Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 659: : Lugia with a broken heart

In the plan, He Duo took the lead in attacking.

Directly block the external communication of the Dark Elf Research Institute with the emp [Electromagnetic Wave] of the Electric Shock Demon.

Then, after mega-evolution on the ground, Banquilas began to use [Earthquake] wildly to attack underground facilities.

Then Lie Bite Lu Shark and Hei Duo take the long dragon directly, kill Elina and other researchers first, and then He Duo's other elves and reinforcement trainers kill the remaining guards.

After successfully capturing Lugia, Heduo went to Ni Dark Island to coordinate the overall situation and capture the remaining three bosses.

Vazir and Guoligang were handed over to others.

The action is relatively hasty, but considering that there are many nights and dreams, the Dark Elf Research Institute will also move several other locations on the mainland. After all of them are moved, it will not take long for the news to spread to Ni Dark Island.

If those fathers and sons were allowed to run away, there would be a big problem.

After discussing the plan many times with the rangers, police officers and trainers who came to reinforce the Aure region.

end of the month.

The action officially begins!

The new moon is headed.

A dark, starry night.

"Team Two, Team Three, Team Four! Team One is already in place! Waiting for your reply!"

On a cliff several kilometers away from the Dark Elf Research Institute, Heiduo whispered and contacted several other teams.

Nickel Dark Island is the final checkpoint. After they discussed it again and again, they decided to attack Nickel Dark Island together.

At that time, the province was killed because of insufficient manpower and they fled.

The second team is in charge of the Shadow Team's secret factory, a "pyramid" hidden in the valley.

The third team and the fourth team are divided into seven or eight sub-teams, responsible for Wazir's subordinates and Wazir himself.

Hedor had also told them about Wazier's weaknesses and habits.

Everything is ready.


Reply came.

"Team 1! Team 2 is already in place! The report is complete! Waiting for your signal at any time!"

"Team one! Teams three and four are already in place! The report is complete! Waiting for your signal!"

In this operation, Teng Jun has a total of eight top trainers, four of whom have come to the Ole area long ago, and the remaining four are newcomers. In addition, there are three from the Ranger Alliance. The chief patrolman, four special police officers like the protagonist of Black and White II Heiji.

These are the main force, and there are also a lot of ordinary police officers, senior trainers and rangers in the rest.

Including countless supporters, logisticians.

The scale is not small, it can be seen that Teng Jun really wants to win the shadow team in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, He Duo took a deep breath, and then quickly made a gesture to the electric shock beast in the sky, which was covered with a variety of monsters.

next second.

Thunder and lightning!

The sky suddenly flashed blue light, but only for a very short moment.

The lights in the Dark Elf Research Institute in the distance also trembled, and then there was no change.

as if nothing happened

Then, the lights of the Dark Elf Institute suddenly dimmed.

To be honest, He Duo is skeptical about whether the emp electromagnetic wave of the electric shock monster can actually work. After all, the electromagnetic pulse in the previous life has only appeared in games and theories, and the practical example is after the nuclear bomb exploded.

So, to be on the safe side, Hedo asked one of the top trainers who came for reinforcements to cut off the main power supply of the Dark Elf Institute with his Polygon II.

Although this guy is an elf with normal attributes, his body is made of data streams, and he can burrow into wires like Rotom.


He Duo let out a low voice, and went into the cave that Lie Bite Lu Shark had dug out.

At the same time, the body of Banquilas behind him shone brightly and changed his posture at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Five seconds later, Super Banquilas ran to the Dark Elf Institute without a word along with the other silent trainers!


Everything was pitch black as the switch was suddenly closed, causing the researchers to panic.

Elina, who was sitting in front of a computer, frowned, and the dream demon beside her shone brightly, illuminating the surroundings.

"Circuit aging?"

Elina, who had appeased the researchers, was a little puzzled. She didn't expect anyone to attack this place. After all, the Elf Research Institute above is a regular facility. Now Ole Continent is just a criminal group like them. Who would come? attack?

It could only be that the lines in other places are aging or there are some problems with the wires.

But soon.

She knew it had nothing to do with the aging of the line.

Because the institute's internal phone is down!

The mobile terminal also failed!

The situation is not right!

"Someone really invaded?" Elina murmured to herself, her pupils shrank sharply, and she turned to run to the room where Lugia was!

But the next moment, a strong earthquake interrupted her movements!

[Earthquake] This move is a terrifying move that doubles the damage if you are in the user's underground!

In the terrifying earth-yellow ground attribute energy, the ceiling fell off, countless instruments were smashed, tables and chairs fell to the ground, and documents were scattered all over the place!

"How is that possible! This place has been specially remodeled!"

