Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 1081 Pokémon Beach Volleyball

"Want to have a game of Pokémon beach volleyball?"

Tang Yunqin and Wu Mengxin sat on Gardevoir and Emperor Nabo and surfed in the sea together.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan lay lazily on the beach chairs and basked in the sun.

At this moment, a beautiful girl in a bikini suddenly came to the two of them and asked them.


Lu Ze raised his head slightly and looked at the girl strangely.

The girl smiled slightly: "Wait a minute, there is a Pokémon beach volleyball game here. Do you want to participate?"

"How many teams are there in total? Our boat will leave at six o'clock in the evening."

Lu Ze turned his head and glanced at Sui Yan. Sui Yan nodded and asked the girl.

"Including you, there are now ten teams in total, and our competition can already be carried out. It won't take up too much of your time."

"Can we form a team each? How many Pokémon are there in each team?"

"There are four Pokémon in one team. If you two teams are included, there will be exactly ten teams."


After Lu Ze nodded in agreement, the girl happily handed Lu Ze and Sui Yan a sign, and then pointed to the beach.

"Where is our venue? Wait, come to us after gathering the team."

The girl smiled, turned around and left after speaking.

"Which one of you has an idea?"

After the girl left, Lu Ze and Sui Yan didn't hesitate and asked directly to their Pokémon.

After several Pokémon glanced at each other, Gengar jumped out directly, holding up his short hand.


"Okay, you alone."

Lu Ze smiled, holding his chin and continuing to look at the other Pokémon.

"Who else wants to come? There are three more places."





As Lu Ze's words fell, Metagross, Lucario and the two-headed tyrannosaurus also made sounds.

The two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus had excited expressions on their faces.

But why are they all Pokémon from the second team?

Lu Ze glanced at the Pokémon in the first team strangely.

Crossbat still had a gentle smile on his face, and Kirby held a bucket of popcorn and ate it happily.

The two Charizards were now glaring at each other, and were about to start a fight.

The Electric Shock Monster looked back frequently, and Lu Ze followed his gaze and saw a pile of unfinished sand castles.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the clawed lobster. Now that we are at the beach, who is going to participate in beach volleyball? If it is water volleyball, he can still do it.

Not to mention Cong Youbing, he has never been interested in such entertainment activities.

"Okay, then it'll be you four."

After Lu Ze nodded, Sui Yan on the side also chose the Pokémon he wanted to fight.

On Lu Ze's side are Gengar, Metagross, Lucario and the Two-headed Tyrannosaurus.

On Sui Yan's side are Miao Frog Flower, Alure Duo, Red Lotus Armor Cavalry and Gala Gala.

After the two chose their battle Pokémon, they were ready to sign up.

Kirby said that they didn't leave either, and walked with Lu Ze toward the registration location.

I still have to cheer for my teammates.

"You are No. 9 and No. 10. Please wait a moment. The game will start in ten minutes."

The person who received them was a sweet-looking girl. After speaking to Lu Ze and Sui Yan in a coquettish tone, the two took their Pokémon to wait.

There are only two rules for Pokémon Beach Volleyball.

If the ball lands within the range, your team loses if it lands within your own court, and your opponent loses if it lands outside your own court.

Secondly, you cannot use special abilities to attack volleyballs.

Apart from these two rules, there are no other rules.

There are eleven points in total, one point is awarded for each victory, and the first team to reach the eleventh point wins!

The rules of the game are very simple. After Lu Ze told Geng Gui and the others, he waited for the game to start.

The games are drawn by lots, starting with number one, then number two, number three and so on.

If number 1 draws number 2, skip number 2 and start drawing from number 3.

Soon, the results of the battle between each team came out.

Number one versus number three.

Number two versus number seven.

Number four versus number five.

Number six versus number nine.

Number eight versus number ten.

Lu Ze is No. 9 and the fourth to play.

He just stood there quietly waiting for the game to start.

The first game started quickly.

No. 1 played against No. 3, and the No. 1 team won in a short time.

Mainly because the Pokémon in their team are better suited for beach volleyball.

