Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 596: : Ge Jihua's responsibility

Declined Rai's invitation to take him to see Ge Jihua.

Hedor took back his elves at the front desk.

Whether it is Ge Jihua or noontime flower, this gym trainer in Baike City has nothing to do with him whether he is a human or a god. He is just looking for the possible existence of the Fire-breathing Dragon X evolution stone and the super stone of the giant needle bee. .

Rai had no choice but to watch Heduo go up the stairs. He has always been quite curious about the existence of Heido, especially when he can see the future fragments related to Hedo and confirm them one by one, his thirst for the mysterious and unknown makes him search for Hedo all over the area.

It's a pity that no matter which city he searched carefully, the answer he got was that there was no such person.

He Duo seems to have just appeared out of nowhere, with no idea where he came from. Rai wanted to give up.

Unexpectedly, they met again in Baike City by chance.

Who is he?


Wait a minute. The expression on Rai's face froze.

The last time Heiduo appeared, his hotel was destroyed, so this time it wouldn't be a crisis related to Baike City!

It shouldn't be possible, it shouldn't be possible.

…Let’s go find Mr. Ge Jihua.

Rai didn't dare to be negligent about this kind of thing. After taking the elf back from Miss Joy, he ran to Baike Gym non-stop.

third floor.

Moon Ibrahimovic emerged from He Duo's thick cotton-padded coat.

"Is he the prophet chosen by Celebi?"


Heiduo nodded lightly and changed into lighter clothes. Baike City is not as cold as Route 17 and Xuefeng Town, so just wear normal clothes.

Naturally, he didn't know that Rai took his arrival as a harbinger of disaster, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He left after finishing his work. It had nothing to do with him whether he predicted disaster or not. This time, it really didn't matter. The sky fell and there was a tall man on his back, and Ge Jihua was that tall man.

And his kindness and patience are limited.

"I don't see anything magical about him." Moon Ibrahimovic recalled Rai's face. Rai was not handsome, and his appearance could only be said to be a little more upright than ordinary people.

Why did Celebi pick him?

"Maybe it's because he was the only super power attribute specialist present at the time." He Duo opened the door, "I went to the night training, take care of your luggage."


Hearing the words, Moon Ibrahimovic flicked his tail, grabbed the laptop, and pulled the fiber optic cable to connect to the network.

the next day.

He Duo was still checked the water meter.

To be more precise, it was not actually checking the water meter, but an invitation from the gym trainer.

The two beautiful and lovely girls dressed in strange clothes bowed and said, "Hello, Mr. He Duo, Miss Ge Jihua, the trainer of Baike City Gym, has something to talk to you about. I hope you can come out and talk to her. ."

Here comes the tall man.

He Duo raised his eyebrows, "Didn't she come to invite herself? Why don't she come to the door in person if she invites someone to be a guest?"

Everyone said it was a face, but he didn't come, how could he give Ge Ji this face?

The two girls looked at each other, as if they had expected Heido to say this, and took two steps back.

Then, a woman wearing a cloak full of star patterns and sparkling crystals, with equally weird clothes and weird hairstyle squeezed into He Duo's field of vision.

"The mysterious trainer who saved hundreds of people, Mr. Hedo."



He Duo had a strange expression and glanced at Moon Ibrahimovic next to him.

Haiku is one of the basic comparisons of Neon people's poems. Similar to the ancient poems of the previous life, it is divided into five, seven and five according to syllables.

In Chinese, it is five characters, seven characters, five characters.

Of course, the syllables in the world of Pokémon are different from Chinese, so the translated text is not correct (lazy dog).

It has a certain relationship with Senryu, the elf that Dr. Ogi especially likes, but not much.

Anyway, just treat it as an alien version of poetry.

However, this prophet really has enough personality, and it turns out that the trainers who specialize in super power attributes are not normal.

Seeing Hei Duo's confused expression, Ge Jihua sighed in his heart. He is another person who doesn't understand art.

But the next sentence he communicated with He Duo was back to normal.

"Sorry, haiku is my hobby." Ge Jihua smiled slightly, "I have some doubts that I want to discuss with you, I hope you can answer it for me."

Heduo decisively refused.

"Sorry, maybe I can't answer your question—"

"Maybe I can help you with what you want to do." Ge Jihua interrupted He Duo, "I still have a certain position in Baike City, no matter what you want to do, I believe I can help you."

He said that no matter what He Duo wanted to do, in fact Ge Jihua had a general idea of ​​what He Duo wanted to do.

The basic rule of the prophet's speech is to hide half and reveal half.

Heiduo opened his mouth and found that he really didn't seem to have any reason to reject Ge Jihua.