Elina hid in the corner in disbelief. In the early stage of construction, this underground base was considered to be attacked by [earthquake], so shock absorption materials were added at the beginning of the design!

But even so, still can't resist?

How scary is this earthquake? !

—Actually, it’s not scary, it’s just that the giant marsh monster is shaking with Super Bangiras.

In pursuit of speed, He Duo has already done everything he can. Otherwise, he should not have used [Earthquake], a move that will cause huge damage to the base, and will easily cause damage to some reusable instruments and some precious materials. destroy.

On the contrary, people and elves are not so vulnerable to damage. The earthquake itself is under the control of Super Bangiras and Giant Marsh Monster to limit each other. As long as you are smart and find a good place to hide, it is not too bad luck to be lost. When the ceiling hits, personal safety can be guaranteed.

No, a bunch of researchers are shivering while hiding under the still-firm seats.

And just in this tremor that no one dared to move, the wall in the laboratory suddenly burst inward, and a large stream of mad sand poured out from the broken wall and quickly rushed into the halfway. In a closed laboratory!

When Elina's expression changed at the corner of the wall, she was about to open the Poke Ball at her waist. However, when her hand just reached her waist, Gengar emerged from the shadow on her head, and grabbed it with a claws with a weird smile. On Elina's head, she turned her face and shot a [Shadow Ball] at the dream demon who used [Flash]!


Ghost attribute energy explodes!

Meng Yao wailed and fell to the ground, while Geng Ghost chased after his victory, flicked his scarlet tongue, and fired several small [Shadow Balls] at Meng Yao again.

Under the continuous roar, Meng Yao rushed to the street on the spot.

Inside the wall, Hei Duo stood behind the fierce biting land shark that kept spewing yellow sand into the laboratory. The whole body was covered with the [Guard] purple light from Moon Ibrahimovic. His eyes flashed with light, scanning the scene in the laboratory. .

He originally thought that Lugia, who was being transformed, would riot after the power outage, just like when Lie Kong sat and fled, but now Lugia seems to have made no noise?

It can't possibly be killed, can it?

Even after darkening, at least there will be some movement—


Suddenly, Hei Duo, who found something, shrank his pupils and his body stiffened.

Lie Bite Lu Shark noticed He Duo's abnormality, and looked at what He Duo was looking at, and immediately his heart was shocked!

In the laboratory, in the black "mirror" against the wall, there are suddenly two huge silver pupils shining in it!

It's just that the light is too weak, and He Duo was fascinated by Meng Yao's [Flash] before, so he couldn't find it!

Where is this mirror!

It was clearly the floor-to-ceiling window leading to the room where Lugia was imprisoned!


Naturally, Gengar didn't see Lugia, who was staring at the laboratory indifferently with his eyes open. He was now busy taking the heads of other researchers in the laboratory and putting their Pokeballs into his own black hole.

And after all this was done, it floated outside without stopping, overshadowing the other researchers and guards.

in the laboratory.

He Duo was the only awake human being left.

The surging wild sand stopped.

Bite Lu Shark hesitated for two seconds, instead of staying by Heiduo's side, he chased after Genggui.

Gengar A "person" can roll over, and it has to keep up.

He Duo didn't care about Lie Bit Lu Shark's departure, and took out two Poke Balls with his backhand.

"Bang Bang" two soft sounds.

Chirullian and Lucario landed.

The first time the former landed, the hairpin-like corner of his head began to glow.


I saw Chirulian exclaimed and ran towards the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at Lugia, who was looming in the darkness, with silver pupils obscure, and for some reason, she shed two lines of tears.

As an emotional elf, it knows Lugia's state better than anyone else. Although it is neither noisy nor noisy, it seems quiet as if nothing has happened, but Chillian knows Lugia's heart. Already riddled with holes.

How does this make the sensual it harden its heart?


save it! It's becoming an empty shell!

Chirullian turned his head, shook off the tears from the corners of his eyes, and looked at Heduo pleadingly.

It wasn't the first time it had seen a dark elf. It had seen the dark king Yan, who was given to Hedor by Vazil before. The elf's sturdy body had nothing in its hollow heart that scared it into nightmares for several nights. ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The Walking Dead!

This is how Kirullian describes the dark elves.

In its view, these elves are no different from the zombies in zombie movies!

How can there be such a life in the world?

The existence of the dark elf undoubtedly caused a critical blow to Kirulian's young mind.

This is also the first time that it has not wiped off the black spots that dripped on the white paper in its heart.

Because Kirullian cannot turn a blind eye to the existence of dark elves, as a strange being that can perceive the emotions of elves and humans, it fears these guys.

At the same time, it also sympathizes and sympathizes with them.


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