It was a fighting-type Pokémon. Their trainer was a muscular man who wore the same type of beach pants as Lu Ze and the others.

Mosquito Swimmer, Wei Li, Master Weasel and Throwing Monkey.

Although the four Pokémon are all veteran-level Pokémon, their performance in the Pokémon Beach Volleyball competition is indeed very powerful.

Then came the battle between No. 2 and No. 7, with No. 2 winning in the end.

Lu Ze looked a little excited. This kind of Pokémon beach volleyball battle is indeed very good.

Although you cannot use special energy attacks, you can only use physical contact with the volleyball to act.

But you must know that those are Pokémon, and their destructive power cannot be compared to humans.

Although the volleyball is specially made, it still creates a whirlpool when played on the beach.

Not only Lu Ze, but also the people watching the volleyball match were equally excited.

The third game started quickly.

Compared with the previous two games, this game is a bit anxious.

Both sides were chasing each other, but in the end, player No. 5 was slightly better and won the final victory with a line-breaker.

Next, it was Lu Ze's turn for the Pokémon on his side.

Theoretically speaking, compared to other teams' Pokémon, Lu Ze's Pokémon do not have any advantage in size.

A Gengar has a typical short body, especially his hands, which are indeed short and chubby.

Although Metagross has four hands, he is very strong if he can use special abilities. If he cannot use special abilities, he is stronger than Gengar.

The same goes for the two-headed tyrannosaurus. He has no hands at all and is very embarrassed in this situation.

Although the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus are very excited.

The only one who is reliable may be Lucario.

Lucardius is very suitable for this kind of sport, both in terms of his body shape and his waveguide ability.

Lu Ze's opponent was a girl with very exaggerated breasts.

It's a pity that she wasn't participating in the competition, otherwise the audience would basically be able to feast their eyes on it.

The Pokémon in her team are Baboo, Damnbear, Raichu, and War Dancer.

From the perspective of team composition, their team has a greater advantage in beach volleyball than Lu Ze's team.

However, neither Gengar nor the two-headed Tyrannosaurus showed any fear, and they still maintained strategic contempt for each other!

"Then, the battle begins!"

Both sides toss a coin to determine who serves first.

Unfortunately, Gengar was very lucky and directly grabbed the server.

Lucario serves the ball right here.

But it seems that he can only serve the ball.

Gengar, the Two-headed Tyrannosaurus and Metagross are obviously not suitable.

"Sao Nian, if you choose them as beach volleyball players, aren't you already prepared to lose?"

The big sister with exaggerated chest muscles came to Lu Ze's side after the battle started. She looked at the field with a smile and said to Lu Ze.

"Winning or losing depends on the performance of the Pokémon."

Lu Ze smiled and looked at the field as well: "One more thing, this is just for fun for us."


The elder sister with exaggerated chest muscles sneered: "You know what you are doing! Don't give me such a joke."

"You guys are awesome!"

After finishing speaking, the big sister with the flamboyant chest muscles saw her volleyball jump up and slap the volleyball on the ground on Lu Ze's side of the field, and she also screamed excitedly.

The bouncing of her two chest muscles really attracts attention.

"It doesn't matter the two-headed tyrannosaurus, just be more serious next time."

Lu Ze didn't pay attention to the beating chest muscles next to him. Looking at the two-headed tyrannosaurus who was annoyed because he didn't catch the ball just now, Lu Ze quickly comforted him.



Under Lu Ze's comfort, the two-headed tyrannosaurus also cheered up again.

After the two heads said something, the eyes of the two-headed tyrannosaurus became firm again.

The game continues, and since it is the losing side that serves, Lucario is the one who serves.

After Lucario served, Metagross and Gengar also became serious.

The volleyball crossed the net, and Babu jumped up and smashed the ball.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus did not drop the chain this time, but directly pressed the falling ball with its head and bounced the ball up.

Gengar swooped and hit the ball, and the Metagross below also touched it.

The ball flew into the air, and Lucario suddenly jumped up and smashed the ball with all his strength!


