Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 233: : Ma Zhishi wants to catch the lightning bird

the next day.

Heido woke up early, as always.

To be honest, I didn't sleep well last night, and there was a ghost Stone sneaking in on the night shift to be naughty.

I almost tore the book in my bag.

"Eat it and get out!" He Duo kicked the purple triangle balloon-shaped elf on the ground angrily, and two inexplicable sharp claws floated beside it, connected only by a trace of smoke.

For such a thief, it is difficult for him to speak in a good voice.

Ghost squatted on the ground holding a large bowl similar to a dog food bowl and devoured it. He didn't pay any attention to He Duo's kicks, and even smiled at him, grinning the corners of his mouth into a terrifying arc.

It is said to be naughty, but there is some hunger.

Otherwise, you won't be able to open the window and come in and look through the bag.

If it wasn't for the breeze outside the window to wake Hei Duo, he wouldn't necessarily wake up.

"So embarrassing!" He Duo turned around, looking at the Abo monster lying on the ground with his head hidden, and poked his body with his index finger, "Anyway, you are over fifty. , was hypnotized by a thirtieth-level ghost Stone! Are you embarrassed!"

Abo didn't move, pretending to be dead.

In fact, it is also very wronged. It is its normal state to be half asleep and half awake. When Ghost Stone hypnotized it, it thought that it would only take a nap.

I didn't expect to fall asleep directly!

This is similar to the people who gambled out as farts and lost the bet.

"A little bit a little bit!" Ghost Stone held the food bowl in his hand while watching the play, with a weird laugh, like a funny one.

No, this guy is just a funny guy. It is inexplicable that he must open the window to enter through the wall.

He Duo folded his arms and looked at it coldly.

According to some reports, Ghost Stone can rely on its inhuman long tongue to absorb the vitality of others. There are also records of Ghost Stone swallowing human life in many books.

In the face of such an elf who could kill him inadvertently, Heidor usually responded with the greatest degree of vigilance.

He opened the window and issued an expulsion order, "Have you finished eating? Let's go after you finish eating."

Ghost-type elves such as Ghost, Ghost Stone, and Gengar are not precious, so there is no need for Heidor to rush to catch one when he encounters one.

Ghost Stone finished eating the food in his hand and had no interest in He Duo himself. After beckoning goodbye, he swayed and flew out.

There is really no emotion to remember.

Moon Ibrahimovic lay on the edge of the pillow with an indifferent expression, "Send that guy away?"

It doesn't seem to like the ghostly elf, and it has been silent when Ghost Stone is around.

"That's right, or else I'll keep the rice?" He Duo started to pack his luggage. He was going to the unmanned power plant today.

Moon Eevee jumped out of bed and went to the toilet to wash the cat's face.

Abo monster was taken back into the ball by Heido, this guy still had no face to see Heido, it always felt that the word "again" was alluding to it.

Luggage was packed quickly.

He didn't say goodbye to anyone, nor did Heduo say goodbye.

He went all the way north to Route 10.

The entry is loess and dust blown up by the breeze.

Road No. 10 is full of large rocky areas, deserted, and the autumn wind is bleak. Not to mention people, many wild elves are unwilling to live here.

Mainly because of the existence of rock tunnels and unmanned power plants, these two buildings that represent human civilization, make the wild goblins here worse than the wild goblins in the golden city.

At least they're just hungry and won't lose their lives due to the massive emissions of pollutants.

"The dust content in the air is very high. Maybe this place will become a desert area in a few years." He Duo touched the ground that was not very solid, and he could hold a handful of sand without much effort.

Route 10 is not far from the sea, but due to pollution and soil erosion, planting vegetation is difficult.

Moon Ibrahimovic was walking on the relatively soft ground, and the slightly turbid air was moving in its nostrils, "It smells so bad, it feels like a garbage collection station."

Is it so exaggerated?

He Duo's nose is not as sensitive as Moon Ibrahimovic. After sniffing carefully, there is indeed a very faint odor in the air.

Feels a bit like car exhaust?

Leave that alone.

There are two ways to the unmanned power station, one is from the inside of the Yanshan tunnel, and the other is through the rocky wilderness outside.

The difference between the two is that one will be exposed to the sun and the other will not be exposed to the sun.

But the odds of encountering a elf are the same. If Hei Duo guessed correctly, this is where Qinglu and Xiaohuang encountered the army of monkey monsters.

Let's go outside, although it's a little sunburned, it's better than crossing the river in the mountains to the end.

Heiduo ignored the entrance of the Yanshan Tunnel and walked towards the rocky path beside him.

Moon Ibrahimovic followed him closely, and since he got off Heiduo's back, he could no longer fish.

On a bare mountain road.

A group of dark people, led by a strong man with a camouflage uniform and a yellow explosive head, slowly walked forward.

The captain of the squadron, whom He Duo had seen before, walked to the middle of the team, his expression a little blank.

