Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 994 Gold Medal Auxiliary Rockets Team

Facing the distrustful and oppressive eyes of Citron, Yurika and Roentgen Cat, Harili panicked.

Lu Ze watched this scene with interest, looking at Harry for a while, and then for a moment looking at the guilty Dig Ditu Rabbit.

Finally, after the sky had darkened, Ibrahimovic never appeared again.

Not even if they used the puffs Serena made as a lure.

"Let's eat first."

After Citron looked at the sky and rubbed his belly, he said to Lu Ze and the others.


Lu Ze nodded: "Then Lucario will ask you to call them back."


Lucario agreed, turned on the waveguide, and flew towards the direction of Xiaozhi and the others.

"Then let's get ready to cook."

Citron said, Lu Ze and Yulijia began to prepare together.

After a while, when Xiaozhi and Serena returned, the cooking was handed over to Serena.

Serena started cooking, and Lu Ze, Xiaozhi and Citron set up tents on the spot.

Looking at it like this, there is a high probability that we will spend the night here today.

"Is Eevee not around here? I haven't seen any sign of Eevee all afternoon today." Xiaozhi suddenly said a little disappointed while setting up the tent.

"By the way, I saw Ibrahimovic today."

After hearing what Xiaozhi said, Serena also spoke.

"What, you found Eevee?"

"Yeah, but he escaped in the end."

Serena smiled softly, and Dig Dig Rabbit, who was holding a bowl next to her, had wandering eyes again, not knowing how to speak.

"By the way, I also saw Ibrahimovic today."

Lu Ze glanced at Dichutu, looking a little funny at the guilty rabbit.

"Has brother Ozawa seen Ibrahimovic too?"

"Well, Ibrahimovic took away the puffs arranged by Citron, and then Harry pounced on them."


Hearing what Lu Ze said, Citron was dumbfounded for a moment.

At the same time, Ha Lili also became frightened and quickly jumped out and pointed at Citron.

"I'm sorry, Ha Lili, I thought it was you..."

Citron apologized quickly, but Ha Lili didn't accept it. He crossed his arms and turned his head away.

If you don’t listen, I won’t listen!

Halili's behavior made Citron feel even more guilty, and he chased Halili to explain.

After a while, Citron finally coaxed Harili away before eating.

While eating, Citron looked at Lu Ze with resentful eyes: "Brother Ozawa, you saw it this afternoon, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It's not just me."

Lu Ze smiled, and Dichutu, who was eating at the same time, panicked and quickly raised his head.

But just when he looked up, he saw Lu Ze's eyes falling on him.

Not only that, Citron and Ha Lili also followed Lu Ze's eyes.

Compared to Citron's curious eyes, Ha Lili's eyes were more fierce.

Seeing this scene, Dig Dig Rabbit didn't hesitate at all, threw away his food and ran away.


Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they saw Digger and Harry being incompetent and furious.

Even Citron couldn't help laughing at the end.

After eating and cleaning up, it was completely dark.

After everyone chatted for a while holding teacups, they returned to the tent and began to sleep.

The three people on Lu Ze's side quickly fell into a deep sleep.

But Serena in the other tent couldn't sleep.

After tossing and turning and unable to sleep, she finally chose to leave the tent first.

However, her behavior also woke up the long-tailed fire fox and naughty panda who had fallen asleep, and followed Serena out in a daze.

"Sorry for waking you up."

Serena said apologetically, but the long-tailed fire fox and naughty panda shook their heads, wondering why Serena couldn't sleep.

"I'm going for a walk."

After Serena shook her head slightly, she walked towards the place where she met Eevee today.

The long-tailed firefox and the playful panda followed Serena.

But just after Serena walked in, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

The Eevee I saw during the day was still dancing happily on the stone that Serena had left in the afternoon.

Serena felt much better after seeing Eevee.

Together with the long-tailed firefox and the naughty panda, they happily watched Ibrahimovic's dance without disturbing him.

"Does he like that garland very much?"

Serena was a little happy, holding her chin and looking at the dancing Ibrahimovic.