The volleyball landed on the beach and spun into a hole.

The scene became quiet. At this time, everyone clearly felt that the aura of Lucario and the others was not right.

If they had a waveguide at this time, they could clearly see the power of the waveguide burning and rising on Lucario and the others.



Lu Ze's praise made everyone present react and start applauding.

Their cooperation in this wave just now was indeed very good.

In addition, Lucario's powerful and heavy kill at the end was very entertaining to watch, and the onlookers did not hesitate to applaud.

Only the eldest sister with the flamboyant breasts looked disappointed.

But she soon cheered up again and praised her Pokémon.

Babu Woodchuck was also boosting morale, and soon they began to serve.

The blocking bear jumped up and hit Lucario with the volleyball in his hand.

Lucario bounced the ball up, Gengar suddenly jumped up, a black light appeared on his fist, and hit the volleyball directly.

After gaining a strong acceleration, the volleyball rushed towards the opponent's beach.

But this time, he was mentally prepared to block the bear and swooped down, bouncing the volleyball up.

Zhan Wulang spins the volleyball into the air.

The volleyball rose and then fell. Raichu jumped up. Just when Lucario and the others thought it was Raichu coming to kill the ball, Babu Doha next to him also jumped up.


After Raichu hit the ball with his tail towards Babu Tubo, Babu Tubo hit the ball directly behind the double-headed Tyrannosaurus.

One of the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus reacted, while the other did not and was still staring at Raichu.

This caused the two-headed tyrannosaurus to be a beat slower in the end.

The volleyball landed, and the score was two to one!

The big sister with exaggerated breasts cheered again and couldn't help but show off to Lu Ze.

However, Lu Ze paid no attention to her and was still encouraging his Pokémon.

Soon, Lucario and the others cheered up and continued the game.

After all, it was just the first time for the four of them to play beach volleyball, and it was beyond Lu Ze's expectation that they could reach this stage.

You come up and I go down, and the score soon reaches ten to nine.

Lucario is temporarily in the lead, ten points.

Babu's land poaching team has nine points, and now it has reached a critical moment of life and death.

Only the final ball was left to decide the game.

Both parties became serious, and the big sister with the flamboyant breasts also looked nervously at the scene.

It was Babu Tubo who still served. After the ball circled the two-headed Tyrannosaurus and Gengar, it returned to Lucario's hands.

Zhan Wulang and Du'an Xiong stared at Lucario seriously.

Seven of the previous ten points were obtained by Lucario by killing the ball.

For them, Lucario is the biggest threat to them.

Of the remaining three points, two are Metagross and one is Gengar.

Neither of them is as big of a threat as Lucario.

However, Babu Tubo and Lei Qiu also allocated part of their attention to stare at Metagross.

Beware of Lucario letting Metagross kill at the last moment.

Lucario jumped up high and made a ball-killing gesture with his palms.

But in the end, he didn't hit the ball, but hit it to the other side.


Babu Tubo and Lei Qiu were shocked. The Metagross had also risen to its height at this time.

It seems that he will be the one to complete the final blow next.


As the palm of the hand came into contact with the beach volleyball, the beach volleyball also hit the beach on Babu Tubo's side at a strange angle.


The big sister with exaggerated breasts looked surprised. How could the volleyball fly from that angle?


Compared to the surprise of the big sister with the flamboyant breasts, Sui Yan was very excited.

He clearly saw Gengar running to the other side, and then using the ball hit by Lucario.

In the end, the game ended with a kill from an incredible angle.

Sui Yan's shout also made Babu Tubo and others notice Geng Gui on the other side, and they were a little surprised.

They really didn't expect that they would choose Gengar to play the final winning goal.

Gengar stood in the middle of the field with his hands on his hips and a beaming face, accepting the excited shouts from his teammates and the happy cheers from the audience.

"Awesome Gengar!"

Lu Ze also rushed into the field and immediately hugged Geng Gui.

Together with Lucario and Metagross, throw Gengar into the air and catch it.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus on the side looked at Gengar being thrown into the air, his eyes full of envy.

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