Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 796: : What good is it for you to be mad at me? ! !

"Unbelievable, can a elf also speak human language? It is indeed the strongest elf in the universe."

Niu Tou didn't answer Ma Zui, but Subject Three was suddenly silent, and immediately released his tentacles.

Sakagi landed smoothly, looking at Individual Three with an expression of appreciation.

In the special chapter, he has never seen Chaomeng speak. Chaomeng escaped after birth, and he failed to meet Chaomeng. Although he was in Sufang Island, he hid in the dark and observed for a long time, but he also did not come out.

So this is the first time he has seen a talking elf.

The preconceived power of the individual three makes it a plus in Sakagi's eyes no matter what it is.

"Hahaha, are you shriveled?"

Heiduo, who has been watching from the side, smiled silently, "He uses you as props, what kind of feelings does he have for props? It's the same reason that if the bowl is broken, he will only choose to throw it away."

Individual Three remained silent, it naturally understood He Duo's words, so it let Sakagi go, because it knew that it could not get the answer it wanted, just like He Duo said, worthless props were broken, only the Drop this one.

Not even qualified to use waste.

Who has feelings for "tools"?

At least not Sakagi.

Even if you accuse this kind of person again, it is useless. No matter how many different views you talk about, you will play the piano to the bull.

There is no way for Individual Three to seek justice for Sakagi for Individual One.

It glanced at Hedo.

"Look at me, what do I do to you, what do I do to the moon, Ibrahimovic, and you don't have any points?" He Duo rolled his eyes, high-IQ creatures are a lot of shit. Are He Duo and him the same raccoon dog?

This caused the recovered individual three to turn his head in embarrassment.

What is Hedor's character like? I have seen Deoxys with my own eyes in the past year.

It is very different from Sakagi.

"You didn't find it in the Seven Islands?" Sakagi interjected and asked, from the conversation between Hedo and Individual Three, he could hear that the two had been together for a long time.

"I told you earlier that it is the third entity, not the second entity."

He Duo pouted, "The universe is so big, who stipulated that only the cosmic virus in a meteorite can mutate?"

Sakagi was silent for two seconds, and then brought up the corners of his mouth with a free and easy smile, "You are right, no one really stipulates it."

Time passed by minute by minute.

God knows what Dr. Damu is doing. The sun will go down in a while and he hasn't brought it here.

Looking at the falling sunset in the distance, He Duo yawned.

Such complex and numerous things happened in one day, and He Duo couldn't help but get tired.

Deoxys is also very tired, but it is mentally tired, and his physical strength is still very abundant.

"You take a rest, I'll call you again." He Duo put it away with the Poké Ball, but Subject Three didn't respond, silently closed his eyes, and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

In the distance, Lugia glanced at the individual three times with admiration. It had to monitor the entire Seven Islands to prevent unexpected situations.

Alas, do you have to do such a tiring job without going to battle?

I really want to go back and watch TV... ah~~~

As if yawning was contagious, after Heduo yawned again, Lugia followed suit and snorted.

Waiting left and right, Dr. Damu and the reinforcements still have no sign.

If he hadn't been too lazy to run again, He Duo would have teleported these people to Ichinoshima long ago, and asked Dr. Damu and the others to take the initiative to come over.

And this trainer's tower, high-tech.

Of course, there is still a little idea of ​​waiting for the fish to take the bait. In case the Rockets who have not been discovered by He Duo are curious about what happened here, he can catch a few more if they run to the door.

I just don't know if the Rockets are that stupid.

Just when he was bored, He Duo began to chat with Sakagi.

Sakagi was initially reluctant to talk to Heido, not because of the dignity of a middle-aged man, but he didn't want to reveal the positions of the remaining members in his words.

It's just that this guy is not dead, and he has avoided exposing the topic of his other bases countless times.

- Maybe there is.

Like Heido at the time, he was released on medical parole. Serious illnesses that cannot be cured in prison can only be treated outside, so he was able to get out of prison, but after getting out of prison, the sky is not the sky, the birds are flying and the sea is wide, and Banmu must have this. doorway.


Some things may be more uncomfortable for Sakagi than being in prison.

For example, the organization created by him was destroyed by his own son, and then sent to prison for the second time by his own son.

Righteous annihilation.

He Duo's mouth curved in a strange arc, while Sakagi frowned.

He felt as if Heido was thinking of something less pleasant.

At this time.

Those rocket players who teleported to this side after being stunned by Shanaido woke up leisurely and looked around in confusion.

But soon, they found their leader, Sakagi Boss, who was sitting on a large rock in handcuffs, looking at them with a flat expression.

"Leader, leader!"

The foreheads of the Rockets players closest to Sakagi suddenly overflowed with sweat, and they looked flustered.

