Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 283 Little Brother and Uncle

Alice placed her backpack on the ground as if no one was watching, took out a yellow-white Pokémon ball, and released a Fang.

Qiu Yuan looked at it very strangely. What kind of ball is this yellow and white Pokmon ball? Why have I never seen it before?

The high-end ball has a yellow and black color scheme. This Pokémon ball is a bit like an ordinary red and white ball, except that the red cones are replaced by yellow cones.

It looks like it should be a special handmade Pokémon ball.

Combined with Alice's identity, Akimoto couldn't help but guess in his mind that this might be a special Pokmon ball from the Land of Dragons, which had special effects on dragon-type Pokmon.

And just looking at the appearance and workmanship, the flatness and smoothness are much better than those of machine-made Pokémon balls, and it is very likely that they were made by a master.

Alice gave the meatballs that Qiu Yuan gave her to Yaya, and Yaya took the meatballs in confusion, and then moved her nose closer to smell what it was like, exactly like its owner.

"Ya Ya! Ya Ya Ya Ya~"

As soon as Yaya smelled the smell, she immediately became excited. She ate the meatballs without even thinking about it, and looked like she was still unsatisfied.

"Ya Ya, Ya Ya Ya? (Master, are there any more? Are there any more?)"

Yaya looked at Alice expectantly.

Akimoto used a tool to give Alice four pellets. It wasn't that he was stingy and didn't give more, but the output was actually limited, and the round land shark was still in the ascending stage, so it consumed a lot of food.

"How is it? Yaya, what does this smell like?"

Alice fed the remaining three balls to Yaya to eat, then touched its head and asked.

He swallowed the ball without even chewing it, tilted his head and thought about it...

"Ya Ya!" Finally remembering where he had eaten something with this flavor, Ya Ya immediately raised his hand high and shouted happily, "Ya Ya, Ya Ya Ya~!"

"Asparagus?" Alice was stunned.

"Yes, Asparagus. This is the Pokémon food I made with Asparagus. But my Round Shark also needs this food."

"Oh, I know." Alice wanted to hold Yaya and stand up, but then her face froze and she seemed unable to hold her!

"Thank you for the Pokémon food, but Principal Shaka is not in class today. When I came here, I saw him going out to the gym."

Although I don’t know how this little brother who looks quite handsome, but always feels a bit strange about his smell, knows his name, I still want to thank him for giving Pokémon food to Yaya.

Asparagus grass is a very precious material even in the Dragon Land. In the past, it was difficult to eat Pokémon food made from asparagus grass in Yaya, the Dragon Land!

"That's it, little brother and uncle, I'm going to class! Bye!"

After Alice said goodbye to Akimoto, she quickly put her backpack on her back and ran into the school.

And her Yaya followed closely behind with her little feet.


Meeting the little black girl was quite unexpected. Qiu Yuan had not expected to see her at first.

But what is this strange name?

Little brother and uncle?

Is this a name that carbon-based organisms can come up with? !

Qiu Yuan dragged his feet helplessly towards the Xincheng Shuanglong Gym.

When he arrived at Shuanglong Gym, Qiu Yuan asked the gym apprentice at the door. Sure enough, Shaka was in the gym today.

And he also learned a frustrating news. If he wanted to see Shaka, he could only clear all the previous levels and then have a vigorous and passionate Pokémon battle with Shaka!

Damn it, why does a gym apprentice talk like this?

Qiu Yuan walked into the gym silently, but what came to his mind was the scene just now.

Akimoto: "Hello, I am a breeder. Can I visit the owner of the Shaka Hall?"

Qiu Yuan was shocked as soon as the apprentice opened his mouth. His voice, as bright as a bell, was comparable to that of Wu Xiong.

"Hello, breeder! If you want to see the owner, you must pass the test set by the owner, and then you can finally see him, and you must have a Pokémon battle with the owner!"

"...I am a breeder...is there no other way?"

"Sorry, in our opinion, breeders are also trainers!" The gym apprentice's face straightened and he said seriously, "Since you are a trainer! Then you must be fearless and have a vigorous and passionate battle with the gym owner. Pokémon battle!”

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Yuan shut himself up on the spot.

On the way to the first test, Qiu Yuan inexplicably thought of a joke from the past.

If a pure and beautiful girl were to be in the same room as Xiaozhi, what would Xiaozhi do?


Of course he yelled: "Why are you still standing there! Why don't you have an exciting Pokémon battle with me?!"

Then take out the Pokmon Ball.

The tests he encountered on the road were not difficult for Qiu Yuan. He just needed to rely on his own ability to pass some levels and overcome some obstacles, a bit like deciphering a maze.

Every time he passes a level, a gym apprentice will fight against him.

This is also one of the ways gym leaders train apprentices, so Akimoto understands this.

But understanding is understanding, it is completely unacceptable!

This is such a waste of time!

So Akimoto asked Gardevoir to use fairy-type skills to torture the dragon-type Pokémon of the gym apprentices.

Humph! I asked you to set the level, can't you line up and fight the gym challengers one by one?

You have to make it like a puzzle game!

After going around for a long time, Akimoto finally came to the last venue of the gym - the gym owner's battle field.

This is not an ordinary battle field design. It adopts the design style of the mountain environment. The battle field is designed as a comprehensive venue with grass, gravel, rock protrusions and other environments. Most dragon Pokémon also live in this kind of venue.

Except for the dragon in the water.

Seeing that Akimoto passed the previous level and came here, the gym apprentice who was still teaching Pokémon training on the side immediately stepped forward to take Akimoto.

It happened that Akimoto was the first gym challenger to come this morning, and there was no need to queue.

"Hello, challenger, please wait here for a while, the assistant has already notified the gym owner."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Akimoto stood on the command platform, quietly waiting for Xia Ka to arrive.

To be honest, I was still a little panicked.

After all, we didn't bring Gengar, a powerful fighter, with us this time. The best weapon to deal with dragon-type Pokémon is Gardevoir.


Shaka wouldn't be so perverted as to release a quasi-king-level Pokémon to fight in a gym match, right? !

Definitely not, um, definitely not!

If he did, Akimoto would be autistic.

After all, it's our first gym battle, don't lose!

Hello everyone, I'm a novelist.

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