Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 999 A really hot gym battle!

Wu Shihua frowned, opened her eyes slightly and looked at Lu Ze: "Unpredictable person, are you also here to challenge the gym?"


Lu Ze didn't have a good impression of Wu Shi Hua either.

Although Dr. Buratano no longer cared about it, as a good socialist young man who had received nine years of compulsory education, Lu Ze was very unhappy with Wu Shihua's shielding behavior.

You can tell by looking at the previous conversation between Shelly Lou and Carly. Carly has done this kind of thing several times before.

But looking at Carly's face, you can tell that she doesn't feel that she did anything wrong at all.

At most, he just felt that what he did made Mr. Wu Shihua not like it.

This made Lu Ze understand that Carly's situation was inseparable from Wu Shihua's protection.

Therefore, Lu Ze didn't really agree with Wu Shihua, the gym leader of Baike City.

"In that case, let's start the gym battle!"

Wu Shihua was also a little angry. As a prophet, when had she ever been criticized like this?

What a rude brat!

Wu Shihua's eyes flashed, if that's the case, then I'll teach you a lesson!


Lu Ze agreed without hesitation.

Want to teach me a lesson?

Then try your abilities.

After Lu Ze agreed, the gym battle was quickly arranged.

Under Carly's hostile eyes, Lu Ze also stood opposite Wu Shihua.

After Wu Shihua glanced at the referee Shirley Lu, Shirley Lu was stunned for a moment and understood what Wu Shihua meant.

After nodding, he began to announce: "The gym battle is a doubles battle. Both sides can enter four Pokémon. If all four Pokémon lose the ability to fight, it will be a failure. The gym leader cannot change Pokémon midway. Dream!"

After Shirley finished speaking, both Xiaozhi and Citron looked at each other in confusion.

Isn't the gym battle in Baike City a double battle between two Pokémon?

Why four Pokémon?

"Hmph, teach this rude man a lesson!"

Carly was very excited on the sidelines, watching the gym battle below.

Lord Noon Flower!

After roaring wildly in his heart, the gym battle below began.

The first thing Wu Shihua sent out were the two super-powerful cats following her.

After two super cats, one male and one female, appeared, Lu Ze also took a look at their information.

Elf: Super Mew (male appearance)

Gender: Male

Attribute: super power

Characteristics: Mischievous heart (When using change skills, the skill priority is increased by one.)

Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly

Elf: Super Mew (female appearance)


Attribute: superpower

Features: Sharp gaze (changes in hit rate ability will not be reduced by the opponent, and changes in target dodge rate ability are ignored.)

Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly.

There are two senior-level Pokémon, so it’s decided to be you two.

"Go, Ghoststone, Metagross!"

"The heterochromatic Metagross!"

"The quasi-god of different colors is still a king of strength!"

Seeing the appearance of Metagross, both Carly and Shirley looked surprised.

"Fortunately, Ghoststone is only a high-level Pokémon!" Carly said with some jealousy: "It seems that he only has one powerful Pokémon, Metagross!"

Carly was very excited, but Sherry looked worried.

Lu Ze didn't know what those two girls were thinking. He chose the two Pokémon he had fought with Xiaozhi and Tierno yesterday.

After yesterday's battle, they already have some coordination.

In addition, there are only two senior-level Pokémon on the opposite side, and the combination of the two of them is just right.

Don't look so bullying.

Lu Ze had a look of confidence on his face, and Shirley Lu, who was acting as the referee, saw the Pokémon teams from both sides coming on stage, and immediately announced the start of the battle.

"Help, predict the future!"

As soon as the battle began, Wu Shihua commanded two Pokémon to attack.

The male Super Meow Meow has the trait [Mischief], so he uses the skill [Help].

[Help]: Can increase the skill power of the Pokémon being helped.

After the male Super Meow Meow used [Helper], the female Super Meow Meow also used [Future Prediction].

Shoot the attack into the sky, then disappear. After a certain period of time, the attack appears again.

"Are you using this skill so obviously because you're afraid that others won't know that you can see the future?"

Lu Ze mocked: "But, can you see my future?"

Just as Lu Ze spoke, Metagross and Ghost Stone had simultaneously thrown [Shadow Balls] towards the two Super Meow Meows in the air.