The leader was actually caught!

how is this possible!

Sakagi has always been synonymous with power in their hearts, even if they lose, there is a way to escape, how could they be caught!

What the **** is this-

"Oh, oh! Come on, isn't that right, I can't pry your boss's mouth open, but I should be able to pry your mouth open."

He Duo's voice entered their ears.

Those who woke up quickly turned their heads, and even saw He Duo with his white teeth and a kind smile on his face.


Someone wanted to speak, but as soon as he uttered a word, his mouth was controlled by the force of his mind.

"Tsk tsk, don't open your mouth before I let you guys talk, thank you for your cooperation." He Duo smiled and turned his head to look at Sakagi, "Since you don't want to say it, I can't torture you to make a confession, but they It's different, I'll ask some questions, do you have any opinion?"

He will also ask if he has an opinion.

Sakagi knew this very well. He even felt that He Duo deliberately woke these people up, because the people who had been captured by He Duo before were still sleeping, why didn't they wake up? already?

"Is this justice?"

Sakagi asked suddenly.

He Duo glanced at him in surprise, "Are you playing word games with me? Justice is not just, evil is not evil, don't rush to put such labels on my forehead, money can't buy you my heart. "

"Don't let me keep your mouth shut, it's indecent."

He warned Sakagi, it's not that he doesn't tear his face, he just doesn't want Sakagi to lose his temper, it's too ugly, and he won't get pleasure from it.


The middle-aged uncle Sakagi sneered, but he really stopped talking.

Interrogation time.

In fact, this kind of thing can be handed over to the police who will come later, but He Duo feels that he also needs to know some things himself.

The interrogators were the three squadron leaders.

They are the old men of Team Rocket, perhaps older than the three beastmen, but there is no room for advancement, they can only be a squadron leader for a lifetime, but they may know more than the three beastmen.

It's not the first time Heido has dealt with them, especially Jian, who has lost this guy's elf twice and stripped him naked in an unmanned power station full of pollutants.

In the past, I didn't dare to kill this guy, because I was afraid of being approached by Sakagi. At that time, he was not Sakagi's opponent at all. Now he can kill him, but he is too lazy to kill.

It doesn't make sense, and killing people is not fun.

Does someone else's blood smell good? Beautiful body tissue?

Sakagi still has the possibility of escaping from the prison. If these three guys get in, they won't be able to get out for most of their lives.


These three people are very hard-mouthed, and there may be a bonus from the presence of Sakagi, and the three criminals just made them look like victims of generosity.

It's a pity that no matter how hard the mouth is, it can't be [Hypnosis].

Yes, it's the kind of hypnosis that neon especially likes to use as a book, and foreigners use it for public performances.

He Duo didn't have the habit of taking notes, but he had a voice recorder, which he used to record some of the instructional videos published by the trainers on the computer, as well as the teachings of the gym trainers, which have now been completely discarded.

Didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

"Hey... You are really rich." He Duo looked back at Sakagi with a sigh, and the latter's face was gloomy.

The so-called three caves of the cunning rabbit, Banmu is the thirty caves of the cunning rabbit. This guy began to penetrate other areas in the early stage of the Chaomeng project, and even the rumored area has his base and team.

And if you want to do all this~www.NovelMTL.com~, you can't do it without sufficient financial resources.

Perhaps, Sakagi may be the richest villain in the world?

He Duo thought about it and felt that among the villains in Pokémon Legends, it seemed that Team Rocket was the only one who had eroded other areas.

Of course, Heiduo didn't think that what these three people said was everything. They were only squadron captains after all, and there were some things they definitely didn't know.

Not even the cadres knew about it, only Sakagi knew.

This middle-aged man is no worse than Saatchi, maybe the difference between the two is just gender, but they are the same sinister.


Those who haven't been pryed will have Xiaoyin to help.

He Duo was very lazy. After realizing that he couldn't completely wipe out the Rockets once and for all, he decisively threw the burden on Xiaoyin.

"Stunning, breathtaking."

After thoroughly squeezing out the value of the three living treasures, He Duo said with deep admiration, "If I hadn't still had cards in my hand, I would have really couldn't help but want to kill you on the spot."

"It's not too late for you to kill me now."

Sakagi was in a bad mood, so he removed the handcuffs directly, "I'm uncomfortable with this thing."

It's not that he broke the tank, but Sakagi knew that Heiduo didn't really care whether he wore handcuffs or not.

This thing is just a sign used to symbolize his capture.

Nasty kid!

"Don't get excited, isn't it coming, the gift is coming."

He Duo smiled slightly. Behind him, several large and small boats, as well as several helicopters, were heading here.

At the moment when the sky completely fell into night, He Duo's "rescue soldiers" came.

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