Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 594: : Brother Guilong is not at home

After half an hour.

"Wait, wait, wait, don't move."

He Duo raised his hand to stop the electric shock beast who wanted to help him up, "Let me lie down for a while. Rest and rest."

One super evolution of the three elves really put a burden on Heido's body. Even with his eighty-point physique, he could only last for half an hour.

And after the super evolution is over, the body is like being hollowed out, with soft hands and feet, lying on the ground for a long time and unable to recover.

Sometimes Heido envy those people with special talents. The five super-evolutions didn't even breathe a sigh of relief, just like the blood cows. If it's his turn to have three, it won't work. Those who don't know it think that there is a problem with one of his parts.


Bite Lu Shark, Giant Claw Mantis and Lizard King looked at each other and backed away silently.

They were the main culprits who hollowed out Heido, especially the bite of the land shark. They were so obsessed with the terrifying suppressing power that the super-evolution could one-on-two, and almost sucked Heido dry.

"It seems that three is my limit. Maybe putting the other two keystones and the super carrying device together can prolong the time of super evolution, but one more is definitely not enough." Hei lying on the soft snow Duo exhaled white air, the Firestorm Beast exploded sparks beside him to warm him, and the Fire-breathing Dragon used its tail to help Heduo dry the water stains on his legs after the snow melted.

"Thank you."

He Duo smiled at the impatient Firestorm Beast.

The ideological work of this huge weasel is still difficult to do, and the intimacy is slow to improve, but in a subtle way, it no longer rejects Heido's intimacy with it, and even takes the initiative to make trouble with Heido.

Of course, putting on a bad face is a daily practice.

Tsundere giant weasel, unfortunately you are male.


He Duo suddenly remembered the irritable yellow-haired little brother who also breathed fire in a certain fan circle academy.

Not quite.

Firestorm beasts are much more docile than Bakugou.

And while he was wandering out of the sky.


In the trees covered with snow and ice, there was a slight sound of objects moving.

"Ah, sure enough."

Heiduo's expression remained unchanged, and he comforted the fiercely biting land sharks who had entered a state of alert.

The movement of the night training is very big. In the city, it will attract the crowd of melon eating people, and in the wild, it will attract the wild elves who eat melon.

In the former case, Heiduo will ignore it as if nothing happened.

the latter-

"Come on, try my secret elf food to your liking!"

He Duo, who regained his strength, got up, sat cross-legged, took out all kinds of elf food from Gengar's stomach, and beckoned to the wild elf who were observing secretly.

At this time, it depends on whether Heiduo's affinity is strong enough and whether he can win the hearts of all wild elves. Otherwise, robbers and thieves will easily appear.

Like this tundra bear.

He Duo sighed inwardly as he looked at the huge monster that was almost 2.8 meters tall and slowly walked out of the frozen grass in front of him.

The prototype of the tundra bear, the polar bear was the largest terrestrial carnivore in the world in its previous life.

Correspondingly, the tundra bear in the Pokémon world is also terrifyingly large, even taller than the giant marsh monster.


The tundra bear roared at Hedo as the man stood up, revealing its sharp black claws and broad palms capable of shattering ice floes.

Behind it, there are five degenerate, sneezing bears with ice-blue heads and snow-white bodies.

If it weren't for the snot hanging all the time, the sneeze bear is actually quite cute.

"Let it be quiet."

He Duo's expression remained unchanged, and it was common for him to be robbed by wild elves, but this did not affect his enthusiasm for being a good-fortune boy.

One of the Big Three, the Electric Monster, showed a "passionate" smile to Sneeze Bear.

So, under the terrified gaze of the five sneeze bears, their mother was beaten by the electric shock monster.

Heiduo next to him smiled and beckoned to some other wild elves hiding in the grass to observe secretly, "You're welcome, come and come, try them all."

In the outskirts of Xuefeng Town, there are many ice-type elves, and there are also many water-type elves, most of them are scattered.

Like the mini ice known as the only ice and its two evolutionary models, the lip-smacking baby, the snorkeling weasel and the swimming weasel are all very special.

By the way, there is also a kind of elf called Bingbao, who has no sense of existence.

Cute is quite cute.

"Eh? Yula?"

He Duo grabbed some dishonest hands and feet, quietly ran to the human-shaped black-haired cat-faced elf beside him, smiled at the trembling it, "Stealing things is not a good boy."

Yan La glanced at the sharks who were biting Lu sharks with malicious intent, and gave He Duo a pleasing smile.

How could it be so blinded by the lard that it jumped out to steal something?

However, Heiduo didn't care much about its stealing behavior. After stuffing a piece of elf food into its mouth, he stood up and faced the tundra bear who was aggrieved and wanted to run, but was stopped by the electric shock monster.


The five sneeze bears shivered behind the tundra bears.


