Poison Doctor’s Cute Baby

Vol 2 Chapter 5851: .The Secret Realm of Nothingness (3)

Chapter 5851

Su Ruoxi didn't expect the blue butterfly's reaction. Although the unfamiliar environment in front of him made Su Ruoxi not aware of the danger or the breath that the blue butterfly said, but Su Ruoxi trusted the blue butterfly. Since the blue butterfly said he hated it, then There is absolutely something that really disgusts Blue Butterfly!

Therefore, Su Ruoxi was naturally wary of it!

"Blue Butterfly, where are we going?" Su Ruoxi thought for a while and asked.

"Master, go to the left!" Blue Butterfly thought for a while and said.

"Okay!" After Su Ruoxi finished speaking, he walked directly to the left.

This forest was checked by Su Ruoxi's spiritual sense just now, and it was discovered that the forest is not very large, and you can leave this forest not far to the left!

Blue Butterfly just said that the breath disgusted her. Maybe there are orcs in the forest that the Blue Butterfly hates. If that's the case, just leave!

So, Su Ruoxi walked directly through the forest. Wherever she walked, Su Ruoxi would leave some marks that only she could perceive. After all, this is an unfamiliar place, and it's always right to be careful!

However, Su Ruoxi soon discovered that his approach was too right!

Because she has been walking for a day, but she hasn’t even gone out yet. She is quite sure that there is no formation or illusion around here, and she is not lost. It is just the forest that she originally saw with her spiritual sense and can be out of it in a long time. After walking for a day, I haven't even gone out yet!

And when she used her spiritual sense to look at it, she found that it was similar to what she had seen a day ago, which meant that she had gone all day for nothing!

This shows that either she has lost her way and has been spinning around in place, or she hasn't lost her way, but there is still a long distance away, as far as the divine sense looks at it is a short distance, but in fact it is very far!

Su Ruoxi looked at the sky that didn't want to sunset at all, and guessed in his heart that either there was no night in the Void Secret Realm, only the day!

Either the day and night here are different from the outside, as for that, it will take a while to know!

Su Ruoxi once again released his divine knowledge and found that what he saw was the same as before, and he didn't get entangled at all. He took out the spirit boat, boarded it, and directly flew on the way!

She didn't believe it, she couldn't get out of this forest!

The spirit boat was in the air. When Su Ruoxi looked down, he was almost at the edge of the forest. It seemed that he would go out after flying a short distance!

But after a day's time, Su Ruoxi also knew that it was not as simple as it seemed on the surface!

Outside the forest is a bare plain. Su Ruoxi controls the spirit boat and flies towards the plain. Su Ruoxi's speed is not very fast, because she wants to see what's weird!

However, Su Ruoxi soon discovered that there were indeed weird places, especially when taking a flying spirit boat at the moment, the feeling was even more obvious, because Su Ruoxi looked at the scenery below which was still on the edge of the forest, and he clearly flew far away. The distance of the distance, there are constantly clouds passing by in front of my eyes...

But every time I looked down, I still found that I was still on the edge of the forest and seemed to have been flying in place for a long time, but Su Ruoxi was sure that he was not flying in place!

If you fall by yourself now, you must still be in the forest, but definitely not in the place before, so either the forest is not right, or the plain is not right, otherwise it won't appear that the distance is very close, in fact, the distance is very far!

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