Orb when attacking, it lost its combat ability under the [100,000 Horsepower] of the monster.

The ground-type [100,000 Horsepower] is a skill that restrains Arcane after all.

There is nothing I can do about it, I can only blame myself for changing Pokémon too slowly, I didn't expect the opponent to launch a surprise attack directly.

"Come back, Arcane."

After Sui Yan took his Arcane back into the Poké Ball, he sent out Coal Turtle.

"Coal Turtle, Fiery Abyss!"

Coal Turtle didn't have much physical strength left, so it would be better to kill the monster directly!

However, it was completely impossible to kill the monster.

I could only deal some damage and then give him a [burning] effect.

No defensive characteristics.

Double-edged sword!

The attacks of Strange and Coal Turtle hit at the same time, and Coal Turtle was taken away by Strange's attack, and Strange also fell into the [burning] state.

But the next second, Strange took out a fruit from somewhere and took a bite.

As the light on Strange's body flowed, the [burning] effect on Strange's body also disappeared.

"Berry fruit?"

Sui Yan frowned and put his Coal Turtle back into the Poké Ball.

Then, Charizard's Poké Ball was thrown out.

The black Charizard appeared in the field, but Sui Yan was stunned for a moment.



Sui Yan slapped his forehead fiercely: "I brought the wrong Mega Evolution Stone..."

In the last game, Charizard carried the Mega Charizard X Stone.

In this game, when he saw Strange, Rhydon, and Shrike among the opponent's Pokémon, he was ready to let his Charizard evolve into Mega Charizard Y.

As a result, the Super Evolution Stone was forgotten to be replaced...

"Sure enough, I was too excited about the breakthrough of the Coal Turtle."

Sui Yan shook his head helplessly. In this case, he could only use the form of Super Charizard X to face the monster.

Fortunately, although the monster lifted the [burning] state, his physical strength was also consumed by the Coal Turtle.

"Charizard, Super Evolution!"

Sui Yan did not hesitate and directly commanded his Charizard to Super Evolution.

Super Charizard X appeared!

At the same time, the monster also rushed towards Super Charizard X.

It was still [100,000 horsepower]!

But Super Charizard X was not afraid of him, and the [Dragon Claw] popped out and directly blocked the attack of the monster.

Afterwards, Super Charizard X flew into the sky, and the [Air Blade] was released and hit the monster.

At this moment, the monster faced the Super Charizard X in the air. He had no flying ability and could only use long-range attacks.

[No Defense] also has a prerequisite.

If you can't reach it, you can't use close-range skills.

There is nothing you can do if your skills are blocked.

You can only say that you can't dodge.

Just like now, when facing Mega Charizard X flying into the air, Grim Reaper can only use [Sharp Stone Attack].

But facing Grim Reaper's attack, Mega Charizard X just swept its tail.

[Dancing and Slashing] directly blocked all the stones.

Then [Air Blade] again!

Mega Charizard X's special attack strength is not low either, and two [Air Blades] easily defeated Grim Reaper.

At this time, Okuma King only had one last Pokémon left.


After taking a deep breath, Okuma player also sent out his last Pokémon.

A master-level Beedrill!

Pokémon: Beedrill

Gender: Male

Attributes: Bug, Poison

Features: Sniper (If the attack hits the vital point in the battle, the damage will be 1.5 times the normal damage of hitting the vital point, and the damage will be 2.25 times that of not hitting the vital point.)

Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: Omitted

Inherited skills: Omitted

Carried items: Beedrill Mega Evolution Stone (When the Pokémon carrying this item is Beedrill, it can evolve into Mega Beedrill under certain conditions!)

Gold-qualified Beedrill!

After Lu Ze took a look at the information of Beedrill, he was also shocked.

Gold-qualified Beedrill?

This made him think of an old friend.

The ace Pokémon of a player who is known as the King of the Earth is also a Beedrill!

Lu Ze's heart was a little hot.

The last time he went to Xiaozhi's world, he was afraid that Hoopa in Xiaozhi's world would not find him and he would not be able to return to this world, so he did not dare to stay too far away from Xiaozhi.

Even when doing certain things, he went back and forth quickly. He had not challenged or met many of his former idols.

He only met Daigo and Kaluna during Xiaozhi's journey and had a battle with them.

He had never challenged the Dodo, the Earth King, or the strongest champion.

He had not even met Sister Baicai!

It was a waste that he had read so many of her books... ahem.

However, the appearance of this giant bee did make Lu Ze's heart burn.

After the World King Challenge was over, he had to follow Xiaozhi to his world to challenge those long-established kings and champions.

He had been looking forward to such a battle for a long time!

Although I crushed them more than once in Ultra Emerald, this is the real world.

I want to defeat them with flesh and blood!

Lu Ze's heart was burning, but Sui Yan on the field felt cold after seeing the opponent's Beedrill evolve into Mega Beedrill.

"Charizard, Heat Wind!"

The moment he saw Mega Beedrill appear, Sui Yan did not hesitate at all and directly commanded his Mega Charizard X to launch a large-scale attack skill.

The speed of Mega Beedrill is similar to that of Lu Ze's Crossbat, both of which are very fast Pokémon.

In this case, either the [No Defense] feature or a large-scale, difficult-to-dodge skill.

But what Sui Yan did not expect was that Mega Beedrill rushed directly past [Heat Wind] and came to his Mega Charizard X at an extremely fast speed.

He knew he could not dodge, so he rushed over directly.

[Poison] hit, and Mega Charizard X groaned, and it was obvious that he had suffered a lot of damage.

Fortunately, it did not cause the [Poison] effect.


Super Charizard X didn't hesitate, wrapped in flames, and immediately released it towards Super Beedrill.

But Super Beedrill was too fast, and when it retreated at high speed, it was faster than the flames released by Super Charizard X.

After easily dodging the attack, Super Beedrill went towards Super Charizard X again.

Sui Yan took a deep breath and stared at the Super Beedrill in the air without blinking.

Until Super Beedrill showed his spikes!

"Charizard, Flash Charge!"


Super Charizard X roared and went towards Super Beedrill, but Super Beedrill seemed to have predicted Super Charizard X's movements and dodged Super Charizard X's attack with a sideways move.

Although he failed to attack successfully, he also avoided being replaced.


Sui Yan was shocked and quickly gave orders.

Mega Charizard x hit Mega Beedrill with a dark blue flame, and Mega Beedrill fell into the [burned] state, and its physical attack was halved.

But this did not affect Mega Beedrill's attack.

After [Poison Attack] caused damage to Mega Charizard x again, it directly distanced itself.

Then, [Sword Dance]!

After [Sword Dance], another extremely fast [Poison Attack] completely killed Mega Charizard.

"Charizard has lost its combat ability, please change Pokémon."

Looking at Mega Charizard x falling from the sky and exiting the Mega Evolution state, Sui Yan was silent for a while.

Next, only his last Pokémon was left.

Unfortunately, [Sunny Day] had disappeared.

After Sui Yan looked up at the sky, he took back Charizard and replaced it with his last Pokémon.

"Then, Vulcan Moth, the next step is up to you!"

As the Poké Ball was thrown, a flash of light appeared, and Vulcan Moth appeared on the field!

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