After a moment, Serena finally spoke: "I want to be friends with that child."

"What do you think?"



Both the long-tailed firefox and the naughty panda happily agreed, and had no objection at all to the addition of a little friend to their team.

"thank you all!"

Serena was very happy, but soon fell into deep thought again.

"But how should I tell him my thoughts?"

Seeing Eevee dancing under the moonlight, Serena also fell into confusion.

Soon, Eevee's dance ended and he walked into the forest.

After Serena sighed, she also returned to the tent with the long-tailed fox and the naughty panda.

A speechless night!

Early the next morning, after putting away the tent, Xiaozhi was full of energy and said that he must find Eevee today!

But Serena just shook her head slightly: "Well, I decided not to force myself to find Eevee today."



"Is Serena giving up?"

Everyone was a little strange, but Serena was really confident: "No, I thought of a good idea?"

"good idea?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment: "What good idea can Team Rocket use?"

"Huh? Team Rocket?"

Now everyone's confused eyes fell on Lu Ze. They didn't understand why Lu Ze suddenly mentioned Team Rocket?

"Well, you'll find out later."

Lu Ze smiled without me making it clear.

Although everyone was a little confused, they had no intention of asking, and finally chose to follow Serena's plan and follow Serena to the place where Ibrahimovic danced yesterday.

Lu Ze also came with him.

Because he had already met Ibrahimovic yesterday, Lu Ze turned on the waveguide directly after getting up this morning.

Sure enough, Ibrahimovic was nearby.

At the same time, Lu Ze also discovered the waveguide of the Rockets trio.

I didn't know how the plot would develop at first, but after learning that Team Rocket was here, Lu Ze immediately felt relieved.

It seems that this matter can be resolved today.

This is the power of Team Rocket!

But even so, Lu Ze didn't know how Team Rocket was going to do it, so he had to follow Serena to the place where her plan was implemented.

"So, what is Serena's plan?" After arriving, Yurika asked curiously.

"I want Zlatan to watch our performance!"


"Yes, we were attracted by Ibrahimovic's happy dancing, so I also wanted to convey our thoughts to Ibrahimovic through performance."

"This is a good idea, Serena's performance is the best!" Yurika said with excitement.

"Thank you, Yurika."

After Serena smiled happily at Yurika, she led the long-tailed firefox and naughty panda to bow slightly to Xiaozhi and the others, and then started the performance.

"Long-tailed fire fox, spray flames!"

As Serena's voice fell, the long-tailed fire fox also waved the wooden stick in his hand, releasing flames that rose up.

The flames were spinning in the air, and the naughty panda also received Serena's instructions and jumped up for the last time, surrounded by the spinning flames.

At the same time, Lu Ze also noticed Ibrahimovic's arrival.

Not only Ibrahimovic, but also the arrival of the Rockets trio.

"The protagonist has already appeared on stage, and the performance is about to begin." The corners of Lu Ze's mouth raised slightly, and he continued to watch Serena's performance calmly.

As the naughty panda takes off, [Evil Wave] is also released directly.

[Evil Wave] hit the [Jet Flame] that was spinning into the air and exploded instantly.

The flames spread out and formed an orange-red crown falling from the sky.

As the naughty panda landed, Serena and the long-tailed fire fox bowed slightly again.

The show is over.


Ash cheered excitedly, and Serena also put on her hat.


After Serena's peripheral vision caught sight of Ibrahimovic, a smile appeared on her face.

"Do you like our performance?"

With a gentle smile on her face, Serena bent down and asked the little Eevee who was hiding behind the stone with only his head sticking out.


As Xiaozhi and the others' eyes fell on Ibrahimovic, Ibrahimovic became panicked and hurriedly hid behind the stone.

But soon, Ibrahimovic didn't hear any movement and stuck his head out again.

"It's Eevee!"

"It's so close!" Citron was a little surprised, but everyone's gazes frightened little Ibrahimovic again.

Fortunately, because no one had any reason to move, he did not choose to escape.

