Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 1138 Super Lucario VS Super Flame Chicken!

Chapter 1,201 Super Lucario VS Super Flame Chicken!


The moment the Blue Flame Blade Ghost collided with the Rogue Crocodile, huge fighting energy also poured into the Rogue Crocodile's body.

The rogue crocodile was knocked out and fell heavily to the ground, his eyes rolling.

"Rogue Crocodile has lost its ability to fight. Players are asked to change their Pokémon."

The referee's voice sounded, and John Birman reluctantly took back his rogue crocodile.

After taking a look at Blue Flame Blade Demon, John Birman also sent out his third Pokémon.

"Go ahead, Commander Chuizhan!"

Elf:Commander Cleaver

Gender: male

Attributes: evil, steel

Characteristics: Unwilling to admit defeat (When the ability changes are reduced by the opponent during the battle, the attack ability value will be increased by two levels for each ability reduced. If multiple abilities are reduced, the level of increased attack will be increased accordingly.)


Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly

Carrying props: black glasses (When the Pokémon carrying this prop uses evil-type skills, its power is increased by 20%.)

"Is he also the commander of the second stage of King-level strength?"

After Lu Ze saw the props carried by the commander of the other party, he couldn't help but think of something.

It seems that Commander Cleaver has a routine of carrying evolutionary stones.

However, the evolution of Commander Cleaver seems to require defeating three Commander Cleavers carrying leader certificates to evolve.

But what are the leader credentials?

It was too early to travel through time. I only remember that this happened, but I didn’t understand it.

However, it seems that the leader’s certificate has never been seen in reality.

After Lu Ze's thoughts wandered for a while, he quickly returned to the field.

"Another raid!"

Sui Yan off the field couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

The commander on the field used the [Assault] skill again, and hit the Cang Yan Blade Demon before he used the skill.

Because of the reaction force of [Flash Charge] just now, plus the double defense reduced by [Close Combat].

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost was hit by Commander Zhanzhan's [Assault] and flew backwards.

Then Commander Zhan's [Evil Wave] hit and directly took away the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

Although Commander Cleaver was not good at special attack skills, with the increased power of evil attribute skills from [Black Glasses], he finally succeeded in taking away the Blue Flame Blade Demon, who had very little physical strength left.

The evil attribute can cause double the restraint damage to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.


Lu Ze sighed. He was indeed distracted, otherwise he should have been able to react.

"Go, Lucario!"

Lu Ze didn't hesitate at all. Lucario still had a great advantage against Commander Pi Zhan.

This is true even without using Mega Evolution.

In particular, Commander Cleaver is restrained by four times the fighting attribute.


John Birman smiled slightly, and without hesitation, he took out the Poké Ball and took back his Commander Slash.

Commander Cleaver versus Lucario, with the same amount of time, Commander Cleaver has no advantage at all.

Might as well change Pokémon.

After John Birman took back Commander Cleaver's Poké Ball, he sent out his next Pokémon.

"Go, Flame Chicken!"

"Flaming chicken, super evolution!"

After John Birman sent out his Pokémon, he chose Mega Evolution without hesitation.

Elf: Super Flame Chicken

Gender: male

Attribute: Fire Fighting

Characteristics: Acceleration (Pokémon with this characteristic will increase its speed ability by one level every time during the battle.)


Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly

Carrying props: Flame Chicken Mega Evolution Stone (If the Pokémon carrying this prop is a Flame Chicken, it can super evolve after meeting certain conditions.)

"Super Flame Chicken."

Lu Ze's face became serious when he saw the Pokémon on the other side's appearance.

Not only is Super Flame Chicken not weak, its [acceleration] feature is also a very strong one.

In that case.

"Lucario, Mega Evolution!"

Lu Ze also tapped his finger on the super evolution key stone on his wrist.

Whether it is Lucario or Metagross, the props they carry are their respective super evolution stones.

That's why this happens.

Once you encounter an opponent suitable for Mega Evolution, just choose Mega Evolution.

This is true for both Lucario and Metagross.

The colorful light shines again, and the Lucario in the field also evolves into Super Lucario.

Mega Lucario and Mega Rooster stand opposite each other. Both Pokémon are fighting-type Pokémon.

