Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 386, Gym Battle

"Let the challenger come in," Yuhai knew that the culprit of all this was this little kid. It was he who offended this little kid first, and then he found someone to trick him, and he also took a reasonable and legal way.

If he gives up the mission, he will have to pay liquidated damages to the trainers who challenged the gym to appease the anger of these trainers.

He has thought every step carefully. What can he do? It is probably the orchard manager's idea. After all, what can a little kid know? The old fox is the most difficult to deal with.

"Okay, big brother, you have to work hard, you can't lose again," Ada called the big brother, gloating about his misfortune.

Ukai was so angry that he wanted to go up and kick Ada's butt again.

"Are you his eldest brother?"

As the challenging trainer entered the gym, he saw Ukai standing on the battlefield and thought that Ukai was the acting gym leader.

"I am the acting museum owner and can accept your challenge," Yuhai saw Ada blinking at him and could only pretend to admit his identity.

"Okay, he and I have finished shooting the fixed target. Let's go up to the moving target Frisbee and have a surfing competition. I can get the Sakura badge." The challenger was the trainer just now. Ada ran away in the middle of the fight. He I haven’t gotten the Sakura badge yet.

"Release your elves," Yuhai released the mosquito-repellent frogs. Isn't it just a water gun shooting? He wanted to torture these little brats.

"Go ahead, mosquito-repellent frog," the challenging trainer also released his own mosquito-repellent frog.

"Let out the Frisbee, you go first, start with a Frisbee," Ukai raised his hand to let Ada release the Frisbee. There is a Frisbee launcher in the gym.

"Okay, get ready, I'm going to release the Frisbee." Ada had a remote control in his hand that controlled the number of Frisbees launched. When he saw the challenger nodding, he pressed the remote control in his hand.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, be prepared, you must hit that Frisbee," the challenger and the mosquito-repellent frog both stared at the direction of the Frisbee launcher.


A khaki Frisbee suddenly rushed out of the launcher with a whooshing sound. The challenger's mosquito-repellent frog immediately opened its mouth and spit out a water gun, hitting the moving Frisbee.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, it's your turn," Yuhai also didn't expect that the opponent's mosquito-repellent frog could actually hit the moving target, which showed that the opponent's mosquito-repellent frog was highly trained and accurate.

"Yo Bo," the mosquito-repellent frog was very confident about this. It could hit the moving target Frisbee blindfolded, let alone with its eyes open.

Puff puff--

Puff puff--

As the two mosquito-repellent frogs competed against the moving target, it gradually came to three consecutive shots of the moving target Frisbee. The challenger's mosquito-repellent frog missed one Frisbee, but Ukai's mosquito-repellent frog still hit all.

Then there is no suspense about winning or losing. The boy failed to challenge Xia Gan Gym...

"Young man, your mosquito-repellent frogs have been cultivated very well. They are at least much better than someone else. They still need to go back and practice more." When Yuhai said this, he glanced at Ada and was talking about losing three badges. A cute and fun-loving little kid.

"Damn it," Ada saw Ukai's provocative look and really wanted to beat him up. He didn't expect that the trainer he found at random, Mosquito-Repellent Frog's water gun, was so powerful that he could hit even three consecutive shots on a moving target.

He originally wanted to wait until Ukai lost the gym battle and then laugh at the other party, but he didn't expect to be ridiculed by the other party instead. He was unwilling to accept it.

He was ignored before, and now he is being compared and looked down upon by the strange trainer he invited. He feels miserable. Who can understand...

"Thank you for the guidance. Your mosquito-repellent frog is very strong. It is indeed much stronger than someone else. I heard that someone had lost three badges in a row before asking for foreign aid." The boy gritted his teeth and missed the chance to get the Sakura badge. , could only sigh helplessly, turned around and left Xia Qian Gym.

"Hey? Who are you looking down on? Who has hired foreign aid and is capable of a duel?" Ada refused. The few sharp arrows just inserted made him feel cold. He wanted to find the other party for a duel.

"Haha, okay, the gym battle is not a battle between elves. Hurry up and let the next trainer come in." Ukai laughed out loud when he saw Ada slumped, and asked the boy to dig a hole and shoot himself in the foot. Now he Just bury yourself in a pit!

"Just wait," Ada saw Ukai smiling so happily and gritted his teeth in anger again. He didn't believe that this bastard could always win. There would always be times when the other party would cry.

As the next challenger entered the stage, Yuhai decided to let the mosquito-repellent frog maintain its strength, and let the giant claw crab and the big-mouthed gull take over for the current gym battle.