Seeing this, Serena began to express her thoughts to Ibrahimovic.

"Eevee, we are working together to perform in order to participate in the Pokémon Tribeca Tournament and compete on the same stage with our opponents. It is very fun."

"If you are interested, would you like to stand on the stage of the Pokémon Tribeca Convention with me so that your dance can be seen by more people?"

"So, Serena, do you want to conquer Ibrahimovic?" After hearing this, Xiaozhi understood and immediately asked Serena excitedly.

Serena nodded happily, but still looked at Ibrahimovic nervously, wanting to know what Ibrahimovic was thinking.


"If you are willing, how about coming with me!" Serena pursued her victory.

Ibrahimovic was obviously moved by Serena's words and began to pace around and think.

Everyone watched this scene nervously. Only Lu Ze turned his head and looked in the direction of the Rocket trio.

"It's your turn to assist."

At the same time as Lu Ze's murmur sounded, a large net fell from the sky and caught Ibrahimovic.

"what's the situation?"

Xiaozhi looked shocked, and then the Rocket trio also spoke out their signature declaration of appearance!

"Team Rocket, it's you again!"

"Let go of Ibrahimovic!"

Compared to Xiaozhi and Serena who were filled with indignation, Citron looked thoughtfully at Lu Ze who was watching the show with a smile on his lips.

"So, has Brother Ozawa already thought of this?"

Citron was a little confused, but now was not the time to ask.

Lu Ze didn't make any moves, and soon Team Rocket, Serena, and Xiaozhi started fighting.

With the release of the naughty panda [Stone Blade], the net that trapped Eevee was immediately shattered.

Ibrahimovic was hit into the air by the [Stone Blade] and closed his eyes in horror.


Serena yelled anxiously when she saw this, and rushed towards Ibrahimovic.

After hearing Serena's voice, Ibrahimovic also opened his eyes.

But as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Serena walking through the [Seed Machine Gun].

Seeing Ibrahimovic close at hand, Serena jumped up suddenly, hugged Ibrahimovic in her arms, and threw herself to the grass.

"Guigui, magical marksmanship."

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth twitched. Serena didn't even bother to move. As a result, so many [Seed Machine Guns] didn't hit any of them.

Should we say that this is the gold content of the best assistance?

After Serena landed with Ibrahimovic in her arms, Ibrahimovic also looked at Serena with complicated eyes.

But soon Ibrahimovic reacted and jumped out of Serena's arms.

After turning his head to look at Serena and Team Rocket, Ibrahimovic turned and ran away.

"Ah, Eevee, wait!"

Musashi shouted quickly and tried to catch up, but was blocked by Serena again.

Ibrahimovic turned around and saw the fierce Musashi and the back of Serena who was blocking Musashi.

Ibrahimovic hesitated, but Musashi directly commanded the pumpkin monster to attack Serena.

"Stop getting in the way, little girl!"

The pumpkin monster released [Seed Bomb] and hit Serena. Serena panicked and closed her eyes.

Kirby was eating potato chips and gave Lu Ze a strange look.

Why not let Lucario or Iron Warrior play?

If they play, it shouldn't be like this, right?

Just when Kirby was a little confused, he suddenly saw Eevee jumping out from behind Serena and helping Serena block the attack.

"Ibrahimovic used protection!"

Ash exclaimed, but Eevee attacked again.

At the same time as [High Speed ​​Star] hit, Xiaozhi also found an opportunity to grab someone's head.

"Good chance, Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

The familiar "so disgusting feeling" sounded, and the Rockets trio also ended their gold medal support mission.

"Ibrahimovic, thank you."

After the Rocket trio left, Serena also thanked Ibrahimovic.

At the same time, Serena knelt down on the grass and invited Ibrahimovic again.

"Ibrahimovic, come with me. We will be more happy dancing together."

Serena stretched out her hand, but Ibrahimovic looked at Serena hesitantly.

But after a moment, Serena still looked at him with a smile.

Ibrahimovic was moved.

He took two steps forward and rubbed Serena's hand.

"Very good!"

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