"Fate had to borrow your armor to remove a hero."

"But now, this is no longer necessary. I will return to your hometown with your body." Achilles' body was taken away by ribbons, and the bodies of heroes and soldiers were buried by everyone.

The flames and thick smoke that burned the corpse were uninterrupted for three consecutive days. It can be seen how many heroes and soldiers died in this battle.

After the matter was over, the Greeks summoned many princes and heroes to meet to find a better way for the next arrangement.

This war has been going on for almost seven years, but the Greeks have not yet broken through the city of Troy, but have killed too many heroes and soldiers.

The Greeks did not succeed at all, and they could not explain to the city-state assembly when they returned. Everyone must discuss a good way.

At the prince meeting, Menelaus stood out and looked around the crowd, saying, "Noble princes, please listen to my opinions."

Everyone heard Menelaus's words, and all stopped talking in private, and kept his eyes on him to see what Menelaus had proposed.

"I saw our soldiers dying in large numbers, my heart was bleeding. They entered the war for me, and now it seems that everyone can't survive and can't see their family."

The crowd heard this and nodded, they were indeed ready to die here.

"Actually, let's leave this ominous land. Let the living people go back by boat. Since Achilles and Eaz are dead, we can no longer count on victory in the war."

But to everyone's surprise, Menelaus turned sharply when he said that he wanted to give up the war and leave here, which made many Greek heroes angry.

"As for me, I don't care about my unscrupulous wife Helen anymore. I care about you more than her. Let her stay by Paris!"

Menelaus obtained the advice of Agamemnon, and said these words to test the Greeks. In fact, in his heart, he wanted to destroy the Trojans more than anyone.

Dimodes didn't see through the strategy of Menelaus. He sat quietly, heard Menelaus's words, stood up angrily, and smiled ironically: "King Sparta, you are a What a shameful coward! The brave sons and daughters of the Greeks are reluctant to go back with you, they will not give up if they do not rush to Troy! "

The words of Diomodes were recognized by many Greek heroes and princes present. Now that the war has fought for so many years, both sides have settled inexorable grudges, and it is impossible to retreat.

The real grain retreated, and it is not good to return to your hometown to explain the family of the dead hero and the people.

"Menelaus, you are really a coward, if you want to go home, go home yourself first," a Greek hero said sarcastically.

"I think he's afraid of Paris, after all, he is the defeat of Paris's men."

"Go back on your own, you don't need to pull us, we're going to climb to Troy."

"King Sparta, I didn't expect you to be such a timid person. If you retreat, you will put the whole Greece to shame."

Menelaus' brother, Agamemnon, looked at Menelaus with a frown and expressed disapproval, while listening to these insults and satires, Menelaus was not angry, but very happy.

If everyone has such enthusiasm, he can rest assured that he does not have to worry about everyone's bad morale.

Menelaus stood up again and said, "Dear great Greek heroes, I am very glad that you have such determination and will. Before that, in the face of setbacks, I am very worried that you will give up This war. "

"Now, your determination fills me with fighting spirit. Let us work together and never sacrifice Troy."

Menelaus's words made everyone react in a moment, and everyone forgave Menegelaus's intention to retreat.

Diodes stood up and said again, "King Sparta, your worry is superfluous. All of us at the scene have enemies with the Trojans. It is impossible to just retreat. We must attack Troy City head. "

"Now I take back what I just said to you and hope we work together to break Troy."

Diomedes just sat down, and after a short while, the prophet Carcass stood up, looked around the Greek princes and heroes around him, and made a suggestion when they did not intend to speak.

"The walls of Troy were built by the great Poseidon and Apollo. If we attack hard, the losses will be very large. This is unbearable for us. Listen, I saw a sign yesterday. "

"An eagle chases a pigeon. The dove flew into the crack of the rock and hid. The eagle waited for a long time on the rock and the pigeon would not come out. The eagle hid in a nearby bush. This stupid pigeon It flew out. The eagle immediately rushed up and grabbed it with its sharp claws. We should use this eagle as an example. We should not attack Troy City, but take wisdom. "

He finished, the heroes racked their brains to come up with a plan to end this terrible war as soon as possible, but they couldn't think of it for a moment.

