Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 374: : Don't underestimate the coordination trainer! Kuso!

"We won't say anything! You, you give up!" The leader, who is also Hudi's trainer, the tall man named Zouping sniffled and used an expression that you hit me and I won't say anything. resolutely said.

He Duo turned his head in disgust, "Will you wipe your nose first and then talk about this nonsense?" He hid in the half-collapsed top stairwell, using an iron door to block the splash damage of the rain.

He and Mikri planned to say something out of the mouths of the "intelligence" sent to the door, but the progress was not ideal, because the physique of these guys was not good, they were freezing and raining, they passed out four, and they The rest of the Hudi trainer was still awake, but he was not far from fainting.

"Their clothes are very rain-proof, and the hats that come with the clothes can also cover the rain. Hmm... This kind of airtightness and material." Michaeli touched the clothes on several people's bodies, and He Duo was very curious about his concern at this moment. What about people's clothes.

Then, the operation that shocked He Duo came.

I saw Michael nodded lightly with a serious look: "Heiduo! I may know their origins!"

"Pfft!" He Duo almost choked to death, "Wait a minute! How did you know?"

By touching clothes? You don't have this superpower in the original!

Michael turned his head and smiled and said, "I know their clothing materials... This has something to do with a friend of mine. Their family is a high-tech company and is developing a special shoe, so they are looking for many special materials to make shoe uppers. The material, if I remember correctly, was the result of a company in Kanto."

And this operation! ?

He Duo knew that Michaely was talking about Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Fangyuan's business giant, and that the so-called special shoes were the Sonic running shoes that Luby's father bought for him for his birthday.

"Are you sure you have something to do with that company? It may not be possible for others to sell to others!" He Duo retorted, that company can be sold to Dewen Company, but not necessarily to others.

Michaeli shook his head, "As far as I know, that company only provides fabrics of this material to the Elf Association and my friend's company, and it is their exclusive patent. By the way, Naqi has two clothes. It's made of this material, um, I got it from that friend."

Exclusive patent, and it was also used by you to make Ibrahimovic.

It's a bit too coincidental. You said that it was not good for you to provoke someone, but it was a friend of Shaodong Wen's family, who was still half a tailor. This is good, the origin of being exposed by clothes.

He Duo touched his chin, "In other words, these people are either from the Elf Association or from that company!"

"Yes." Mikri put his gaze on the trembling Zouping, "I remember what the company was called? Duoduo Liang Industry?"

After these five words appeared, he didn't even need to continue the questioning. He Duo looked at Zouping who had "passed out" and felt desperate for his IQ.

Every idiot knows there's a problem.

But this Tatara Industry... is another thing that didn't appear in the original work.

He Duo knows that the world he lives in is based on the worldview and story line of the special chapter, and there are many scenes in the animation or unheard of.

It seems that the so-called Tatara industry is the same.

Are you going to take over the team from Silver Corporation?

It is impossible for there to be only one Silver Company in Kanto, and there must be other companies too. Mostly, this Todora Industry is the next company to be vigorously supported.

But what does this have to do with A'Du?

Why are these people arresting A'Du?

Research the power of Vibrant? That thing only appears once every ten years, it is a gift of nature, and it can be researched!

He Duo thought about it carefully, and felt that if A'du was caught by them, he might not be able to use A'du's power of Vibrant.

"I suddenly wondered why they wanted to kill us?" He Duo remembered that if these people came to arrest A'Du, then why did they attack him and Mikri, and why did they attack Mikri without saying a word? What's the matter with them fighting each other.

Mikri shook his head, "I don't know either, but it's rare for them to come to the door on their own initiative. Let's ask again later!"

The two walked to the edge of the building again. Perhaps the delay here was too long, and the battle on the other side of the Dragon King Tournament was drawing to a close.

The familiar gray-clothed man lay on the ground, and there were countless elves lying on the ground, and the soap bubbles still hadn't burst.

He Duo is a little suspicious that he built another one after it was broken, otherwise it would be too strong! Under the siege of so many people, two bubbles cannot be broken!

"The rain is about to stop!"

Suddenly, Michael's warning sound came from his ear.

Heiduo was stunned for a moment, and then he looked up, feeling that the amount and speed of the fall remained the same, crackling like rain hitting bananas.

But as a water attribute expert, Mikri must have a better grasp of the weather than him. He said that the rain will stop, and it may really stop—


He Duo stretched out his hand, is it his illusion? It's really raining!

The one I couldn't see just now!

He Duo turned his gaze to the location of the Dragon Cave, and wanted to see how the battle was going, but he happened to see that shocking scene.

The dark clouds covered the top, and the torrential rain was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. On the horizon, a group of snake-like and giant-like creatures flew in groups to the dark clouds in the sky. Impenetrable black clouds!