Personal ability is limited. With Ge Jihua's help, the efficiency of finding stones may be improved a lot.


He Duo, who agreed, and Ge Jihua came to the most famous coffee shop in Baike City together.

The two girls in fancy clothes left early, and did not accompany Ge Jihua like servants.

So now is Ge Jihua and Hedo's alone time.

"If you have any questions, just say it. If I can answer, I will tell you." He Duo thanked the waiter for the coffee. Indoors are ten times more expensive!

Isn't this slaughtering?

Ge Jihua also ordered a cup, but she ordered flower tea, "Forgive me, I'm just curious, how did you explore the future?"


"In my vague prophecy, you seem to be very familiar with the future. Any event that threatens a large area seems to have your figure mixed in it. You also understand that although I am a prophet , but I don't trust the word coincidence." Ge Jihua took a sip of tea and looked at Heiduo's eyes at the same time. He thought he would show panic, but he never thought that Heiduo's expression had not changed in the slightest. .

So I hate superpower attributes.

However, what this guy can predict is extremely limited.

I only know that various events will occur in the region, but I don't know why or where the problem comes from.

Sure enough, the bigger the event, the less predictable it is.

He Duo sneered in his heart, and his expression was light, "You can treat it as a gift from time and space."

"The gift of time and space?" Ge Jihua didn't know why He Duo said this.

Heiduo pointed to himself, "Just like your ability to prophesy, there is always a group of people in the world who can't use common sense to prove his miraculousness. You can treat them as the world's darlings. I know who these darlings are, So I am close to them, and the center of the world is them, not me."

These darlings are, of course, book holders.

When Ge Jihua and He Duo were talking, half of them were hidden, so when He Duo and Ge Jihua were talking, they did the same.

But Ge Jihua still has the ability to think logically, "You mean, you are only aware of the big events that will happen to some people, but you are not aware of the big events themselves?"

"Almost." He Duo said vaguely.

Seeing that Heiduo didn't want to say more, Ge Jihua changed the subject, "Then, please answer my second question. You shouldn't have been to the Carlos area three years ago, right?"

Started asking about Celebi.

He Duo kept his eyes open and said, "Yes."

"Then how did you find out that you have traveled through time and space?" Ge Jihua's tone was very flat, as if she was stating a fact.

If this were a thriller, the background music would probably be playing.

But Heiduo didn't respond too much, "The socket, and whether there is a network cable, etc., you can find out about this kind of thing when you ask the front desk about the current era."

As soon as this word comes out.

Ge Jihua suddenly realized, "Sure enough, the time-space fluctuation three years ago, and the time-space fluctuation not long ago were created by you through time and space."

Heido: "?"

He thought that Ge Jihua knew everything, but it turned out to be all speculation, so let's put it here.

To be honest, if he hadn't still asked Ge Jihua for something, he would have left long ago.

After I never thought about asking, Ge Jihua got up and bent over He Duo, "Thank you for your answer, I know what caused the two unknown time-space fluctuations, I'm relieved~www.NovelMTL.com~ no more. ?"

"Yes." Ge Jihua shook her starlight cloak and bent down towards He Duo, "I'm sorry to be so aggressive to you just now, but I figured out what happened in the Carlos area. The duty of the Gym trainer in the engraved city is also an obligation."

"At the same time, thank you for your help to the people of Carlos. Your kindness will be turned into a blessing to accompany you."

Ge Jihua said quite sincerely, obviously explaining and apologizing for his previous inquisitive behavior.

He Duo was silent for two seconds, then replied: "Understand."

Ge Jihua is a monitor in the Carlos area, and she is obliged to find out any abnormality.

And He Duo, who traveled through time and space, was the abnormality, so she couldn't wait to come to the door and ask the reason.

Moreover, He Duo's previous good deeds that gave the people time to escape did not get any thanks from the rescued, but Ge Jihua, one of their leaders, understood that He Duo was holding on to it. What kind of consciousness, facing the battle between the two legendary fairies.

Either actively or forced.

It is a fact that nearly 500 people survived with the help of Hedor.

Ge Jihua couldn't give He Duo a proper reward, but it didn't prevent her from wanting to express her gratitude to He Duo.

Anyone is willing to listen to auspicious words, especially Heiduo from a world with a strong karma culture.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

That's what He Duo thought when he rushed out to the restaurant door as the aftermath of his move.

"I still need your help tonight." He Duo got up and stretched out his hand towards Ge Jihua. Ge Jihua and Heiduo shook hands gently, "Of course, please rest assured."

The two men's conversation didn't start out pleasantly, but ended surprisingly well.

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