This strategy is not to say that you can come up with it. Some people say, "Karkas, if you say to take wisdom, can you give a strategy?"

"I can't think of any good plan for the time being, this requires everyone to work hard together to figure it out." Carcass shook his head and said.

Everyone present at the scene tried their brains and proposed a trick to get Troy, but they were rejected because of various loopholes.

Seeing that everyone was in a state of paradox again, Agamemnon frowned slightly, but there was no better idea.


Hera watched the scene of the meeting of the princes in the Greek camp and said to Athena: "The Greeks can't think of a good way. You can tell the Greeks about the Trojan plan and help them. Capture Troy. "

Athena nodded and flew out of Olympus.

Within a short while, Athena arrived at the Greek camp, and she stood above the barracks of the prince's conference, deepening an idea into Odysseus' brain.

Odysseus was shocked. If he realized, he slowly stood up and said what was in his mind.

"Friends, do you guys know what to do?"

Everyone looked at Odysseus and stood up and talked, all looking at him with a wicked look. Odysseus had always been resourceful, which is well known to Greeks.

"Odysseus, say what you think."

Odysseus smiled and looked at the eagerness of the crowd, looking forward to looking at himself, he very much enjoyed this sense of attention.

"In fact, the method is very simple, but it will be difficult to implement, and many brave Greeks will be required to implement it."

"Odysseus, we in Greece don't lack brave fighters."

Odysseus nodded, agreed with this statement, and continued.

"Let's build a huge Trojan horse to hide the Greek hero as much as possible in the horse's belly. The rest left the Troy coast by boat and retreated to Pinedos Island."

"Before you set off, you must burn down the barracks so that the Trojans can see the fireworks on the city walls, without alert, and boldly out of the city."

"At the same time, we asked a person who was not familiar with the Trojans to pretend to sacrifice and tell them that the Greeks were going to kill him and sacrifice the **** for safe retreat, but he managed to escape.

"He also said that Greece had created a huge Trojan dedicated to Athena. He himself hid under the horse's belly and secretly crawled out after the enemy retreated. This person must be able to retell the story to the Trojans and say It is true that the Trojans are not in doubt. "

"The Trojans will definitely sympathize with this poor foreigner and drag him and the Trojan into the city. When our enemy is asleep, he will send us a predetermined secret signal."

"At this time, the people hiding in the Trojans came out and lit the torches to call the soldiers who were hiding near the island of Menedos. In this way, we can destroy Troy with a sword and fire."

Odysseus talked about his strategy, and everyone was amazed at his tricks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I think this strategy is very good and can be implemented. At that time, we should be able to break through Troy City in one fell swoop. "

"This scheme is good, but it also has some shortcomings. It is not easy to talk about such a large Trojan horse to hide the hero and hide the Trojans."

"This scheme is very clever, Odysseus, you are really a talented strategist."

Odysseus was pleased to see everyone's reaction to the plot after he heard what he said. What could be more enjoyable than getting everyone's attention?

"If this strategy is implemented, all links must be foolproof. Once any link is not done well, it may fail." Dimodus expressed his views.

Agamemnon nodded. He looked at Odysseus and said, "There is no better plan now, but Odysseus' plan must be carefully considered. If implemented, we will overwhelm the whole. The Greeks must be careful about their future. "

Agamemnon decided to scrutinize Odysseus's strategy carefully, and if it was feasible, implement it, and at this time, Carcas looked at it all.

"It's rough and inferior if you just look at it."

"A giant trojan. Normally, don't you check it?"

"Furthermore, the hidden Trojan horse is definitely not the same weight as a normal Trojan horse, and the process of towing will be noticed by Trojans, right?"

"But ridiculous schemes, as long as they have the power of God, they will be carried out and won."

The prophets say that white is God's megaphone. Karkas has seen countless such things, and thought: "If it is God's intention, then all princes and heroes must agree, and no objection.

"Look, see if anyone can come up with this obvious flaw in the meeting. No, this must be God's agreement."

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