Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 306 [Extra] Pokémon's Journey - Cave Exploration P1

"Pika pika!"


In the early morning of midsummer, the forest was filled with mist, and a little Pikachu was shouting to the duck in the pond.

It waved its hand, trying to call the duck to come ashore, but the duck tilted its head, looking confused.

Pikachu was so anxious that he made various movements with his short little hands, gesticulating towards the duck.

If it weren't for the fact that the duck is its good friend, it would have gone to join its friends by now.

"Wow? Gah."

The duck opened its big eyes dully, scratching its head with its hands habitually, but accidentally sank into the water.

Looking at the bubbles on the water, Pikachu was helpless, but he didn't dare to go into the water.

Because it can't swim.

"Pika Pikachu, Pikachu!"

Pikachu shouted into the lake, urging Duck to get ashore quickly, otherwise he would be late.

But the duck was still spitting bubbles in the water and playing happily.

Finally, Pikachu raised his tail angrily, bent his body forward, and pointed the tip of his tail at the Kadak duck in the lake.


"Wow wow wow——!!"

"Wow wow wow wow!!!"

"Wow wow wow--ga..."

The duck was so electrified that its fur exploded, and it jumped up from the water, flying high in the sky, and then slammed into the water, causing a splash.

After it fell into the water, Pikachu shocked it again. Now it finally didn't dare to play anymore and hurriedly paddled to the river.

When the passing armored bird saw this, it turned around and flew to Pikachu to land.


Seeing the arrival of the armored bird, Pikachu happily greeted it.

Armored Bird is the most popular Pokémon in this small forest. Whenever a Pokémon asks for help, it will give that Pokémon a ride.

It has a very good personality and will never bully the weak, nor will it exclude other Pokémon from playing in its home.

And another time, it and the fire-breathing dragon drove away a group of troublemaking fiery monkeys!

Knowing that little Pikachu and Ducky were going to be late, the armored bird said nothing, let Pikachu lie on its back, and took them to the gathering place.

As for the headless Kodak, the armored bird was afraid that it would accidentally fall off its back, so it simply grabbed it with its claws.

After flying over a rift, Pikachu patted the armored bird on the back, telling it that it had arrived at its destination.

At this time, the armored bird also saw a group of Pokémon below. They were all familiar faces in the forest, a group of Pokémon that had not yet grown up.

Slowing down, the armored bird slowly landed, putting down Duck and Pikachu.

"Pika pika~"

Pikachu smiled and narrowed his eyes. He took out a small flower from the woven bag on his back, put it on the armored bird's head, and bowed innocently.

The armored bird likes the thank-you gifts from these children very much. It will bring everything intact to the nest and preserve it.

Hua Beibei will help it maintain those flowers.

But after the duck was put down, it still stared blankly with its big eyes and picked its head in a daze.

Pikachu smiled at the armored bird and quickly hammered the duck on the head.

Stupid duck, hurry up and say thank you to Sister Armored Bird!

Kodak screamed in pain, then touched his head with tears in his eyes, feeling extremely aggrieved.

The armored bird pecked Pikachu and told it that it didn't have to do this. Pikachu was already stupid.

Although it was true to say that, the armored bird was still happy.

After bidding farewell to the armored bird, Pikachu took Pikachu and hurriedly reunited with his friends.

Murkrow was the first to spot Pikachu and the others.

Then, at Dark Crow's prompt, everyone ran over.

This time, they are going to explore the cave discovered by the explorer. The members of the expedition team are composed of several friends who have good fun.

After Pikachu arrived here, as the new generation of child king in the forest, Charmander assumed the posture of being the boss.

I walked around to check if all the Pokémon were present.

One, two, three...seven.

Eh? No, there’s another one?

Charmander was confused and clicked again.

Pikachu, Pikachu, Pikachu, Dark Crow, Little Lucky Egg, Vine Snake, and Makoshita Rikishi.

No more.

They're all here.

Then why is there one missing? Logically speaking, there are eight.

Charmander didn't believe in evil, so he walked around the big guy again and found that there was still one Pokémon missing.

The vine snake came over impatiently, gave it a whip, and asked it what it was doing and whether it could go out.

"Uh-ho, vomit-ho-ho..."

Charmander scratched his head aggrievedly, and the glory of the child king was gone in an instant.

When facing the vine snake, it always feels inexplicable fear.

Maybe this is the suppression of momentum.

After listening to Charmander's words, Vine Snake looked at Charmander like an idiot, then turned around and walked away.

Pikachu was still playing a stepping game with Tantan Mouse when he heard Vine Snake giving orders, telling everyone to get ready and go now.

It glanced at Charmander.

I found that Charmander was still thinking about who didn't arrive.

A vine whip stretched out from the front of the team, accurately wrapped around the Charmander, and then pulled it in.


Charmander covered his face, being dragged away with a vine whip by the Vine Snake, completely losing his face.

"Tap tah tah tah tah tah tah tah tah tah tah tah tah."

Vine Snake put Charmander down in a haughty manner, looked at it with contempt, and then answered its confusion.

Stupid Charmander, have you counted yourself?

Charmander was stunned.



And me!

Seeing its dull look, the friends laughed in the cave.

Tantan Mouse took out a wooden stick with a circle of resin from the basket on its back.

These are all taught by Grandpa Alakazam, including baskets that can be carried on the back, and torches that can burn for a long time.

I heard from Grandpa Alakazam that it seemed to have followed a trainer and traveled in human cities!

Everyone envied Grandpa Alakazam's experience and hoped to meet a trainer who would take them to travel in the outside world.

However, Charmander's mother seemed to disagree with the little Pokémon in the forest becoming the trainer's partners.

Tantan Mouse took the torch and put it on Charmander's tail, and then a ball of fire ignited.

Tantan Mouse walked in front to lead the way, and the Vine Snake followed behind it, pulling Tantan Mouse back if anything happened.

As for the one at the end of the team, it was the most powerful Makuhita.

Everyone was very excited, looking around in the cave, and from time to time, they took out some tree fruits from the basket on their backs to share.

What Charmander liked most was the scattered shiny stones in the cave.

Before they had walked far, its basket was full of stones.

Is this chapter a preview? You can see how I feel about writing it this way.

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