However, in terms of secondary attributes, Super Flame Chicken can restrain Super Lucario.

"Fire Kick!"

John Birman smiled slightly after seeing Lucario also undergo a super evolution, and without hesitation commanded his Super Flame Chicken to use his signature skills.

After Super Flame Chicken sprinted forward for a distance, it suddenly flew up and kicked towards Super Lucario.

Super Lucario's reaction was not slow either. After avoiding Super Flame Chicken's attack sideways, he raised his hand and used [Fa Jin]!

The instant [Fa Jin] was kicked away by Super Flame Chicken, and its calfs burning with flames continued to attack Super Lucario.

Super Lucario took his time and used [Comet Fist] to continuously block Super Flame Chicken's attacks while looking for opportunities to launch a counterattack.


After the two sides fought back and forth for several rounds, Luze suddenly shouted, and Super Lucario's eyes lit up.

"Idea Hammer!"

After dodging the Super Flame Chicken's kick sideways, Super Lucario directly used the [Imagination Hammer] to hit the Super Flame Chicken's body, knocking the Super Flame Chicken away.

"Move at high speed!"

The Super Flame Chicken rolled around on the ground twice before standing up again.

And this time is enough for Super Lucario to use [High Speed ​​Movement].

Super Flame Chicken stood up again. Due to the [Acceleration] characteristic, the speed ability has now been increased to +2.

After Super Lucario uses [High Speed ​​Movement], his speed ability value also increases by two levels.

The two treasures are likely to have the same speed again.

"What a difficult opponent!"

John Berman still had a smile on his face, and it seemed that nothing could make the smile disappear from his face.

"Super Flame Chicken, Flame Fist!"

"Lucario, beat me with the bone stick!"

Both sides commanded their Pokémon to attack again.

Super Flame Chicken rushed towards Super Lucario, and Super Lucario was not afraid at all. He stared at the opponent's Super Flame Chicken seriously, and a bone club composed of waveguides appeared in his hand.

The two Pokémon were entangled again, and they started fighting back and forth.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same. Although Super Lucario has stronger basic abilities, it is not as good as Super Flame Chicken in terms of combat experience and attributes.

Taken together, the strength of the Pokémon on both sides can be considered equal.

"This won't work. We need to find opportunities to weaken the opponent."

The thought of changing Pokémon flashed through Lu Ze's mind, without considering the feasibility of this method.

The battle between Super Lucario and Super Flame Chicken is now in full swing.

Changing Pokémon at this time will definitely have a huge impact on Super Lucario's confidence.

Real-life battles are no longer in Pokémon games. Here, the Pokémon’s mood and state must also be taken into consideration.

The opponent's Super Flame Chicken doesn't seem to be good at special attack skills.

I don’t know if the opponent is weak or is really not good at it.

But if you're not good at it, let Super Lucario try it.

"Strong mental thoughts!"

The two sides collided with each other and took two steps back at the same time. Lu Ze seized this opportunity and directly commanded his Super Lucario to use [Psychic Strength].

Super-type attacks deal double damage to Super Flame Chicken.

[Psychic Power] hit, and the Super Flame Chicken was directly controlled in the air.

"Wave missile!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze did not hesitate to speak, and Super Lucario was also distracted, using his super power to control the Super Flame Chicken while throwing out the [Wave Missile].

If there is a skill that Super Lucario has the highest proficiency in, it is undoubtedly [Wave Missile].

"Flash Charge!"

John Birman felt a pity that he did not choose a close attack after seeing Super Lucario controlling his Super Flame Chicken.

But now facing the [Wave Missile] attack, we still need to resist.

The flames on Super Flame Chicken burned suddenly and broke free from the control of super powers. After kicking the [Wave Missile] in the air, the speed increased again and rushed towards Super Lucario.

The [Acceleration] characteristic is activated, and the speed ability value of the Super Flame Chicken is +3!

After the speed increase, the Super Flame Chicken's offensive is obviously faster.

The two sides were evenly matched, but now that one side breaks through the speed again, it turns into Super Flame Chicken and fights Super Lucario.

"It's a pity that Lucario doesn't know how to suggest himself, otherwise it would be easier to handle."

Lu Ze shook his head slightly, and the waveguide was also fully opened, capturing the movements of the Super Flame Chicken.

