Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 267 Qiuwu Mountain

"What's going on?"

Akimoto stared at the pager screen with wide eyes. At this time, the pager was busy.

Without thinking too much, Akimoto immediately used the pager to book a ticket to Gumu Town.

Knowing that the earliest train would leave at three o'clock, Akimoto prepared the things he needed to bring.

It was not even one o'clock in the afternoon, so Akimoto first summoned the Pokémon he might take with him.

Garve and Gengar would definitely be brought with him. As combat Pokémon, Akimoto also called Axefang Dragon.

Akimoto took two of each of the Forest Lizard and Frog. It would be difficult to command if he brought too many.

This time, considering the particularity of the matter, Akimoto also called Xiaoli, who was tinkering with the Echo Bell in the studio.

After summoning the Pokémon, Akimoto estimated that Saqi and the others were about to leave, so he simply called out the preset in the system, selected an open space outside the breeding house, and used the building card.

Although Xiaoli and the others didn't quite understand the situation, Akimoto called them and they returned to the Poké Ball obediently.

Under normal circumstances, Akimoto would not let Pokémon enter the Poké Ball, except when he needed to go far away and it was inconvenient for so many Pokémon to travel together.

The information about the suspension of business was posted on the breeding website and Qiuye website. Akimoto immediately rode his mount goat and ran to Mingshui Town Train Station.

The news from Kongwu came at a good time, just after Serena left for Miare City. Akimoto was really a bit overwhelmed for a while.

It was not easy to call Serena back at this time, so Akimoto simply issued a notice of suspension of business.

Although this would definitely have some impact on the operation of the breeding house, it was still unknown what the situation was at Kongwu, and Akimoto had to get there quickly.

I don't know if Kongwu called the police. Akimoto is not very clear, but from the conversation just now, Kongwu may not have called the police.

"Good afternoon, are you here to take the train again?"

When the ticket inspector saw Akimoto, she smiled and greeted him, and asked where Akimoto was going to work this time.

However, Akimoto only chatted with her briefly, saying that he was going to Gumu Town to do some things and would talk later.


The train was heading all the way to Miare City. This train would stop in Miare City for fifteen minutes before heading to the next stop, Gumu Town.

After Akimoto walked out of the train station, he looked at the map and went to the police station in Gumu Town to ask Miss Junsha for help.

It was already half past six when Akimoto arrived in Gumu Town. At this time, the police in the police station were eating lunch, and Miss Junsha was drinking steaming soup with another policewoman.

"Hello, policemen! I need your help with something!"

Miss Junsha was still drinking soup at the other end. When she heard that someone needed help, she immediately put down the soup bowl in her hand and seriously called Akimoto to register at the office.

"Please show me your alliance ID card and provide as much information as you know as possible."

Miss Junsha held a pen in her hand, pressed the file paper with her left hand, and looked at Qiu Yuan very attentively.

"Okay, this is my alliance ID card." Qiu Yuan had prepared the alliance ID card on the way, and now he could immediately give it to Miss Junsha for registration.

"A friend of mine called me and said that he found a nest of Pokémon being hunted by the Flash Team in Qiuwu Mountain and asked for my help. I don't know if he has called the police station, so before going to Qiuwu Mountain, I still want to ask for your help and accompany me to Qiuwu Mountain."

After hearing this, Miss Junsha immediately replied: "We have not received any similar alarm information. Please tell me the identity of your friend and the time he asked you for help."

"His name is Kongwu, a teenager from Mingshui Town, with only a few insect Pokémon on him. He called me for help at around 1 pm. I don't know what the situation is now."

Akimoto told the truth, neither exaggerating nor hiding anything.

Miss Junsha nodded, and the water-based pen in her hand quickly moved, writing all over the paper. Then she put the recorded file into the copier, copied two copies, and handed one to the policeman next to her.

"Xiao Luo, please report the file. I will lead the team to Qiuwu Mountain for rescue immediately."