For moving target three-shot and four-shot bursts, these little guys are good at hitting the target, and they are enough to deal with the newbies who challenge the gym.

Just as he thought, the second challenger could lose even on a fixed target, let alone a moving target. He could only let these newcomers go back to practice again.

He also watches what others do, and when he encounters young, chattering, and excited trainers, he basically uses Giant Crab and Big-billed Gull to fight.

When he met an experienced trainer who was older, confident, and very calm, he would send the mosquito-repellent frog on the field.

After defeating dozens of challengers in a row, everyone knew that there was a master in the gym. He was not an ordinary master, but a master like Atsumi, the master of the gym. The difficulty of the challenge was hellish.

After some new trainers learned that there were masters, they chose to retreat, preparing to go back and practice again, and challenge the gym another day.

Some trainers became interested instead. Their purpose was to challenge the masters. Like the three lucky ones who missed out on getting the badges, they looked down upon them.

Until the difficulty on Ukai's side continued to escalate. After the fixed target was over, he moved on to the moving target and played one to four moving target Frisbees.

After the other party was able to keep up with this level of difficulty, the difficulty was then upgraded. Both sides attacked the Frisbee at the same time and hit the Frisbee at the same time. Only then did Ukai decide to get serious.

"Your elf cultivation is excellent, young man." After Yuhai praised the young man, he turned to Ada and shouted: "Go find two pieces of black cloth..."

"Why?" Ada didn't understand. What was the black cloth doing in the elf water gun competition?

"I'll find you when I ask you to. Where's all this nonsense? If you don't find me, don't blame me if you lose later. It's because you don't cooperate." Yuhai said unceremoniously to Ada. Who told this little kid to trick him? He won't give this little brat a good look.

During this period of water gun shooting, Ada was numb and dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that the trainer he randomly found would be so powerful. Not only the mosquito-repellent frog was powerful, but also every elf was powerful. He shot himself in the foot and had to swallow the bitter fruit he sown. .

"You're cruel," Ada had no choice but to ask the driver to find Heibu. If he lost the game and the other party had a reason to shirk, he didn't want to see the triumphant smile of the other party's conspiracy succeeding.

"How's it going? Are you going to admit defeat? Hurry up to the next competition, I can't wait to get the badge." The challenger is a young man, and the elf he uses is a Gotha Duck. He is smiling proudly at this moment, thinking Yu Hai is just mediocre, and he is not as powerful as those people in front of him boasted about!

"Here comes the black cloth." Not long after the driver left, he brought some pieces of black cloth and handed them to Yu Hai.

Yuhai stopped to chat with the other party, folded the black cloth in his hand into a palm-sized piece of cloth, put one piece of black cloth on the eyes of the mosquito-repellent frog, and asked the driver to send another piece of black cloth to the young man opposite.

"What are you doing?" The young man took the black cloth given by the driver and looked at Yuhai's actions. He didn't understand what Yuhai was going to do. Shouldn't the water gun competition end here?

"This is the last competition of water gun shooting. Blindfolded and hit a moving target," Ukai saw that the other party didn't understand, so he explained aloud what they were going to do.

"What? How come I didn't know there was such a target shooting competition?" The young man was confused. This was not the first time he challenged Xia Qian Gym. He had never known anything about blindfolded moving targets.

"You know now," Yuhai reluctantly spread his hands, saying that he had the final right to explain.

In fact, he didn't want to do this, but he didn't want to play surfing competition. He didn't have an elf who could take him surfing.

The mosquito-repellent frog is too small to carry him. The giant claw crab swims very slowly and is not good at swimming at all, let alone surfing.

Therefore, the surfing competition could not be held under any circumstances. He had to eliminate all the trainers who challenged the gym during the target shooting competition.

However, none of them noticed that Ada was called out of the gym by the driver at some point, and the task of launching the Frisbee was handed over to the driver.

"Okay," the young man heard this and could only accept this explanation. He put a black cloth strip on his Gotha Duck, and then the blindfolded moving target competition began.

"Start with a Frisbee first," Yuhai decided to give a demonstration first, nodding to the driver who controlled the Frisbee launcher, and then shouted to the mosquito-repellent frog: "Mosquito-repellent frog, get ready..."

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog nodded slightly, facing the direction of the Frisbee launcher, waiting quietly for the Frisbee to appear.

