Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 895: Don't be afraid, there is me.

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Chapter 895 is not afraid, there is me

If the money and the shepherd are not protected by several black sergeants, they will not be able to stay in the deep water area for too long. In the case that it is extremely difficult to give play to the advantages of their beasts, Gu Qi is hard to come up with a solution. This method is nothing else. It is the use of special bait to print the cannibal squid lurking in the Black Sea.

There are many legends about deep-sea squid squid on both continents. It is said that the squid's head is not much different from the average squid. The only difference is that they have a large mouth that ordinary squid does not have, like a snake's beak. Can be huge, swallow the prey! However, they often do not swallow when they encounter prey, but prefer to bite. The most terrible thing is that this kind of squid is in pairs. No matter how big the prey is, they can bite the prey in an instant to leave only the skeleton.

Gu Qixiao has arranged for the monks to take the bait to bring the squid squid. The task of a lot of money is to control the squid squid group in a short time, and what the priests have to do is to save more money and clean up the mess if the money is not controlled.

Don't say that there is a lot of money and shepherd. It is just that some of the black sergeants who have protected them have just heard of the existence of the squid squid, and they have never seen the true face of the squid squid. Undoubtedly, everyone is very nervous. If the money is not enough to control, or if the animal is not comforted, then they must become the first meal of the cannibal squid today!

Gu Qishao’s idea is indeed a bit of a slap.

However, a lot of money can not allow her to be disrespectful to her seven uncles. Even if she is still nervous than she is, she still takes down the thin golden leaves, and is not pleased: "You have a better way than my seven uncles. I tell you, even if you summon the fish king in the sea, it is not as useful as eating squid!"

The words of a lot of money are really correct. The squid squid appears in pairs, and they are surrounded by each other. Even if the speed of the swearing is fast, they can't escape.

I am too lazy to pay much attention to the money, look into the deep sea, continue to wait. A lot of money sneaked and sneaked several times, seeing that she was not talking, she opened her mouth again. "Hey, how much do you have?"

She did not look at her when she saw it, and asked: "What about you?"

Money is much more: "I will ask you first."

When she looked up, she replied, "If you can hold it, I am relaxed. Why are you not sure?"

Ms. Qian originally wanted to chat and ease the tension. If she knew that she hadn’t talked a few words, she was even more nervous. She pulled her lips, didn't talk, and looked away.

She squinted at her, how much she saw her nervousness. He looked at him and didn't even smack a smile. After all, he couldn't help himself. He said, "Don't be afraid, if you can't stop, there is me."

More money seems to be in a hurry, seriously: "Where am I afraid? Don't talk nonsense!"

She did not fight with her.

Money has added a sentence: "If I am afraid, I will not accept the uncle of my uncle!"

bad idea?

Once again, she can’t help but swear, and the money is so much that it’s a slap, and it’s easy to look elsewhere. At this time, the monks on the side turned around and said nervously: "Two, be careful! There are fish! Come there!"

Both Qian Duoduo and She was immediately alert. They looked in the direction of the monks. After waiting for a while, they saw several black people swimming towards them at a rapid speed. After a while, they saw a black. The shadow moved up quickly. It was like a black mist moving in the water.

The shepherd squats reveals the fine mans, "I am finally here!"

The money puts the golden leaves in his mouth, and it is lightly contained. The big eyes of the two water spirits also reveal the essence of the potential. Tension is tight, and when she faces it, she will not return.

As the shadows approached, they gradually saw the true face of the fish, and the densely packed squid squid opened their mouths and stalked the bait in the water while swimming forward.

In a short while, the bait was eaten up, and the squid squid would have to retreat. A lot of money quickly pointed to the monks on both sides, and the monks immediately took them to the depths of the water, and the money took the opportunity to blow off her golden leaves. This golden leaf is her treasure chest, thin as a flap, special grain, the sound of the sound is very strong, there is an indescribable magic, not to mention the beast, even if it is heard, it may be Dementing the soul.

The strange sound of the golden leaves, coupled with the strange and varied tune of the money, is full of mystery, as if it is coming from the depths of the sea, like the sound of the sea god.

The cannibal squid stopped when they heard the sound, and looked around, seemingly looking for the source of this sound. Much more money, as long as the cannibal squid can notice this sound, she has succeeded most of the time. She did not dare to care, kept the rhythm and played calmly. She must control them before they can try to control them.

She listened to the movement of the squid while playing. Gradually, the cannibal squid, which was looking around, was quiet and suspended in the water. More and more money is more than happy, but she still maintains the same rhythm and strives to be stable and proper. Her serious appearance, like the ordinary, is like a person.

She looked at her, and she was a little distracted. He grew up listening to the beast songs, and will he be photographed by the beasts? He is undoubtedly attracted by the serious side of the money.

When a large group of cannibals were still, the money was suddenly awkward, and in a flash, the melodious melodic changes suddenly became fierce and fierce, one layer and one wave. This sound wave is like a wave followed by a wave, pushing the front wave to the sky. Suddenly, the tune suddenly fell, all the waves fell instantly, and the tone was pressed to the lowest until silence. Silence is only a moment, and the money is re-played again. This is a new song that sounds more exciting than just the one. The monks have been unable to stand it and have caught their ears. She is still looking at a lot of money, he knows that he doesn't have to shoot, and the money is much more successful!

Yes. The money was more successful, and she slowly closed her tail and put down the golden leaves. At this point, every cannibal squid in the cannibal squid group looked at them, and all the articles were very smooth.

The money was relieved and a whistle was blown. The piranhas were ordered to spread, and the entire Fenghuo Island was surrounded in deep water.

When the monks saw it, they were delighted and unbelievable, and they all turned their thumbs up.

"No loss is the Orc, Ling Ling, you are too powerful!"

"The big lady of the Black Forest is really worthy of the name!"

"Ling girl, you make a few long eyes!"


Ms. Qian was very happy with herself. She soon looked at the shepherd and said, "Hey, have you seen it? I need to be afraid?"

Pastoral: "This month, progress is not small."

When Qian Duoduo completely forgot that he was the first to lead the sheep, she had helped a lot. She sneered at it. "Miss Ben is very powerful, but there is no chance of performance!"

She is too lazy to fight with her, saying: "Our mission is completed, just look at them!"

More money carefully took away her baby golden leaves, clapping hands, said: "Successful completion of the task, I have to think about what to ask my seven uncle!"

Pastoral: "Do you like other things besides gold?"

Money is a lot of laughter. "Yes, don't think about it."

Although the task is completed, they both have to be in the same place, just in case. It’s especially ridiculous, and today’s words with a lot of money are already too much. The money was too busy to do nothing, secretly glaring at him, and then moved his mind.

She said to herself, "When I go back, I want to catch a squid and give it to Qin Mozhen! He must have never seen it!"

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