Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 725: : It's so relaxing~~~

In the crowd of large and small students, Hei Duo, a middle-aged headmaster with gray hair but a tall and straight body, brought him to the playground.

The principal's name is Sui Zhong, and he is almost fifty-five years old this year. He is almost one of the first batch of top training families. His strength is not bad.

He had been serving in the Elf Association before, and only recently retired to Millennium Town to be the headmaster of the trainer school.

I heard that he planned to retire. I don’t know how he agreed to be the principal, but he didn’t come to compete with Heiduo for the position of the gym trainer before.

Fifty-five years old, the retirement age is actually a bit early. According to the average life expectancy in this world, men usually live more than 90 years, and it is not uncommon for women to live more than 100 years.

Physical decline?

Indeed, for trainers, the decline in physical condition is very fatal, such as farsightedness, high blood pressure, etc., and it will make young opponents press and rub the old master on the ground.

Relatively speaking, Juzi and Liubo didn't have so many problems, they just had inconvenience in their legs and feet, and one was on crutches and the other was in a wheelchair. They should be considered lucky.

What's really pitiful is that those who have three highs and can't stand the excitement are afraid that they won't die on the spot.

Fortunately, with Heido's current physique, his state would not drop too much when he was in his fifties and sixties. It might not be impossible to prolong his life after he broke 100.

Forget immortality, the world of Pokémon can live forever, and those that will not die for ten thousand years are basically not flesh-and-blood creatures. For example, a large bird like Lugia would weigh several tons at least according to the rules of physics, and it is impossible to support it. brain.

How could it be only two or three hundred kilograms made of air?

How much is flesh and blood and how much is energy in the body is really hard to say.

He Duo wanted to be immortal for ten thousand years, and it was estimated that he would have to transform from flesh and blood life into energy life.

Yu Jiansang, I am no longer a human being!

Heck, let's get down to business.

The students gradually gathered in the playground, while Heiduo stood on the rostrum, silently listening to the people around him say something or not, and occasionally argue with each other.

Originally, there was still a speech, with two or three thousand words, all of which were not nutritious, but He Duo rejected it.

Not only wasting the time of the students below, but also He Duo's time. If you have time, it is better to train the elves. He Duo goes to the mountains for two laps.

How many people are there in this school?

Nine grades, starting from the age of eleven, three grades are pre-reading, and those who want to read can continue to study for three years. At this time, they can go to study abroad, or stay in the school for six years, or get an elite trainer Qualification certificate, early graduation is also OK.

In the first three years to lay the foundation, I did not have the ability to participate in the silver conference. In the next six years, there were intra-school qualifying competitions, and the top 100 participated in the competition... So it was.

Fifteen classes in a grade, about 30 people in a class, more than 4,000?

There are about 4,000 people here.

One hundred hectares are used by more than 4,000 people, and those who don’t know it think they live in the palace.

Hei Duo couldn't help but slandered. He heard that the dormitory is also a single room, and the space inside is huge, bigger than the room provided by the Elf Center.

Trainers enjoy going to school.

The meeting started with a string of inexplicable music. First, the dean of the school gave a speech, reporting on the general situation of the previous week. The audience was full of young trainers who were lined up in square formations. raised his head.

There was no difference at all with the expression on Monday's rally when Heido was in school.

After the dean of teaching finished speaking, the principal went up to speak again.

After the principal finished speaking, it was Heduo's turn.

"I'll leave it to you." Mr. Sui Zhong gently handed the microphone to He Duo.

He Duo silently took it.

In fact, he didn't really feel that he was the honorary principal at all, and Teng Jun also didn't talk to him at first, which made him still a little confused.

Just deal with it twice.

"Uh, ahem, I'm a black duo, and I will be the honorary principal of this school from today, and classes will start at the beginning and middle of each month, with a limit of 100 students at a time, and the classes will start in the order of registration. The teaching content is not fixed, it basically depends on the mood, above. "

With that said, put the mic back on the shelf.

He didn't say anything about his achievements, nor did he say that he was a trainer at the Millennium Town Gym. After explaining his identity and what he wanted to do, it was over.

The teacher behind him was stunned, but he couldn't say anything. After all, he didn't have the qualifications.

The dean of education was also silent.

Only Principal Sui Zhong, who was over fifty years old, smiled.


As He Duo's words ended, there was an uproar.

Some were surprised that Heido was coming to start the class, and some were happy that he could finally leave after speaking so short.

Of course, after hearing Heiduo's name, there were many people eager to challenge him.

But more, still curious about He Duo himself, and began to whisper.

After all, they have all seen the videos circulating on the forum in the past two days. To be honest, there are very few people in this school who dare to say that they are comparable to those of the challengers.

And those who have the confidence to beat the few elves that He Duo took out are probably only five fingers.