Compared to Lu Ze, John Berman basically stopped directing at this time.

Because his eyes could no longer keep up with the speed of the Super Flame Chicken.

The Flame Chicken with the strength of the King Chicken was already very fast, but now after increasing its speed ability value by level three, it is already so fast that John Birman's naked eyes cannot keep up.

If he was still young, he might be able to keep up, but now he is old after all.

"Lucario, pay back twice as much!"

Lu Ze had roughly determined from the [Strength of Mental Power] just now that the Super Flame Chicken's special attack ability was not very good.

So when he saw the flames flashing on the Super Flame Chicken, he gave commands to his Super Lucario.

Although I don't know what skill the Super Flame Chicken uses, I can be sure that it is 80% fire-attributed close-quarters skill.

For example, [Flash Charge].


Super Flame Chicken slammed into Super Lucario, knocking Super Lucario away.

At the same time, a ball of brown light suddenly appeared in Super Lucario's body, hitting Super Flame Chicken at an extremely fast speed.

The double damage that came instantly caused the Super Flame Chicken to fly away.

In an instant, the two Pokémon flew out at the same time, causing the audience present to wonder what just happened.

Even John Birman was equally curious and looked up at the slow motion of the director on the battle screen.

"Do you want to pay back double?"

John Birman also understood after seeing the brown energy appearing on Super Lucario.

"It's great to be young."

John Birman looked at Lu Ze. It was obvious that the skills used by Super Lucario just now were based on Lu Ze's instructions.

Looking at myself, I can no longer see the details of the collision between the Pokémon on both sides.

But the opponent can not only clearly see the details of the battle between Pokémon on both sides, but also take the time to direct his own Super Lucario to launch a counterattack.

Is this a young man?

Seeing the Flame Chicken lying on the ground and exiting the super evolved state, John Birman couldn't help but shook his head.

I lost this battle.

"The Flame Chicken has lost its fighting ability, please replace the next Pokémon."

As the referee's voice sounded, John Birman also took back the flame chicken that had lost its fighting ability into the elf ball.

Looking at the panting Super Lucario who stood up again, John Birman smiled slightly.

"Go ahead, Commander Chuizhan!"

Commander Pi Zhan appeared again, and Lu Ze couldn't help but become wary.

The opponent's [Assault] skill is indeed very good.

His own Super Lucario has very little physical strength left. If he is hit by Commander Cleaver's [Assault], although Super Lucario's physical attack ability will be increased by one level due to the [Heart of Justice] characteristic, It's not certain whether Super Lucario can withstand this attack.

Even if it can hold on, the opponent's Commander Slash doesn't know any other attack skills.

"Is it guessing again?"

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little irritated when he saw Commander Pi Zhan standing opposite him like a bamboo.

The opponent has used [Assault] three times in succession.

Again and again, now it’s the fourth time, will it still be a [raid]?

"Bullet punch! Then close combat!"

Lu Ze did not hesitate and directly commanded his Super Lucario to attack.

Super Lucario has a +2 speed ability value, coupled with the pre-emptive skill [Bullet Punch], in just the blink of an eye, Super Lucario is in front of Commander Zhanzhan.



Two consecutive punches, [Bullet Punch] and [Close Combat] directly knocked Commander Pi Zhan away.

Seeing his Commander Slash falling heavily to the ground, John Birman also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

What a fool. After suffering several losses, he still chooses to use his attack ability.

John Birman shook his head helplessly, and the referee's voice rang in his ears.

"Commander Cleaver has lost the ability to fight. Players are asked to change their Pokémon."

The [Close Combat] with four times the damage directly knocked out his own Commander Slash.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Among his remaining Pokémon, the two strongest are only at the first stage of King-level strength.

Although he was confident that his two Pokémon could defeat Super Lucario, the opponent also had other Pokémon.

Three evil dragons, Blue Flame Blade Demon and Lucario.

Even Super Lucario has lost its fighting ability, and the opponent still has three Pokémon left.

Even if the opponent's remaining three Pokémon are all at the first stage of King-level strength, he can't win.

That little guy's commanding ability isn't weak either.

John Birman shook his head helplessly and threw out one of his two remaining Pokémon.

Although I can't admit defeat, I am no different from losing.

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