With a whooshing sound, the Frisbee flew out, and the mosquito-repellent frog immediately spit out a water gun and hit the Frisbee in the air. It was easy to do target shooting while blindfolded. The air humidity in the gym was sufficient.

"How is it possible?" The young man felt incredible when he saw the mosquito-repellent frog hit the flying disc in the air. How could the invisible mosquito-repellent frog hit the flying disc? This is impossible.

"Nothing is impossible, it's your turn now," Yuhai wanted to say that this was all the fault of the mosquito-repellent frog. It would be too hurtful to tell the truth.

In fact, a young Gotha Duck can do it too, just go back and practice your super powers...

The scene of playing Frisbee blindfolded was also seen by two people at the back door of the gym. These two people were Ada who left and Ada's sister.

"Impossible, I can't see how I hit it," Ada's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw this scene. He thought that four consecutive shots from the moving target was the limit, but he didn't expect that Yukai still had one hand left.

"Ada, this is the trainer you found," Atsumi quietly called Ada away from the back door. Only her sister could call out this little devil.

"Yes, sister, I originally wanted to retaliate against him for ignoring me, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful," Ada curled his lips. He realized that he had not tricked Yu Hai, but had made him unhappy, and he had made some miscalculations.

"How did my sister teach you not to use elves to attack trainers? Why didn't you listen?" Atsumi had already heard from the driver and the orchard manager that it was her younger brother who attacked them first, but they didn't care and didn't care about the children. Otherwise, my brother would have been beaten long ago.

It doesn't matter if he dominates the family and shows a little temper. He really thinks that outsiders will give way to him. If he offends a bad-tempered trainer one day, he will be beaten.

Moreover, this trainer was not only powerful, he also trained elves very well. He could even do things like blindfolding a moving target. Her elves did not have this ability. She was equally curious about how the other party did it.

Before she returned to the gym, she learned about the causes and consequences of the acting gym owner through the driver, and learned about the good things her stupid brother had done.

She just missed a whole morning without staring at him. She didn't expect that this idiot brother would cause so many troubles for her. Just pulling her ears was considered a small punishment but a big warning.

"Sister, I know I was wrong," Ada couldn't stand up when facing his angry sister. He could kneel down as fast as he could. He didn't want to make her angry, or else he would be beaten again.

"Okay, go back and copy the water arrow turtle's breeding notes three times." Atsumi's attention was all on Ukai at this time, and she didn't care about her stupid brother at all.

"Sister," Ada didn't want to copy the notes, but also wanted to coquettishly persuade her sister to withdraw the punishment.

"Ten times..."

However, Atsumi was not used to her idiot brother at all, and would copy it a hundred times if he was verbose.

"I'll go right away," Ada heard ten times. He didn't dare to act coquettishly. He was afraid that if he spoke again, it might increase to a hundred times, and he would have to copy it until the year of the monkey.

As roars came from here ten times, both Ukai and the challenger's attention was attracted to the back door of the gym. They both turned their heads to look, only to find that there was a girl standing there.

Unlike the challenger who saw the nymphomaniac at the beauty parlor, when Yuhai saw this girl, he was already sweating profusely. His mouth felt dry and he wanted to open his collar to get some air.

He remembered who this red-haired girl was. She was the red-haired girl he met on the luxury cruise ship when he and Xiaoying escaped from Haza Island.

I didn’t expect that I would knock on the hotel owner’s room just by randomly knocking on the door. What a sin!

If he had known that his hands were so mean, he would have chopped them off to prevent him from knocking on other people's doors.

It's okay now, but it's hard to get off the tiger...

Fortunately, I used Variety Monster to disguise myself, so the other party probably wouldn't recognize me.

He can only pray now that the other party...can't see him, can't see him...

After seeing the red-haired girl, Yuhai pretended to be calm and pretended not to recognize her. He looked back at the challenger as if nothing had happened and signaled the challenger's elf to target.

Fortunately, the red-haired girl has never seen him. As long as he pretends not to know him, he can get away with it. As long as he finishes the gym battle here, he will leave Xiagan Island overnight and never come back.

Now this challenger is no longer the one just now. After blindfolding the Gotha Duck, the young man didn't even hit a moving target Frisbee and was eliminated long ago.

"I won't fight you, I want to challenge the owner of Atsumi." The young man was very brave. He ignored Ukai and kept his eyes on Atsumi. Ever since he saw Atsumi, his eyes had been fixed on him and never moved away. opened.

Good guy, there is another licking dog, right? Yuhai is also drunk, how can there be so many licking dogs!

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