"Yes, Sister Yimei!" The policeman named Xiao Luo took the file and ran quickly into a room at the end of the corridor.

"I am Junsha Yimei, the chief police officer in Gumu Town. Please do not leave the team without authorization during the later operation, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble to the rescue mission."

Junsha Yimei's style is vigorous and resolute, but she will not put pressure on others. She also seems very straightforward and serious. Qiu Yuan has a great trust in her in a short time.

Although time is tight, Qiu Yuan still can't help but complain about Junshaqi, the paralyzed prosecutor in his heart.

If every Junsha is like Junsha Yimei now, no one will resist the management of the police.

"Okay, Officer Yimei." Akimoto nodded to show that he would obey the order.

After all, the strength of the Flare Team is still unknown, and it is almost dark now. The risk factor of Akimoto acting alone is definitely much greater than that of a team.

Junsha Yimei mobilized all the regular police officers except the necessary guards to move towards Qiuwu Mountain together. On the way, Junsha Yimei asked Akimoto about the strength of his Pokémon in order to effectively distribute the personnel.

"Mr. Akimoto, your alliance ID card shows that you are a breeder, right?"


"How many combat Pokémon do you have?" Miss Junsha didn't have much expectation when she said this. After all, there can't be any requirements for the combat power of a breeder.

As a result, Akimoto confused Miss Junsha as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Let me count, wait... 1, 2, 3... nine!"

"Excuse me, can you please say it again?"

It's not that Junsha didn't hear clearly, but she didn't believe that Akimoto, a breeder, could take nine combat Pokémon on the road. Even if it was to rescue a friend, he wouldn't take nine!

She meant to let Akimoto count carefully again to see if he counted wrong. After all, if he had to arrange the manpower allocation later, he still had to make a rough estimate of Akimoto's Pokémon strength before allocating it.

As a result, Akimoto thought that the wind was strong on the way to Qiuwu Mountain, and Junsaimei didn't hear clearly, so she said it again in a louder voice without thinking: "Officer Yimei! I have nine combat Pokémon!"

Junsaimei: "..."

"Okay, if you have nine combat Pokémon, which ones are they and what are their strengths?"

Junsaimei felt that Akimoto should not joke with her at a critical moment, although she was not sure whether Akimoto's news was true.

Because Akimoto called the police, Junsaimei had to take this matter seriously. After all, from Akimoto's statement, this matter was related to the Flash Team, and the degree of importance immediately increased.

And it also involved the life of an innocent person. Junsaimei couldn't spend time to investigate the authenticity of Akimoto's words first.

Akimoto thought for a moment, then replied: "There is a quasi-king Gengar, a senior master-level Gardevoir and Axetooth Dragon, and a master-level mount goat."

"The rest are two senior elite-level Frogs and Forest Lizards, and a Jigglypuff."

After hearing this, Junsaimei could only say "good guy".

With this combat power, what kind of breeder are you!

When Akimoto reported the combat power, Junsaimei led the other police officers to the foot of Qiuwu Mountain on motorcycles.

Junsaimei asked Akimoto to release the Pokémon for easy deployment. Akimoto obeyed and released all his Pokémon.

Then Junsaimei was stunned.

There are really nine Pokémon... No, only eight, where is the Gengar you mentioned?

"Oh yes, there is also Gengar!" Akimoto slapped his forehead and remembered that Gengar had not been called out yet, so he quickly shouted, "Genggar is out to work!"

Junsaimei and the police officers were all confused.

What the hell, what are you doing?

What are you shouting at us for?

But then they saw a dark object running out from behind Akimoto, while constantly making a cold laugh.

"Don't do it, be serious, do business!"

"Woo ha!" Gengar obeyed and immediately saluted seriously.

Fortunately, Gardevoir was there.

At this time, Junsaimei had almost believed Akimoto's strength report. After all, with four starter Pokémon, as well as a Gardevoir and Gengar, it didn't seem like bullshit.

But... isn't it a bit too much to say that Jigglypuff is also a combat Pokémon...