Of course, having confidence and actually playing well are two different things.

He Duo didn't know whether this year was weaker or stronger than Fred's, and the strong and weak had little to do with him.

After introducing myself, there will be nothing to do with Heiduo. There are still several days before the middle of the month, so there is enough time for registration.

"Well, there is something I hope you can cooperate with."

After the meeting, He Duo found the dean, and he had to talk to him about the video.

Being able to observe does not mean that it can be recorded. Although it is inevitable to be secretly photographed when smartphones are invented in the future, but by that time, there will be many incidents of secret photography, and he will have a legitimate reason to regret it.

Anyway, let's talk to the dean first.

After the dean heard it, he felt a little embarrassed, and immediately assured Heido that he would try to put an end to this kind of thing.

It's good to have a guarantee.

Of course, the prohibition sign at the gym will also be erected.

If this is still violated, don't blame him for pursuing legal responsibility.

This world, like Neon, basically has zero tolerance for piracy. Once caught, as long as you have the ability to pay criminal responsibility, you should be fined and squatted.

After finishing what Teng Jun ordered, He Duo turned around and left, staying on campus with nothing to do.

On the way back, I really met someone who came up to challenge, with a look of great interest, and the eyes of the giant pincer mantis were full of belligerence.

But he was rejected directly by Heiduo, and he repeatedly stated that he would not fight anyone other than the gym challenge.

The implication is that if you want to fight against him, you should graduate or drop out of school first.

Those who really wanted to fight him were full of disappointment, and those who had other thoughts had weird expressions. He didn't expect Heiduo to refuse so bluntly.

Immediately afterwards, an operation that He Duo didn't expect appeared, and he didn't know what the man was thinking, but he actually excited him, saying whether Heiduo was afraid of losing.

black duo? ? ?

"Wow! This person seems to be from the third class?"

"Ninth grade?"

"Is it stupid? I'm afraid of losing. I've said it. Fortunately, I'm not in the same class as him."

"I know this person, what is he called confused, he is an international student from Hezhong, who came over the year before, and is in the 70s?"

"Huoying, I don't think he knows him. He only came to Chengdu in the past two years, but... Hezhong doesn't have a gym trainer?"

"It's no wonder that he can say such nonsense. When He Duo took the top trainer, he didn't know where he was, so shameful."

The passing students who were eating melons chatted with each other.

And the person who said He Duo was afraid also found that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. After pricking up his ears and listening for a few words, his face suddenly flushed red, like a monkey's buttocks.

"Come back after you graduate, I will agree when that time comes."

He Duo left a sentence, and walked away without giving the man a single alms from the corner of his eye.

On the contrary, the giant pincer mantis glanced at him, a little curious about what kind of elf he could bring out, and whether it would have the ability to fight with it.

Most likely not, after all, there is no threatening aura from them.

Since the giant pincer mantis has grown up, it has newly learned an ability to distinguish the opponent's breath, just like the Qi in the Dragon Ball, it can determine the strength of the opponent through the change of the opponent's breath.

Even in the Poké Ball it's the same.

Seeing the essence through the phenomenon - bah, seeing the essence through the Pokeball.

Sure enough, I still want to fight the two humans before.

The Giant Claw Mantis missed the days when Crimson and Green were still on the Silver Mountain, and it was a pleasure to play with their elf.

Much more exciting than bullying children.

It's a pity that people have their own things to do, and it is impossible to be as free and loose as Heiduo...

He Duo, who was walking in front, had no idea that the giant pincer mantis was slandering him in his heart, and he was a little fortunate at this time.

Fortunately, he is not a champion.

It's just that the champion didn't get away so easily.

If he is the champion at this time, then he is not allowed to refuse with the attitude just now. Such arrogant words should not come out of the champion's mouth.

Just as public figures cannot refuse the supervision of the masses, the responsibilities of champions are beyond the imagination and understanding of ordinary people.

Infinite is equivalent to the highest and tallest master in the sky in the previous life.

Among them, treating people kindly is a must.

Maybe you can refuse, but you must not be so decisive. You must also smile when you speak, and you must be patient with your successors~www.NovelMTL.com~ And most importantly, once surrounded by people, you must not lose your temper .

Even if you are photographed, you have to smile.

In short.

That thing is a bondage, with high status and great power, but it can't help itself.

It's not like He Duo is now, who refuses when he says refusal, and shows his face when he shows his face.

Are you young? Is it a junior? I'm sorry to worry about my bullshit, you are not a gym challenger, who will take care of you.

Even if you come to challenge the gym, what do you have to say about crushing you directly?

Complaining is a big deal to cut subsidies, sir?

The money in the pocket of the grandfather can't be counted by himself, and it is not bad.


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