Tundra Kumamoto wanted to roar and warn the approaching Hei Duo, but was slapped on the forehead by the electric shock monster, and immediately whimpered and slowly stepped back.

The sneeze bears also slowly backed away.

They all looked terrified.

"Okay, okay, I don't know what you are afraid of." He Duo threw the elf food in the cloth bag one by one into the mouths of the tundra bears and sneeze bears.

Tundra Kumamoto wanted to spit it out, but the excellent silky texture on his tongue captured it instantly.

five minutes later.

Surrounded by wild elves, He Duo, who was feeding frantically, shook the empty bag.

"No, then forget it, no, no, the supper time is over."

Black Duo chased away the wild elves who lingered.

At the same time, he refused to follow some shameless guys.

Especially the tundra bear, if it wasn't for his good temper, he would have let it crawl long ago.

Guys who don't know good hearts are still thinking about ripping things off.

It's good to give you a bite to eat, you have to go for it.

Day two.

Hedo stuffed a bag of fresh rice into Gengar's belly.

This special winter rice really has a completely different taste from ordinary rice. It has a refreshing feeling to eat, and many elves can also eat it, like Gengar likes it very much.

"Choke choke!"

Geng Gui covered his bloated belly. It wasn't because the alien space in his body couldn't hold it, but because he ate too much breakfast and couldn't hold it.

Sounds strange, right? A ghostly elf can not only eat, but also have two "stomach".

However, what Gengar liked to eat the most were some strange things in Heiduo's dream.

This guy often doesn't sleep at night, uses [Dream Eater] to run into Heido's dream, awaken Heido's consciousness, and then wreak havoc in Heido's dream, a group of skins.

The dream of eating Heido was also carried out with the consent of Heido.

Because he discovered that what was eaten by Gengar was the spiritual attribute of his five-dimensional attributes. Every time Gengar eats, his spiritual attributes will slowly decrease, and after Gengar stops eating, it slowly rises back up.

In addition, the body is healthy, there are no missing parts on the body, and after waking up, the spirit is not exhausted, and there is no feeling at all, go to the hospital for examination, all organs are normal.

Unless Geng Ghost eats not only dreams, but also souls that cannot be surveyed, the mere spiritual attributes can still grow back naturally, and it doesn’t matter if he eats a few more times.

It also seems to be good for Gengar itself.

As for why Gengar's dream of eating elf is to consume the opponent's physical strength, and eating black duo is a spiritual attribute, he does not know.

There might be some secrets in it.

But he's not a researcher and doesn't intend to waste time on this.

"How's your portal practice going?"

Hedo asked Gengar softly.

[The Hidden Spirit Raid] The alien space opened is actually the reversal world of Giratina, but the master of the reversal world does not seem to be as irritable as in the theatrical version. He may be too lazy to pay attention to the fact that he cannot cause harm to the reversal world. guy, right?

He Duo went in and looked, but couldn't see anything.

Invisible, unknowable, unobservable.

Maybe Giratina's consent is required for the human eye to react to the reversed world?

Geng Ghost patted his belly, suddenly opened a dark round hole, and quickly opened another "door" not far in front of him.

This is the type of opening at the sight.

The maximum range is five meters.

It is also the limit of what Gengar can do at present~www.NovelMTL.com~ not bad. He Duo nodded with satisfaction. He never thought that Genggui would integrate the results of other people's practice for several years in one day.

Like I learned from Xiao Chun, the 100% paralyzed [Dragon Breath] took several months of grinding on the Lizard King before I mastered it initially, and I dare not say that it can exert a paralyzing effect every time.

Route 17.

This road on the snow-capped mountains, which is always blowing with wind and snow, is said to be very unfriendly to humans, and it is difficult to walk by human power alone.

As a result, a new industrial chain has emerged here.

- Riding elf, ivory pig.

Pedestrians either take a detour and walk for more than 100 kilometers, or they choose to ride on the ivory pig and walk to Baike Market by the ivory pig, which is a short half-day walk.

"Five hundred? So expensive?"

Hedo and the man who rented the ivory pig stared.

"Handsome guy, it's useless for you to stare at me. You don't know how much their daily rations are! Five hundred is cheap!"

Behind him was a middle-aged man in a huge wooden house complaining to Heiduo.

Five hundred dollars!

He Duo had spent nearly a month to be able to use the 500 yuan to bite the land shark, and the "tolls" here cost 500 yuan!

Mad profiteer!

Lie to a fool! An ivory pig eats 500 yuan of grain a day?

Heiduo wondered if he wanted to sit on the ivory pig and see what it was like to climb over the mountains and mountains on the ivory pig. He had already used the bite land shark to fly in circles.

"...Five hundred dollars!" He counted five hundred cash from his pocket and stuffed it into the middle-aged man's hand. He Duo followed the middle-aged man who was counting the banknotes and walked back into the wooden house.

One after another, giant mammoths with brown fur came into He Duo's eyes.

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