However, with the help of super powers, Super Meowth was very flexible in the air and directly avoided the attacks of the two Pokémon.

"Bullet punch!"

It didn't matter if he didn't hit, Lu Ze commanded the Metagross to attack again.

The silhouette of Metagross flashed, and the silver-white figure flashed across the sky.

At the same time, Ghost Stone also hid in the shadow, waiting for the moment to move.

"Get out of the way!"

Wu Shihua didn't care, commanding the two Pokémon to dodge Metagross' attack.

But Metagross' attack is not so easy to dodge.

As soon as the male super-powered Meow Meow moved, Metagross approached him.

The close Metagross didn't make any unnecessary moves, and [Bullet Punch] directly hit the male Super Miaomiao's face.

Upon seeing this, the female super-powerful Miaomiao quickly released [Psychic Power] to wrap up Metagross, trying to prevent Metagross from continuing to attack.

But Metagross is stronger than Super Miaomiao!

Even with Wu Shihua's secret blessing, Metagross with king-level strength should not be underestimated.

Metagross looked at the female Super Meowth, and then a hazy pink color covered Metagross's eyes.

The next second, all the mental power of the surrounding super-powered Miaomiao was destroyed.

Metagross ignored the female Super Miaomiao's intention, and once again caught up with the male Super Miaomiao who had not yet landed, and [Comet Fist] hit Super Miaomiao hard.

The male Super Meowth fell to the ground at a faster speed, and Metagross saw this and added a series of [Shadow Balls] without mercy.

But unfortunately, the female Super Meow directly changed places with the male Super Meow through [Swap Site], and then used [Light Wall] to resist some damage from [Shadow Ball].


Hearing this voice, Wu Shihua's heart that had just relaxed suddenly became tense again.

I almost forgot that there is also a ghost stone!

Unfortunately, it's too late.

After Ghost Stone emerged from the shadow of the male Super Mew, he used [Characteristic Exchange] on the male Super Mew.

The characteristics of Ghost Stone have been changed and become the characteristics of [Heart of Mischief].

The characteristic of the male Super Meow Meow has been changed to the [Floating] characteristic.

Ghost Stone smiled "jiejie", and then there was a burst of space fluctuations, and Ghost Stone disappeared.

The figure of Metagross appeared at Ghost Stone's position just now, and [Comet Fist] kept hitting the body of the male Super Miaomiao.

At the same time, Ghoststone appeared in front of the female super-powered Mew.

Although the female Super Meowth used [Wall of Light] to resist part of the damage from [Shadow Ball], in the end, the strength gap between her and Metagross was still quite large.

Even after blocking the [Shadow Ball], she was still a little injured.

As soon as she stood up, the female super-powered Miaomiao saw Ghost Stone grinning at her with a big mouth.

[Seal] is released, directly sealing part of the female Super Miaomiao's skills.

Now, as long as Ghost Stone can use the skills, the female Super Meow Meow cannot use them.

Wu Shihua's eyes changed, and she closed her mouth as she was about to instruct the female Super Miaomiao to use [Characteristic Exchange] to exchange the [Heart of Mischief] trait back.

Wu Shihua glanced at Lu Ze and gently shook her lips.

Why is this guy so difficult to deal with!

Not only is he powerful, he is also so good at commanding!

If I had known earlier...

Wu Shihua raised her head and looked at the sky.

[Predicting the future] That’s pretty much it.

Just as Wu Shihua looked up at the sky, six holes appeared in the sky, which were the [Future Prediction] that had just been released.

Ghost Stone's eyes changed, and he had no time to react!

[Future Prediction] was aimed at him, and it was so fast that not only Metagross had time to use [Swap Field], but even Ghoststone himself couldn't use [Stealth Attack].


Ghost Stone was hit by [Predicting the Future], and the place was suddenly filled with smoke and dust.

The double damage of the super power system, coupled with the [Future Prediction] blessed by [Help], the ghost is full of dangers!

Lu Ze's heart sank. If Ghost Stone fell, his tactics would be affected!

"That's amazing, Mr. Wu Shihua!"

"This is Lord Wu Shihua's prediction of the future!"

Carly and the others, who were watching the battle next to them, no longer had the worry on their faces. After seeing Ghost Stone being hit by [Future Prediction], they immediately showed happy smiles on their faces and praised Noon Flower.