"Master Ma, Ma Zhishi, haven't you arrived yet?" He gasped, there were too many strange roads in the rocky mountains and wilderness, and even off-road vehicles couldn't climb over some obstacles, so they had to walk on their feet.

As a retired major, Ma Zhishi's physique is naturally first-class, so the forward speed of a snail is nothing to him.

"Soon, if the map is correct, the abandoned unmanned power plant should be in an angle near the sea." Ma Zhishi wore sunglasses on his face, he turned to look at the squadron captain, "Your that What about Kentaro? It would be better if you let it out."

Speaking of Kentaro, the squad leader Jian's expression suddenly became depressed, "Don't mention Lord Ma Zhishi, most of my elves and my direct subordinates have been released, and only a small number have been found."

Kentaro, who can only command the elf and has special powers, doesn't know where to go.

"Let it go? Oh, you mean the time you met that kid and lost your target?" Ma Zhishi naturally knew that the squadron leader Jian Jian suffered under Chihong and Xiaolan, but he didn't think so.

He's just a little smart and lucky kid, he doesn't even have the courage to make a ruthless attack, and he can't make any waves.

Squadron Captain Jian said with a bitter face: "Yes, I don't know which **** guy, sell it, at least you can find it back that way."

He doesn't think it was Crimson and Xiaolan who let it go. The Rockets and Crimson and the others have not dealt with them once or twice. As the saying goes, the person who knows you the most is often your enemy.

Such a thankless and immoral thing Crimson should not be able to do.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter! There are many powerful elves in the unmanned power plant who were attracted by the lightning bird. You can add it from there." Ma Zhishi smiled boldly. According to the intelligence of the intelligence department, the interior of the unmanned power plant was Gathering a large number of electric-type elves, just to catch all of them and earn extra money.

Squadron Captain Jian hurriedly nodded, "Hi!"

If he didn't think so, how could he follow him?

A group of rockets rolled over the mountains in a mighty way.

Many hungry wild elves stared at them, their eyes eager to scrape a layer of flesh from them.

It's just a pity that there are too many people in the Rockets, so they are afraid of the rat.

From the front of the mountain to the back, the line of sight suddenly opened up.

Sunlit turquoise waters and a sheltered shore appeared before them.

"Unmanned power plant!"

Squadron Captain Jian's spirits are high, and it can be considered that he has arrived.

Ma Zhishi frowned slightly, "The air is too bad, the unmanned power plant is not running, and modern machines don't need this kind of combustion and power generation. Why don't the old antiques be destroyed."

As an expert on electricity, he is very clear that the power plants on the market now use some wind power and water power, and such places that rely on burning substances to generate electricity have long been eliminated.

No wonder it became an unmanned power plant.

"Master Ma Zhishi, the pollution here is deeply ingrained and it is difficult to remove." The squadron leader respectfully handed Ma Zhishi a mask, "If no one improves the environment, it will soon become a ghost, only the little magnet. And the ghosts will come here."

The steel-type elf doesn't care if your exhaust gas is not exhausted, you will be done with electricity.

Hearing this, Ma Zhishi smiled sarcastically, "Look, this is the Alliance, this is the place governed by the Elf Association! The cost of dismantling is too high, and the cost of rationally destroying waste is too high~www.NovelMTL.com~Cost cost, Money comes first! A bunch of guys who are full of fat and corpses!"

As someone who used to work for the association, Ma Zhishi knew very well what kind of idiots were at the top. It was true that he loved money, and he also loved money. He would even steal elf and sell elf to make money.

But he wouldn't do this kind of fishy thing, stealing and selling would always be done by his subordinates, and he would never get his hands dirty. Don't think it's ridiculous, Ma Zhishi is indeed a principled person.

"If it is handed over to Boss Sakagi, all these messed up people who don't clean their buttocks will lose their heads!" Ma Zhishi sneered. He is a loyal supporter of Sakagi's "Dark Forest Theory" and looks forward to a world ruled by Sakagi.

It is the same as the loyal Aju.

The group went down.

You may not see it in the comics, but in fact, the surroundings of the unmanned power station are almost the same as the garbage dump, the stench is high, and a large amount of waste water is left on the ground and on the coast.

Several ghosts sucked the exhaust gas tirelessly, possessing poisonous properties, and most of them were gas-filled. They liked exhaust gas the most.

It feels like breathing life force.

The arrival of Team Rocket caught their attention, and several ghost-type elves looked at each other, wanting to try something different.

So they pounced on the Rockets.

Unfortunately, when the ghosts were halfway through, there were suddenly several three-in-one magnets beside Ma Zhishi.

These weird little elves with screw heads, big eyes, and two magnets on their arms blasted the ghosts directly with an electric current!


The electric current jumped, and the ghosts rolled their eyes and fainted very simply.

Several Poké Balls flew out, including them.

Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are.

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