Pokemon: Beginning Cut Champion Bagon

The Eighty-Ninth Chapter Hangs The Stick National Player (1)

The game soon came to the second round.

"Sister Yahan, I'm going to participate in the competition, you have to work hard."

Gu Yuxuan patted Wang Yahan's head.

I don't know why, Shen Qiuyue is there, but he just wants to be with Wang Yahan.

Or, when you go out for a trip, you will be happier if you are surrounded by beautiful women.

You can never follow a man.

Wang Yahan was slapped by Gu Yuxuan, her face was flushed with a smile on her face.

This smile is silly.

Women in love have low IQs.

In the ring, when Gu Yuxuan just arrived, he saw an Asian face.

Looking at this face model, it seems to be a stick man, just like the handsome guy from the Bang Bang country in the TV series.

But in terms of handsome, he is more handsome, universal in Asia, a large group of people fall madly in love with him.

Bangbang Rival is very upset to see Gu Yuxuan.

He just hates handsome guys, especially those who are more handsome than him.

"People from the Dragon Kingdom, today's game, I want you to know that we are the best in the World's Mightiest."

Jin Dongzhu was very upset, thinking in his heart, he must teach Gu Yuxuan a lesson.

Gu Qinglong was even more upset than Kim Dongsu.

He was crazy about his grandson, if it wasn't for him being a champion who couldn't end in person, he would definitely teach Kim Dong-soo a lesson.

Gu Yuxuan put his right hand on his waist, thinking about what Pokémon should be used.

Aggron and Salamence are already at the quasi-Elite level, and if they are taken out, they are bullying.

Pupitar is only gym tier, and for the second game, should be more than enough without needing to pull out the Trump Card.

"It's up to you, Pupitar."

Gu Yuxuan threw Pupitar.

When Kim Dong-soo saw Pupitar in the ring, his jealousy was beyond recognition.

He is handsome, which is acceptable, but there is a quasi-god Pupitar.

This is Pupitar, and they haven't encountered a quasi-god in the whole Bangbang country.

It can be seen how poor their country is.

Not only Kim Dong-soo is jealous, but many people around him are jealous of Gu Yuxuan.

The gap between people is too great.

"It can't be done, my heart hurts so much, why do others have Pupitar, I don't even see the hair."

"Don't say it's you, I'm also heartbroken. Up to now, I haven't touched it."

People all over the country and even the whole world are envious and jealous.

If he had a spite system, he would probably have hundreds of millions of spite values ​​in just this moment.

Even the value of Assist Spite can become a god.

"Dewgong, the decision is up to you."

Gritting his teeth, Kim Dong-soo released his water Pokémon.

[Name: Dewgong]

[grade: I21]

[Potential: Elite]

Dewgong's strength is not enough, that is, he has an advantage in Attribute and restrains Pupitar four times.

Otherwise, elite-level strength is nothing at all. After all, Bang Bang is too poor, and Kim Dong-soo does not have good Pokémon.

But still have to be careful, Water Type four times restraint Pupitar, don't be careless.

"Pupitar, use Sandstorm."

Pupitar immediately used Sandstorm, covering the entire ring.

Prevents Dewgong's Water Type ability.

"Dewgong, use the Water Gun.

Dewgong bred a Water Gun.

It's just that the power of this water gun is really nothing.

Rushing into the sandstorm, the power was soon weakened by the sandstorm.

Water Gun passed by Pupitar, fell outside the ring, and missed Pupitar.

Even the accuracy is a lot worse.

"Pupitar, Dragon Dance."

Gu Yuxuan originally waited for a while.

But since Dewgong's strength is so poor, then don't rush to end the battle and improve his strength first.

Pupitar hides in the sandstorm and dances strangely to improve his strength.

"No, it's crazy to have Pupitar, but it also has dragon skills."

"Dragon skills are all, definitely a high-potential Pokémon, maybe Elite potential, or even champion potential.

The surrounding audience became envious again.

Not only do they have quasi-god Pokémon, but their potential is so high, I'm so envious of them.

"Not good, Dewgong, Water Gun, sweep the whole field for me."

Kim Dong-soo got anxious.

Without defeating Pupitar soon, the game is in danger.

Dewgong's Water Gun, a circle.

Just happened to hit Pupitar.

It's just that Pupitar is strong, even if he was hit, he still gritted his teeth and continued to fight.

"Very well, rush over and use the most powerful head."

Pupitar rushed into the sandstorm, his huge body was blocked by the sandstorm.

Neither Kim Dong-soo nor Dewgong could detect Pupitar's shadow.

Kim Dong-soo didn't notice Pupitar until Pupitar approached.

It's a pity that it was still a step too late, Pupitar bumped into Dewgong before he had time to speak.



The gap in strength, Dewgong is not Rival at all, he was knocked out and fell to the ground.

"Dewgong lost the ability to fight, Pupitar won, and the winner was Gu Yuxuan."

The referee cheered loudly.

I was very upset to see Kim Dong-soo before, but now that Kim Dong-soo is defeated, he is of course very happy.

"々. How is this possible, how could I lose, it must be you, the referee, who judged blindly."

Kim Dong-soo was furious and blamed the referee.

Gu Yuxuan was speechless, he knew that Bangbang Kingdom couldn't afford to lose, but he didn't expect to lose so much.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he lost, and even blamed the referee.

Even if it is to throw the blame to him, it is better than throwing the blame to the referee.

The referee was also annoyed by Kim Dong-soo.

Is it necessary to dump the blame on him?

He's just a referee, Dewgong was beaten, it doesn't matter to him.

"Hey, hey, there is a video here, I didn't do anything, please don't embarrass your country.

The referee had to explain.

Many people nearby were speechless and despised Kim Dong-soo in their hearts. They had never seen such an embarrassing person as Kim Dong-soo.

In fact, not to mention the referees, even people from Bangbang Country feel that Kim Dongsu is particularly ashamed.

Can't find (Nuo Zhao's) a decent excuse.

For example, Gu Yuxuan cheated, Gu Yuxuan's Pokémon belonged to someone else, and Gu Yuxuan's Pokémon took drugs.

There are really many excuses, but he just found the most unacceptable excuse.

What does it have to do with referees?

Jin Dongzhu knew that he had said the wrong thing, blushed, and didn't know what to say, so he could only turn around angrily.

Reclaimed his Dewgong, and ran away.

He didn't want to stay any longer, he was so embarrassing just now, he couldn't continue to be ashamed.

"Pupitar, come back."

Gu Yuxuan took Pupitar back.

Another victory, with several games to go today.

It is estimated that a large number of people will be eliminated.

With so many people participating in the competition, it is too late to be eliminated today, and it is estimated that a group will be eliminated tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow is the most important game.

On the other side, Wang Yahan's battle was also over and he won. .

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