Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 901: : I don't think it's feeling nature

There are many interesting things on Silver Mountain.

I used to focus on training the elf, but I didn't find it when I was stirring the wind and rain outside.

Now that I am free, I go shopping on Baiyin Mountain every day in the name of feeling nature, and I find that most of these wild elves have extremely characteristic (weird) personalities.

Plus he can communicate with them using waveguides.

As a result, Heiduo sometimes subconsciously forgets the identity of the other elf, and feels that the thing in front of him is a human being.

Fortunately, once the power of the waveguide is closed, that feeling disappears.

It's definitely a psychological factor.

"Okay! Go with your wives!"

Heduo scratched the wolf dog's belly and pushed it and its noisy sons and daughters away.

The other great wolf dogs around looked at them and said nothing.

The coyote and the wolf dog are not very easy to use in the game, but in reality they look handsome and cute, very similar to the previous Czech wolf dog. Of course, its prototype is the African brown hyena.


The Great Wolf Dog stuck out his tongue and licked He Duo's face, then turned his head and howled loudly and ran away.

The other big wolf dogs followed closely behind, and their mouths were also howling, and even a group of small coyotes were also shouting.


He Duo stood up and shook his head. The howling behavior of the great wolf dogs is to declare the sovereignty of their territory and belong to the racial personality. At the same time, howling helps to increase their physical excitement.

That's right, humans roar out of excitement, but great wolf dogs roar out of excitement.

But this cry is not an ordinary "nuisance".

Many wild elves have complained to Heiduo many times, saying that they also shouted in the middle of the night, making the elves unable to sleep because of the noise, and asked him to take care of the wolf dog.

What about Heido?

He is not the old mother-in-law in a certain TV show, and before the big wolf dog came, the original aboriginal wolf dog could also bark, and it was not all the big wolf dog's fault.

Anyway, beat him up, don't save face for him.

When the elves heard this, they turned their heads and went to beat the big wolf dogs.


Beat and beat, the big wolf dogs should shout or shout.

This is a habit passed down from generation to generation.

Can't kill their nature?


"Yo yo yo!"

No, four or five marsupials led a group of marsupials and rushed down from the mountain, crossed Heiduo with a face full of anger, and chased the great wolf dogs who were far away.

The one running in the middle happened to be brought back from Ole by Heido, and couldn't accept Marjola, who lived in the Poké Ball for a long time, and was eventually kept free on Silver Mountain.

Full of wildness, it clearly has a cat head, but it jumps forward in the trees as dexterously as a monkey.

"This guy…"

He Duo just wanted to complain that he didn't even know his own trainer, when he saw Marula, who had run out more than ten meters, stopped, turned his head and glanced at him.

Then happily ran over.


It was only after He Duo's waist-high Marula made a leap that she threw herself into his arms.

Seeing that their companions had left the team, the other Majula and Yula slowly stopped their pace and did not chase after them, even though they were extremely angry.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

He Duo smiled and touched Marula's head, calculating the last time she came to see Marula, it should have been a week ago.


Marella rubbed her face against his chest, and even snorted happily.

Although he is often not around Heido, his love and closeness to Heiduo is not a little bit.

The two got close for a while.

Marara ran away with her comrades, holding the large can of energy cubes that Hedor had given her.


Before leaving, he did not forget to turn his head and shout at He Duo, with an expression that he often went home to see.

He Duo waved goodbye to it, dumbfounded.

mountain top.

Snow-covered places.

The silver-clad look is a stark contrast to the lush greenery below.

He Duo stepped on the crunching snow, and beside him was an ice dragon with eyes as big as apples.

It carried a large and small bag of things on its back, but it did not feel difficult, but looked very happy.

"Well, it's almost here."

He Duo found a suitable high slope, looked at the steep road in front of him, and removed a few strange things from the back of the ice and snow.

This is an assembled sled he bought specially. In fact, when he saw the snowy mountains a long time ago, he was looking for a chance to ski.

It's a pity that the opportunity has not been found after all these years.

It's finally possible now.

To this end, he deliberately bought sleds and snowboards, both single and double.

No way, not bad money!

It's a pity that I didn't get a snowmobile and a snowmobile.


Ice Snow Dragon followed He Duo, jumping and jumping, looking even more excited than He Duo.

"Do you want to play too?"

He Duo glanced at it, the bobsleigh he bought was not too big, and an ice dragon was enough.

He even bought a leash.


Frozen Snow nodded wildly, it is the most lively among the siblings, otherwise it would not take the initiative to help He Duo carry things.

After thinking for a while, Heiduo promised to come down, and he watched the snow for a while, calculating the sliding route that would not hit the raised stones.

In order to avoid the situation of overturning, he also used the waveguide to sweep it again.

Eventually, he found a route that was safe and smooth enough to slide all the way to where there was no snow without overturning.

"Okay, that's it!"

He Duo sat on the sled with satisfaction, took the two protruding sticks in front, patted the reserved back seat, and said to Bingxuelong, "Come on!"

Bingxuelong jumped on the sled excitedly and twisted his butt~www.NovelMTL.com~ to make himself more comfortable.

And when it's just sitting.

He Duo couldn't wait to shrug his body forward.


On a **** with an angle of more than forty-five degrees, the small red skateboard rushed downwards!

The sled speed exceeded 80 yards in an instant!

And it's still growing!

Hei Duo's pupils shrank slightly, his heart beat slightly faster, and a sense of excitement flooded his brain.

Riding a motorcycle and riding a sled are two different things.

Maybe the scene is different, or maybe the direction is relatively difficult to maneuver, there is no brake, etc.

He Duo somehow felt that skiing was much more fun than riding a motorcycle.


Frozen is shocked and excited, it has never played such an exciting game!

But as soon as it opened its mouth and shouted a few times to vent, it ate a belly of wind, and it was really sad.

This also made him quickly shut his mouth, but the excited expression on his face remained undiminished.

three minutes later.

It is a few kilometers away from the starting point.

He Duo shook his wrists, and stood up from the sleigh in relief.

Skiing is indeed a decompression exercise. It only takes three minutes, but it feels more comfortable than a massage.

what is this?

This is spiritual satisfaction.


Bingxuelong staggered to his feet. It wasn't as good as Heiduo. At the thirtieth level, it felt weak in its legs, and its heart was beating very fast.

However, this is happy fast.


asked Heido.


The ice dragon, who finally stood up straight, nodded firmly, it likes to play exciting!

He Duo said: "Okay! Then let's do it again—"

bell bell —

Before he could finish speaking, the elf gear in his pocket rang.

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