Not only them, but also Wu Shihua had a smile on her face.

Finally I found the opportunity!

Wu Shihua's heart moved, and she quickly commanded the female Super Meow Meow to use [Swap Field] to rescue the male Super Meow Meow from Metagross' fist.

"Exchange venues!"

The female Super Meow Meow nodded, but the skill failed to be used.


Wu Shihua was stunned for a moment, and Carly and Xiaozhi, who were watching the battle next to them, were also puzzled.

"Ghost Stone just used the sealing skill, and now the female Super Miaomiao can't use it to exchange places. Is it because Ghost Stone has not lost its fighting ability?"

Citron frowned and analyzed the situation on the field.

"Share the pain!"

Lu Ze's voice came, yes, Ghost Stone had indeed not lost his fighting ability.

Lu Ze was also very worried when [Predicting the Future] hit, but after the waveguide could still sense that Ghoststone's waveguide was not too weak, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Ghost Stone still has the last bit of energy left.

Although that time is no longer enough to use [Swap Field] to make Metagross resistant to damage.

But the last moment of "holding on" allowed Ghost Stone to retain his last bit of strength.

Of course, it was also because of the characteristics of [Heart of Mischief] that Ghost Stone could be used successfully in such a short period of time.

But at this time Ghost Stone already had some regrets.

I played [Floating] too much, and I forgot that I now have the attribute [Mischief].

Otherwise, it doesn't matter whether it's [Swap Site], [Substitute], or [Hold].

It's a pity that he was injured.

Ghost Stone was unhappy, and Lu Ze's voice happened to be heard, so under the protection of smoke and dust, he used [Share the Pain] on the female super-powerful Miaomiao.

The two wanted to increase their physical strength, and then divided it equally between the two Pokémon.

Ghost Stone's strength recovered, but the female Super Mew suddenly turned pale.


There was a sound of glass breaking, and Lu Ze, Wu Shihua, and everyone watching the battle subconsciously looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Metagross was slightly distracted just now because Ghost Stone was hit by [Future Prediction].

Taking advantage of this moment, the male Super Miaomiao, who still had some physical strength left, quickly prepared to use [Swap Field] to escape.

However, he was interrupted by Metagross.

Despite this, the male super-powered Miaomiao still got some breathing time. Seeing Metagross' fist coming again, he quickly activated the [Reflective Wall] to block Metagross' fist.

The [Reflective Wall] was indeed successful in blocking it, but the next second Metagross used [Splitting Tiles] to shatter the [Reflective Wall].

The sound of glass breaking that everyone just heard was the sound of the [reflective wall] being shattered.

After the [Reflective Wall] was shattered, under the gaze of everyone, the [Shadow Ball] in Metagross' hand condensed and pressed directly on the face of the male Super Miaomiao.


The [Shadow Ball] exploded, and the male Super Miaomiao was also blown away, falling to the ground like a rag, with a bounce.

"Super Meowth has lost its fighting ability. Do you want to change your Pokémon?"

Shirley Lu, who acted as the referee, was startled, but quickly reacted and announced the verdict.

Wu Shihua's face looked a little ugly, but she still put the male Super Miaomiao, who had lost the ability to fight, back into the elf ball.

After hesitating for a moment, Wu Shihua chose the Pokémon.

"Go ahead, symbol bird!"

Wu Shihua's eyes were firm, and a bird, a symbol of king-level strength, appeared on the field.

"The symbolic bird of king-level strength!"

Citron looked at Wu Shihua in disbelief.

Some gym leaders are relatively powerful, and he knows that they have one or two king-level Pokémon.

However, according to the gym leader's convention, King-level Pokémon cannot appear to face challengers.

After all, the gym leader faces challengers as a mentor.

If a Pokémon with king-level strength appears, the gym leader will lose the original intention of establishing the gym.

However, in this battle, Brother Ozawa entered the battle first with a Pokémon with king-level strength.

Presumably she had already thought of a reason for her quibble.

Citron glanced at Wu Shihua and became a little silent, but Xiaozhi didn't understand what it meant yet, and was still cheering Lu Ze excitedly from the side.

"It's appeared. It's one of Lord Wu Shihua's ace Pokémon!"

Carly was also very excited. After giving Lu Ze a proud look, she started cheering loudly for Wu Shihua!

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