Noticed that Junsaimei was staring at Xiaoli lying in her arms, Akimoto explained: "Officer Yimei, Xiaoli is also a master-level Pokémon, which can be very useful!"

Junsaimei's expression at this moment was very much like...

Old people, subways, mobile phones...

You said your Jigglypuff is a master-level Pokémon?

If time wasn't tight, Junsaimei really wanted to test Akimoto's Pokémon's strength. Isn't this too magical? !

Because Akimoto's Pokémon are very strong and very suitable for search and rescue operations (except Jigglypuff), Junsaimei only let Deputy Chief of Police Hochas and Akimoto form a team, and the rest of the teams are four or five people.

Usually, police officers are dispatched in teams. If there are too many Pokémon, it is easy to have a situation where the command is not issued in time.

And because of the busy police work, police officers usually squeeze time to train their own Pokémon.

In order to improve the efficiency of police dispatch, police officers will only train less than three Pokémon, and there must be two Pokémon that are very fast.

A Thunder Beast and a Rocket Sparrow. In addition, police officers with outstanding training ability will also train another Pokémon.

Hochas's Pokémon is also like this, a Thunder Beast at the beginning of the master level and a Rocket Sparrow at the senior elite level, in addition to a master-level Mongoose Slash that looks very awesome.

Akimoto took a look and found that the Rocket Sparrow was only one level away from evolving into the Flame Arrow Sparrow.

Otherwise, Hochas was the deputy sheriff. His Pokémon was indeed the top level among the police officers. It can be seen that he had a very good talent for training.

And if we only talk about training talent, Akimoto thinks Hochas may be stronger than Junshaime.

After all, although Junshaime has two level 40 Pokémon, she has only trained two.

Although I don’t know why Hochas has such good conditions and must be a deputy sheriff in Gumu Town, Akimoto was still very happy when communicating with Hochas. It can be found that he is a very cultured and polite man.

Even Akimoto was keenly aware of the aristocratic demeanor in Horchas's movements.

Gumu Town itself is a dilapidated noble manor. It was later developed into a small tourist town because of this noble manor.

The team of Akimoto and Hochas set out to search for traces of Kong Wu, and the two of them also wore a special communicator for the police force, which was a walkie-talkie.

Akimoto also told Kimisa Yimi about the fact that Kong Wu injured a member of the Flame Team and put him in the clothes of a Team Flame member.

Although doing this can indeed help him gain more chances of survival, it also brings difficulties to the police team's search and rescue. What if Kong Wu really thinks he is a member of the Flare Team and kills him.

Although Qiu Yuan sent the photo of Kong Wu to Miss Junsha, it was so dark that he might not be able to tell the difference.

On the way, Qiu Yuan and Hochas suddenly saw an unusual place, and quickly walked over to check it out with a flashlight.

"This is the mark after a Pokémon attack, but I'm not sure what Pokémon it is."

After checking it with the Thunder Beast, Horchas added: "And it seems to be caused by a physical attack. There are no other special energy fluctuations on the field. It seems to be a general Pokémon."

"Holy shit, bro, that's awesome."

When Qiu Yuan heard this, he was so naughty?

He still used the power of life to detect the concentration of elemental power before confirming that it was an attack from a normal Pokémon. Hochars actually came to the correct conclusion by dividing three times, five times, and two times.

What's going on, you are still working as a deputy police chief in Gumu Town?

"Don't look at me like that." Hochas was still a little embarrassed, pointing at the Thunder Beast and said, "It's the Thunder Beast's credit. It has the ability to distinguish energy attributes."

Qiu Yuan thought, something is wrong. If it has this ability, what does it have to do with you? You can't understand what the Thunder Beast said.

"No, I asked about each attribute one by one."

Horchas smiled slightly awkwardly, and then said.


Akimoto stopped the chat, and together with Horchas, followed the Thunder Beast.

The Thunder Beast has a strong sense of smell and energy perception. It can take Akimoto and Hochas to the place where the latest energy fluctuation occurred.

