Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 122 I am for the country

While the crowd's attention was still on Sui Yan, Sui Yan quickly raised the arm of the person who was selling things and shouted

"If you buy this thing, anyone who has it can sell it to me!"

When everyone heard this, they were all interested. Basically, everyone who has been here for two days has seen this thing

In the classification of merchants, this belongs to the special colorful stone

When we first met, the merchants were very happy, because a new colorful stone was released, and someone would definitely buy it at a high price

But later, more of the same colorful stone was brought out from this secret realm, and the price of this colorful stone was dropped all at once.

Although this special colorful stone has the same gorgeous color as ordinary colorful stones, but its color is the same

Unlike ordinary chromatic stones, even if there are in a secret realm, there are seldom exactly the same

But this one is different, except for ordinary colorful stones, this kind of colorful stones with colored background are all exactly the same, including the distribution of each color

So this problem lowered the price again, although the merchants made a small profit in the early stage by relying on the unique situation of this secret realm

But as the time for the secret realm to open is getting longer and longer, there will be a lot of special colorful stones brought out, and the price will be even lower

So when I heard that someone bought a lot of money, I immediately became happy. As long as I had what I had, I didn't do any business, so I ran over to surround Suiyan.

"I have, I have, seven, the price is negotiable"

"I have four, it's not expensive, and the price is the same as ordinary colorful stones"

"You are fooling, boy, don't listen to him, mine is the market price"

"Market price, are you crazy, don't you want to eat meat?"

The person who said he had four looked at the businessman who said the market price with a look of surprise, it was incredible

The businessman who said the market price glanced at him disdainfully and said

"I have a lot of quantity, don't worry about me, young man, I'll give you another 10% discount on the market price"

As he spoke, the businessman looked at Sui Yan with expectation in his eyes.

He has already figured it out. Although there are fewer special colorful stones coming out of this secret realm in the past two days, there must be other secret realms that will appear in the future.

If they are all the same, then the price of this special colorful stone will definitely get lower and lower, and it is not a loss to sell it now

Sui Yan asked tentatively

"Then how much is one of your stones? How many are there?"

The businessman said very grandly: "The market price is thirty-five, and I will give you a 10% discount. Thirty-one five, I have a total of 32. If you take them all, it will be thirty-one."

Sui Yan looked surprised: "Thirty-one? Thirty for a total of nine hundred? Then I'll take them all."

The businessman looked at the young man in front of him strangely, and explained with doubts

"Brother, don't make fun of me, how can you be like this?"

"Pfft, haha"

The businessman who just said that Sui Yan messed up the scene couldn't hold back a laugh, and then explained to the businessman who came later with a smile

"Hey, Lao Liu, didn't you hear it just now? This young man is here for the first time. How can he understand your slang words?"

Then he explained to the bewildered Suiyan

"Thirty he said means 300,000, because it was all cash transactions before, and 10,000 yuan was a bundle, so 10,000 is called one. Although it is now the era of digital currency, we are also used to calling it this way. up"

It was only then that Sui Yan suddenly realized, and then a little frowning

Good guy, 300,000 a piece, is the colorful stone so expensive?

Sui Yan was suddenly curious, how much was the bag of colorful stones he threw to Lu Ze worth?

"You said that this colorful stone is cheaper than ordinary colorful stones, how much is ordinary colorful stones?"

The businessman's eyes lit up and he said quickly

"The market price is basically fifty or more. If you want more, I won't tell you more, just forty-five."

When Sui Yan heard this, he clicked his tongue a little, good guy, did I just throw five or six million to Lu Ze?

"Okay, wait a minute, let me ask"

After Sui Yan said something to the businessman, he took out his mobile phone and called Lu Ze

"Hello? Lu Ze? One bead is 300,000 yuan, are you sure you got it right?"

"Three hundred thousand? Not bad, take as much as you want."

Lu Ze's understatement made the people who were close to him a little surprised

A person who sounds very young, casually said tens of millions

Then, Lu Ze's voice came from the phone

"Calculate how many there are in total. I'll take them all at this price. When the statistics are finished, let me know and I'll transfer your card."

After speaking, Lu Ze hung up the phone, but before he hung up, Sui Yan seemed to hear a "bang" sound from the other end of the phone, as if he was exploding popcorn

Lu Ze hung up the phone, looking helplessly at the energy cube that exploded after he hadn't noticed it just now

After that, he didn't care anymore, shook his head with a wry smile, and then made a phone call.

"Beep, beep, hello? Grandson, why did you remember to call grandpa?"

A gentle voice with a hint of joy came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, grandpa, I know there is something that can speed up your progress in researching colorful stones"

"Oh? What is it?"

"You will know when I send it to you, but now I need some small funds. You should have research funds there?"

Lu Ze said to Grandpa Lu with a bit of treachery

Grandpa Lu seemed to be amused, and said with a smile

"Haha, my good grandson has paid attention to the research funding. This is something you can't mess around with. Don't you have any pocket money? Grandpa will give it to you."

Lu Ze felt a little helpless towards this grandfather who doted on him

"Oh, grandpa~ that's not the case. My dad has also confirmed this thing. It is related to the colorful stone. Maybe it is the key to the evolutionary energy in the colorful stone."

"And now there are a batch of 300,000 a piece. If you don't use the research funds, why don't you use your small coffers to buy them? This will definitely be a scarce item in the future, and it will be snapped up. It is absolutely impossible to buy it now. loss"

"Okay~ How much does it cost? Wait for you to send me the number, and I will forward it to you. Remember to send me one here. I want to see what makes my grandson so confident"

When Lu Ze heard this, he said happily, "Okay Grandpa, trust me, you will never regret it."

"Haha, good! Then I'll leave it to you."

"No problem, grandpa, don't worry."

After the two talked a few more words, Grandpa Lu still had something to do, so he just said, "Tell him how much you need, and he will turn around later" before hanging up the phone

It's also amazing to say, this may be an intergenerational relationship, Grandpa Lu has always had a cold attitude towards Dad Lu

But when facing Lu Ze, if you can't hold a smile on your face, you won't turn your face to Lu Ze at all.

Moreover, since he was a child, he has always been responsive to Lu Ze, and his pet is boundless.

Lu Ze stopped making energy cubes, but sat on the stool and waited for Suiyan's call

After a while, Sui Yan called.

"A total of seventy-one, are you sure you want all of them?"

"Okay, let them install it, wait until I send you money"


Then Lu Ze sent the amount to his grandfather, and soon, Lu Ze's bank card showed that 35 million coins had arrived.

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed a person who has contributed to the country"

Lu Ze didn't expect that there would be so much money in his grandfather's small treasury. He told his grandfather that it was a hundred coins, because he had to consider the money that would be taken out of the secret realm later.

But his grandfather gave him an extra five million at once. He really deserves to be a person who has been stamped with the national logo since he was born.

Lu Ze's family really belongs to them. Their ancestors all served the country. Because of their family's special ability, the country also gives special treatment to the people of the Lu family.

It’s like Lu’s father, who originally planned to become the king of heaven to serve the country, but when Grandpa Lu Ze said it, he became angry and was no longer the king of heaven.

But even if he resigned from the position of the king of heaven, he became a researcher and continued to serve the country

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