Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 11 The Battle of Two Newborn Elves

"bring it on!"

Lu Ze and Sui Yan stood facing each other in the elf battle field. In the middle was the referee in the battle center, holding a small red flag. When the small flag fell, the battle began.

"Both sides release elves."

The two took out the poke balls and released their respective pokemon at the same time. What Suiyan released was his katti dog, and what Lu Ze released was his initial pixie supersonic bat.

"Super Sonic Bat, let's start the first battle, let's work hard."

The supersonic bat flew up and down twice to indicate receipt, and then looked seriously at the Katie dog opposite, who hissed its teeth fiercely and roared twice.


The small flag in the referee's hand fell, and the two commanded at the same time.

"Catty dog ​​rushes - bite!"

"Ultrasonic Bat—Ultrasonic!"

The supersonic bat flapped its wings and opened its mouth to emit an invisible sound wave. The forward katti dog was affected, the forward momentum stopped abruptly, and then it slammed back and forth in different directions.

"Damn it, despicable, just use the ultrasound!"

Sui Yan looked at the uncontrolled Katie Dog on the field, and complained irritably.

Fortunately, this is just an ordinary venue. If it was another venue, Katie Dog, who was in a state of chaos, might be about to be injured.

"Ultrasonic Bat, approach him and use suction!"

Lu Ze smiled confidently and chased after the victory. The Supersonic Bat flew to the side of the Katie Dog, sucked at the Katie Dog, and an invisible energy passed from the Katie Dog into the Supersonic Bat.

“It feels so good to hit a baby~”

Lu Ze sighed.

"Katie Dog is awake."

Suiyan yelled anxiously, and he didn't know whether Suiyan's yelling or the supersonic bat's absorption played a role.

The Katie dog in the field shook his head, his eyes regained clarity, and he actually escaped from the chaotic state.

"Great Katie Dog, use Bite and Bite on Sonic Bat!"

Sui Yan shouted excitedly after seeing Katie Dog recovering.

"Sonic Bat, fly higher!"

The supersonic bat flew upwards, and Katie had no means of long-range attack, so it couldn't reach the supersonic bat at all, so it could only jump under the supersonic bat, yelling constantly.

"Lu Ze, you are so despicable."

Sui Yan looked at the scene in front of him, very helpless.

"Ultrasonic Bat, use suction."

The supersonic bat flew down a little bit, and when it was determined that the Katie dog couldn't reach him, it used the absorption skills to absorb Katie dog's physical strength continuously.

Seeing that he couldn't reach his opponent no matter what, Cardi Gou couldn't help but ignited red flames around his body.

"Huh? Is this, energy-storage flame attack?"

Lu Ze guessed when he saw the flames on Katie's body.

Sui Yan was a little surprised, how the flames ignited on Katie Gou.

"Give him the last blow - Air Slash"

The supersonic bat in the air gathered strength for a while, and a white air blade came out from its wings and hit the Katie dog.

"Catty Dog can't fight, but Supersonic Bat wins."

Seeing the circling eyes of the Katy dog ​​after it fell to the ground, the referee raised the small flag in his hand to indicate the result of the battle.

The supersonic bat flew back to Lu Ze's side, panting slightly.

Seeing the appearance of the super-sonic bat, Lu Ze understood that the super-sonic bat is still a newborn elf. Even though the air slash is his genetic skill, which is engraved in the DAN, it still takes a lot of energy to use it now.

"Come on, take Katie and go outside to check it out, and make a registration by the way."

Lu Ze walked towards Sui Yan who was comforting Katie in the field and said.

"Okay, let's go Kitty Dog."

The Katie dog regained his mobility not long after the battle. After Sui Yan fed him an energy cube, he was much better, but he still had to check to see if there were any hidden injuries.

"Lu Ze, you are too despicable, not only using ultrasound, but also flying into the sky, not letting me touch you, it's too much."

Sui Yan complained about Lu Ze's despicable behavior while walking.

"It's your own problem. Well, at the distance at the beginning, there are no long-range attacks yet. You must add the negative state first. Look, how easy it is for me to win once the negative state is added."

"Fart, that's because you're flying in the sky, I can't reach you, okay?"

"Haha, you are stupid, you don't even know the skills of your elves."

Lu Ze said with a smile and taunted Suiyan.

"What kind of skill? Didn't the Katie dog just bite and stare at birth, and it can't touch you, so what if the staring reduces the physical defense."