Akiyuan asked Gengar to form a team with the forest lizard and the frog to search. Although Hochars was not very relieved, he still didn't stop him when he thought of what Akiyuan said.

Qiu Yuan said: "It's okay. Gengar is a quasi-king Pokémon. It's just a little bit close to reaching the king level. It can still run away if it can't be beaten."

Isn’t it shocking to say this?

Horchas followed the Thunder Beast silently.

Damn it, a breeder like you has a Pokémon that is just one step away from becoming a king. How embarrassing is this for me, the deputy police chief!

Hochas, who has always been extremely well-educated, also cursed in his heart.

It's irritating, people are more irritating than others.

Gardevoir has always been nearby, ready to respond to emergencies and protect Qiu Yuan.

The Pokmon ball containing the mount goat is also held tightly in Akimoto's hand at all times. If something goes wrong, he will release the mount goat and run away at any time to ensure his own safety.

The mount goat is not released directly because it is too large and easily exposes the target.

While Akimoto was still searching for Kongwu, Kongwu had already changed into the clothes of a member of the Flare Team, and successfully used his Flying Mantis to sneak him into the Flare Team's base in Qiuwu Mountain.

The Flare Team set up their base just two kilometers away from the police station in a very stupid way. There are usually not many police searches here, and the flow of people is relatively small, so it is very safe.

As the saying goes, it's dark under the light, and Team Flare seized on this mentality to build the base so close.

Kongwu patted the ugly orange-red uniform with some disgust, endured the smell of sweat coming from the clothes, and walked to the cooking class next to the base.

The member of Team Flare he knocked out was a very slovenly man, about the same height as Kongwu. His name was Tapao, and he was only half a cook in Team Flare.

The reason why he is said to be a half-cook is because Tapao doesn't know how to cook at all. He stayed in Team Flare purely because he was willing to do all kinds of dirty and dirty work that others did not do.

Kongwu heard all these things from the words of other members, because Tapao didn't like to communicate with others, and he made himself miserable all day long, and he had no friends in the Flare Team.

This means that now if Kongwu puts some mud on his face and hair, no one will find out that he is a fake Tapao, and even if he uses his own voice to talk to others, no one will feel anything strange. The place.

Although in order to maintain Ta Pang's image, Kongwu had to wear sour and sour clothes and use mud to make himself look disgraced and ugly.

But Kongwu had no choice. He injured three members of Team Flare, knocked one unconscious, and stripped the others naked. Now there was no safe place except deep into the tiger's den.

Hey, it’s dark under the lamp, and it’s dark under the lamp again.

Team Flare played a trick on the police of Gumu Town, and Kongwu also found Team Flare's base as if they had a tact and played a trick with them.

"Tappa! What are you doing whining?"

Kong Wu was walking cautiously when he suddenly heard a serious voice coming from behind him. He paused for a moment and then realized that he was "Tapiao" now.

Kongwu slowly turned around, lowered his head as much as possible, and showed his messy hair and muddy face to the person who called him.

"Is there anything?"

From Ta Pi's performance and other people's comments about him, Ta Pi should be a very autistic and unconfident person, but he also joined the ranks of hunting Kong Wu before, and it can be seen that he actually has a trace of the idea of ​​proving his ID.

Or the idea of ​​fighting for the right to live a better life for himself.

Kongwu tried his best to act cowardly to match his current understanding of Ta Pi.

Unexpectedly, Kongwu's performance was exactly Ta Pi's daily performance. When the person who called Kongwu saw him turn around, he said in an extremely impatient tone, like driving a dog: "Hurry up and deal with the rotten meat! Otherwise, I will report to the superiors about your sneaking out today!"

Although Kongwu didn't know where the rotten meat he was talking about was, he was better to leave this person first.

Kong Wu lowered his head and trembled as he responded, then he turned around and walked away slowly while nodding and bowing.

When he left, he could also hear the sound of spitting, a very deliberate sound.

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