The sun shines down from the opening they hit, and imprints on them, as if a fairy is catching them on the cloud, and it is very similar to the life-saving way the alpaca gave Hoopa in the Hoopa theatrical version. Light!

He Duo only felt dazzled and fascinated. It was really like the dragons described in the myths of the previous life ascending to the heavenly court to visit the emperor of heaven. No matter who they are, they will indulge in this miraculous scene.


Michelle next to him took off his raincoat. The raincoat was not as tight as the clothes worn by the man in gray. His knees, including his shoes, were thoroughly wet.

The fierce bite land shark drilled down from the clouds. It did not create the miraculous scene of the dragon group on the horizon, but it was also attracted by the scene there.

He Duo silently took off his raincoat.

"What are you going to do with this group of people?"

He pointed to the five people behind him. Although he still couldn't figure out where these people came from, A'Du won, and Xiao Chun's group of dragons didn't look like they were running away.

Just as Mikri was about to speak back, the sky above his head suddenly changed again!

I saw the clouds in the sky disperse at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if some invisible force was driving them away!

He Duo's heart throbbed, he raised his head and looked up, he saw a blue long-clawed Jiaolong coldly overlooking the smoke and ink city below on the clear sky that was unknown to how many meters high. Beside it, Kuailong and Huck The dragon ring is waiting, and there are also some violent carp dragons in it!

"Sit in the air!"

He couldn't help muttering in a low voice, this time, Lie Kongzai appeared here in an upright manner, completely different from the "hidden head and tail" posture of the past few days!

Mikori was also shocked. As a person from Fang Yuan, why hasn't he heard of Lie Kongzai's name?

This time I came to Yanmo City to participate in the Dragon King Festival, also to see if I could see Lie Kong sitting, but I never thought I didn't see it at the serious festival, but I saw it after this unknown incident.

He Duo looked at Lie Kongzai in the sky and wondered why A'Du did not choose Lie Kongzai to destroy the world, but chose the big bird and the elf Lugia.

In the special chapter, you can also use the supplementary setting of A’Du is a Dragon Citizen to prevaricate, but here you can’t prevaricate.

Maybe he also knows the position of Lie Kong sitting in the hearts of the dragon people all over the world, and is unwilling to tear his face with the dragon people?

In this case, one has to ask A'Du himself.

Heiduo took his eyes back, the more Lie Kongzai looked, the more he wanted, the more he wanted, the less he couldn't get it, so he might as well not look at it.

Next to him, Michael lowered his head. There were a lot of things on him, and now was not the time to watch Lie Kong sit.

He turned his head, looked at He Duo, and replied to He Duo's question: "I will take them away, contact the international police to help interrogate them, and plan to go to Kanto after I go back this time."

He wanted to ask Tatara Industrial for an explanation. The house he lived in was demolished, and he was attacked inexplicably. It was impossible not to be angry.

Instead of handing it over to the city police, it was also because the behavior of the policeman and the muddy who appeared before made him extremely dissatisfied.

Maybe this is what the policeman did arbitrarily~www.NovelMTL.com~ has nothing to do with the Yanmo City police, but he was still uncomfortable.

The two were about to leave when a figure riding a fast dragon suddenly flew up from below the building.

"Give up resistance! Your companions have been—eh?"

Just as the visitor was about to scold him, he was surprised when he saw He Duo, Mikori, and the five men in gray who were frozen in place.

However, He Duo and her expression were the same, "Miss Xiaochun! Why are you here?"

The person who flew up from the bottom on the fast dragon was the Yanmo Taoist trainer who didn't go to support A'Du, Xiao Chun!

"I think this question should be asked by me." Xiao Chun was really confused as a monk, "You should be in the center of the elf, and this person beside you is—"

He Duo introduced to her, "Ah, this is my friend, Michael from Fang Yuan, and the boyfriend of Na Qi, one of the top six."

"Hello, I'm leaving Mikri." Mikri bowed to Xiao Chun.

Xiaochun jumped off Kuailong's back, smiled and said to Mikuri, "Nice to meet you, I'm Xiaochun!" Immediately, he turned his head and put his hand on Heiduo's head, "You haven't told me yet. Me! Why are you here!"

He Duo took two steps back to dodge Xiao Chun's head slaying, "Mikeli and Naqi happened to be attacked by this group of people..."

He recounted the cause and effect of the incident, and did not forget to ask why Xiao Chun appeared in the central building.

What's going on over there?

"I see." Xiaochun didn't give Heiduo a chance to dodge, and reached out again. Heiduo was in a corner and had no choice but to frown and was touched by Xiaochun twice, "You have good eyes! Lian Long Everyone knows that there are fights over there! It's Hirona who is in charge of blocking the enemy and preventing this artificial rainstorm by the way."

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