"There is a circle of flames next to Kitty Dog in the middle, do you know what this is?"


"Energized Flame Strike, stupid, it's also an elf born yesterday, why can the supersonic bat use air slash, isn't it because elves also have something called genetic skills."

Lu Ze explained to Sui Yan angrily, Sui Yan suddenly realized, and regretfully punched Lu Ze.

"Hey, why didn't I think of that."

"Really, I'm still a top student, and my studies are all for nothing."

"Young yin and yang are weird, this isn't the first time they've fought, are you too nervous?"


The two handed the katti dog to the nurse, and then sat on the stool outside to wait. After a while, the nurse came out with the katti dog.

"Your catty dog ​​is fine, there is nothing wrong with it, but be careful, it's best not to engage in high-intensity battles for newborn elves, as it is easy to leave hidden wounds, which will affect the future."

"Sorry, we'll keep an eye out,"

Looking at the serious nurse lady, the two said with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter. Every year, because the elves have just hatched, new trainers can't help but come here to fight elves. It doesn't matter. As long as the intensity is not high, it will be fine for a long time."

"Thank you sister nurse, we know."

"Well, you're welcome. Seeing that you haven't been identified as elves yet, go quickly. There are too many people these two days,"

After the nurse finished speaking, she turned and left, leaving behind Lu Ze and the two of them. They looked at each other, and at the same time put away their elves and walked towards the identification center.

You need a student card or ID card to identify an elf, and after the identification, you will be connected to the Internet, and you will be sure that this elf is yours. Once this regulation appeared, a large part of the abandonment of elves was reduced.

But there are still many people who like to take advantage of loopholes. People with rich family backgrounds go for appraisal first, and then discard those with poor qualifications (because appraisal qualifications are very expensive, ordinary people seldom go to appraisal qualifications).

Later, the state discovered this situation and vigorously rectified it. Now if it is necessary to appraise the qualifications, it has not been determined that it cannot be appraised at any elf center or appraisal institution in the market.

The identification of Lu Ze and Sui Yan is more complicated, because they are high school seniors, so the birth time of the identified elves must be confirmed when they are identified. If the birth time is more than five days old, they are not allowed to be identified.

This is also because one of the fairness criteria during the college entrance examination is that it is impossible for an elf that you have cultivated for more than ten years to compare with an elf that has been cultivated by others for three months.

This is also the reason why many people went to buy elf eggs after the mock exam that day.

They waited in line for a long time, and there were too many people. Finally, it was almost time for Lu Ze and Sui Yan, so Sui Yan released Katie Dog and Coal Turtle, and Lu Ze released Supersonic Bat and Little Snorkel.

Sui Yan was a little surprised when he saw the little Kirby, "You actually subdued the Kirby?"

"That's right, it's what I told you just now, and then my dad took me to buy the second elf."

The little Kabimon hugged Lu Ze's leg when it came out, and then rubbed its head against Lu Ze's calf.

"Okay, okay, stop rubbing, here you go."

Lu Ze smiled helplessly, knowing that the little Kabimon was begging for energy cubes, so he took a box from his backpack and handed it to him, and another one for the supersonic bat.

"Have you brought the energy cube?" Lu Ze asked looking at Sui Yan.

Sui Yan reacted violently, then took out a box of energy cubes, and took out a few pieces from it to distribute to Katie and Coal Turtle.


The staff shouted from inside, and Lu Ze pushed Sui Yan to signal him to go in first.

After Sui Yan went in and came out a while later, Lu Ze also went in. Not long after, the two spirits of the two of them had been identified, and now they could see his master online only by the spirit.

When doing the identification of elves, there were too many people, so we waited for a long time. When the two came out, it was already past one and it was almost two. After going out for a meal, the two decided to go back to their respective homes.

"My papers are almost finished, and I should be able to finish them all this afternoon. The essay test questions are considered stable. How is your essay test?"

"Who am I? Xueba, of course there is no problem!" Sui Yan said confidently.

"Okay, let's meet tomorrow at the Spirit Center. I'll book a small training ground. We'll be together tomorrow. How about you train with me? Your command is a bit poor."

"Fart, that's my first time."

Sui Yan was furious, Lu Ze laughed at him

"The platypus' mouth is not as hard as yours."


"Haha, okay, stop talking, see you tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow, I will convince you!"

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