Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 822: Unimaginable identity

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Chapter 822 Unimaginable Identity

In the face of Qian’s question, Qin Min did not deny it. As far as Qian’s attitude is concerned, she knows that it is useless to continue to be weak. She did not humble and replied: "I didn't see enough. Just look at it, can I see who you are?"

Qian Qian seems to be quite satisfied with Qin Min's answer. She laughed and laughed, then jumped off the table and stepped toward Qin Min step by step.

Qin Min is still calm, knowing that Qin Hao had suddenly turned around in front of her, and grabbed the collar of the little dust, and with one hand, the little thoughts were smashed. Xiao Nianchen was **** and could not struggle at all.

When the mother, who can hold this threat? Qin Min gave in the first time, "Stop! You want to know what, I fully cooperate!"

Qian Hao was very satisfied, but she did not let go of Xiao Nianchen. She opened the door and said, "Where is Ji Jiang Lan?"

Qin Min was surprised again. He did not expect Qian Qi’s purpose to be Ji Jianglan. Ji Jianglan is the owner of the cloud-governing palace, but Qian Qian is not like the masterpiece of the cloud-governing palace! It’s hard to do it. Is Qian Qian’s reason for the importance of Ji Jianglan’s attention to Ji Jianglan?

Qin Min only knows that Ji Jianglan has been taken to the northern Xinjiang, but she really does not know where Ji Jianglan was hiding by the solitary swallows. She quickly replied: "I am just a woman, Jing Wang just recognized me, it took me a few months to connect me to the palace. I will know so much?"

Qian Qian didn't believe it, she was cold and laughed, and she was thrown aside when she was cold!

"Ming Chen!"

"Read the dust!"

Qin Min and Aze were both shocked and shouted at the same time. Xiao Nian Chen fell to the side and whispered, but he still felt so strong that he looked up at them for the first time. He did not speak, but gave them a look to reassure them. However, the next moment, his mouth suddenly burst out of blood.

Upon seeing it, Qin Min’s whole person trembled, and he did not know whether he was angry or scared. Aze did not hesitate to say, "I know where Ji Jianglan is! I said! I said! You will save him, I must say!"

Azeri knows, he just wanted to say it, just too late.

When this sentence was finished, Qin Min glared at Aze. Although she was not good, she was sober, knowing that Ji Jianglan’s whereabouts were exposed, they had a great influence on the solitary swallows. ! In addition, Qian Qian obviously will not let them out because they accounted for the whereabouts of Ji Jianglan. If the money is easily made for the first time, then they will not have any requirements for Qian Qian. There is room for rejection! The days ahead are still growing!

Almost at the same time, Xiao Nianchen also came to Aze. His thoughts are the same as the mother. For the first time, he was so angry and screamed: "Gentle Ze, you have to dare to say it, I will not forgive you forever!"

Azeri replied: "I only know this one, I can't watch you suffer!"


Qin Min immediately reacted, Aze did not want to give up the whereabouts of Ji Jianglan, but wanted to take trouble to himself! This silly boy!

Qin Min immediately said to Aze Road: "Okay, you are less involved in your own affairs! Do you know where Ji Jianglan is, I will not know?"

Qin Min did not know how to deal with the immediate crisis, but she never gave up her efforts. She directly transferred the topic and gave herself time to think! She tried hard to cope with the money.

She said: "Qian Wei, can you control Jin Jin? I don't think you are like Jin Jin, is it true that the cloud-empty mainland Baili family has fallen into your hands? Yun Xuan Shui Jing, also in your hand on?"

After listening to Qin Min’s words, Aze and Nian Dian were confused. At least, they are very strange to the words "Yunxuan Shui Jing".

However, Qian Qian showed a shocked expression. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Qin Min again. She didn't make a sound.

Qin Min looked at her and thought about the countermeasures urgently. Qian Yan turned and approached, sneer: "No wonder you can marry Da Tai's Gu Taifu, you are very smart."

Qin Min is actually only a temptation. I did not expect Qian Qi to directly affirm her guess. She was shocked again, her guess was right, and the identity of this money is unimaginable!

Regarding the "Yunxuan Shui Jing", if they were mentioned by the shepherd and the Lonely Fly, everyone would not know the existence of this thing. Yun Xuan Shui Jing is a treasure that is rarely known to the Yi people thousands of years ago. It has a debt to cover all the underwater passages of the two continents, Yunkong and Xuankong. It is very possible to record the secret passage between the two continents, and those who do not. The secret waters known. If you get the Yun Xuan Shui, it is not difficult to deal with the cloud and sky.

However, with the power of one person, how to deal with a group of monks? Before she can deal with the Baikong people, she will have a deaf person available. What is the relationship between her and the singer-in-law who is the same? What is her relationship with the Ji Li people? She must know the existence of the owner of the cloud, and the owner of the cloud does not seem to know her existence? Also, she has just faced the reaction of the altar, and seems to be missing the lonely cloud. She is not like a lonely person! For thousands of years, the descendants of the lonely family do not know the existence of the lonely cloud, and there is no record of the lonely cloud in the history of the mysterious world. Why does she miss it? Her demeanor, including movements, is like a young girl. It doesn't seem like a ancestor to her ancestors. Her attitude towards her predecessors is like a person she likes!

she was……

Qin Min thinks more, the heart is more shocked, but she is still decisively tempted. She said: "You have been lurking in a solitary home for so many years, for the lonely cloud? The portrait of the lonely cloud is actually your hands and feet. You...you are the first makeup woman! You...you are alone For decades, my appearance is made up of makeup! You are not a spirit, that is, it was the spirit of nine products that was cultivated thousands of years ago, and you have the body of immortality!"

After Qin Min finished, Xiao Nianchen and Aze were both shocked. Qian Qian also stunned. Obviously, she did not expect Qin Min to say this, directly revealing her bottom!

She watched Qin Min for a long time, and suddenly she felt "smack". "It's not simple, not simple!"

Seeing Qian’s reaction, Qin Min was really shocked, and just as she thought about the reason why Qian Qi wanted Ji Jianglan, Qian Hao suddenly grabbed her neck and said: “Where is Ji Jianglan, fast? Say! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

During this tea time, Qin Min had already thought of countermeasures. A very adventurous, but have to take a risky approach.

She said: "Jing Wang they sent a substitute to go to northern Xinjiang, the real Ji Jianglan was imprisoned in the Taoyuan Valley of the Taoyin Mountain Shanyin in the northeast of Tianyan, the Taotao Valley and Jinyang City. Taoyuan Valley is very like."

As soon as I heard this, Azer and Nian Chen met with each other. According to Aze's understanding, the emperor and the elder brother really took Ji Jianglan to the northern Xinjiang, and Ji Jianglan was not imprisoned in the place where the mother said. According to Xiao Nianchen, the place where the mother said is actually the old place of Seven Uncle and Baili Mingchuan! Mother, what do you want to do?

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