As the saying goes, a little separation is better than a new marriage...

By the time Fang Yuan and Xiao Guang finished fighting, it would already be after the sun went down.

The battle was so fierce that more than an hour had passed, and the girl's body was still limp and unable to exert any strength.

Dinner, without exception, fell on Chaomeng's head... and the young couple hugged each other directly on the sofa, quietly enjoying the rare time together.

The girl's face was rosy and glowing with health. Fang Yuan couldn't help but lower his head and take a sip.

"Hmm~hate it! You bad guy!"

The girl leaning on Fang Yuan's shoulder couldn't help but squealed, but her face was full of joy, and there was no hint of disgust.……

"You're so beautiful! Can't help it!"Fang Yuan chuckled.

The girl was happy in her heart, but she still tilted her head and glanced at him.

The small movement made Fang Yuan's eyes flash with surprise.

The girl was extremely beautiful, especially after she had so many That unique charm of a woman became more and more alluring with every smile.

Even Fang Yuan, who had grown up with her and was already familiar with her appearance, couldn't help but use a slight force on his arm. He hugged her tighter for a while.

In an instant, the girl's graceful curves were conveyed to Fang Yuan through the thin clothes, and finally appeared in his mind. Fang Yuan, who had already tasted the taste of meat, had a dry throat and swallowed subconsciously. He spat.

This move frightened the girl.

Xiaoguang looked up at him nervously:"How about another day? I really can't do it today……"

He looks so pitiful that anyone who looks at it will be heartbroken.

"What are you thinking about in your head?" Fang Yuan, dumbfounded, flicked her brain with his finger.

Is he such a merciless person?

The girl covered her forehead, but looked at him with a look that said, 'You are this kind of person.'

Fang Yuan said Angry, he turned the girl over and pushed her down. He raised his hand and gave her a slap in the face.

"Do you still dare?"

"Don’t dare! Fang Yuan, I know I was wrong!"

"That's pretty much it!"

Fang Yuan then let go of her and helped her up.

"Bad guy!"Xiaoguang whispered


Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows.

The girl hurriedly put her hands behind her back and looked at him with beautiful eyes blinking, and there seemed to be tears flashing across her face.

Xunran's expression of wanting to cry almost made Fang Yuan think that she was doing it. How could such a heinous thing be done?

Fang Yuan sighed and hugged Xiaoguang back into his arms. Holding Xiaoguang was much more comfortable than holding a doll.

Seeing that he had escaped from the 'family law', Xiaoguang immediately moved. With a smile on his face, there was no trace of tears. Naturally , it was impossible for Fang Yuan to turn around and implement the 'family law', so he did not expose her and gently brushed her long, black hair.

The curves are indeed becoming more graceful.

Fang Yuan had noticed this before when they met and hugged each other.

However, it felt that it was not as accurate as measuring it with his own hands.

In tonight's battle, he found that the girl's changes were far more precise. His imagination was huge.

And all these changes were due to his development!

Just thinking about this, Fang Yuan felt full of accomplishment.

"Fang Yuan……"

The girl in her arms suddenly raised her little head

"What's wrong?"

"Can you tell me what happened to you in the past two months?"

Looking at the girl's big bright eyes, Fang Yuan nodded without hesitation.

Except for the part about the system, Fang Yuan told the girl all the big and small things that happened in the past two months.

Hearing the relaxed and happy In some cases, the girl would show a faint smile, as if she had experienced the same thing with Fang Yuan. When hearing some critical situation, the girl would purse her mouth nervously and grab Fang Yuan's big hand.

When the movement of evolution attracted the army of monsters, even though she knew that Fang Yuan was safe in the end, the girl's face turned pale, and she hugged Fang Yuan tightly, her little head pressed against his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

To tell her that everything she worried about actually didn't happen.

Fang Yuan could only speed up his speech and go through this paragraph quickly before the girl's body relaxed.……

"correct! Emperor Nabo and the two-tailed monsters are spending the whole day in the Poké Ball!"Listen, listen, the girl suddenly said this.

Fang Yuan, who was speaking, was stunned and did not react.

"I'll go put them out first! The girl said as she got up,"Don't suffocate them!""

Fang Yuan didn't stop her, but his eyes became softer. Trainers who can treat Pokémon well usually don't have a bad heart.

No man doesn't want his girl to have a kind heart.


However, the girl got up and took the first step. Her feet felt weak and she fell back on the sofa weakly.


Forgive Fang Yuan for laughing unkindly.

"You are still laughing, not because you are... such a bad person!"

The girl became angry with shame.

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