Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 854: self-destruct trap

The part on the ground is mainly used for defense and living, while the part hidden underground is used as a research center.

Most of the secret bases created by Hydra are like this. And this one hidden on the island is no exception.

Of course, 'the research facility is below' is just a guess. Before a thorough inspection, no one can guarantee 100% that there are no organs set up by the enemy in the underground part.

"Concentrate and be careful." Leave some people behind to guard the entrance. After exchanging glances with Natasha and Hawkeye who joined together, Captain America took the lead and walked into the elevator.

"Count me in." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei also stepped forward.

Although the technicians who came later have checked the elevator and determined that there are no laser traps installed inside the elevator, but in the end, they just checked the elevator, and they don't know what the exit below is. situation.

Considering that the three of the US team are not beyond the scope of human beings, and the enemy is researching technology from aliens...

Shi Xiaolei just wanted to insure the three of the US team, so Shi Xiaolei took the initiative. Well, not really out of curiosity.


Seeing Shi Xiaolei entering the elevator and looking at each other, Prince of Wales, Nagato, and Mutsu also quickly followed and squeezed into the elevator.

One thing to say, this elevator is quite large, more like the kind of large elevator that is used in shopping malls when carrying supplies.

But because the three Princes of Wales are all in combat mode, they are still fully armed and wearing ship uniforms...

The upturned barrel slammed into his face, and Hawkeye couldn't help but smile bitterly: "That... Ms. Nagato, can you put away your cannon a little?"

"Ah~, sorry!"

Without the ruthless energy she had when she was cleaning up the enemy just now, Nagato blushed in embarrassment when she heard Hawkeye's words, revealing another side of her character involuntarily.

Because of this little episode, the atmosphere that had seemed a little serious at first suddenly relaxed a lot.

The elevator began to descend, and Natasha, holding a small instrument from the technician, watched the readings displayed on it.

When the elevator came down to the bottom, the numbers finally stopped beating.

"210 meters." Putting away the small instrument, Natasha reminded the surrounding companions with a slightly solemn expression: "Guys, if you have to do it in a while, take it easy. I don't want to be covered by the seawater pouring in. die."


With a promise, the US team put up a shield to block in front of him.

Shi Xiaolei also stepped forward, took out a tower shield with a larger coverage area, and set it up like the others, and stood beside the US team.

With a soft sound when the pressure was released, the elevator door slowly opened.

There was no expected hail of bullets, and no one was even heard running or shouting. Except for the barely perceptible movement of the ventilating fan, the elevator was completely silent, and there was no other sound.

"no one?"

His nerves were a bit big, and because of his thick skin, Shi Xiaolei was the first to get out of the elevator.

Following behind him, the three Americans and the three girls also came to the hall with two rows of fluorescent lights.

"It's too peaceful, something's not right."


As experienced agents, both Natasha and Hawkeye have a very keen sixth sense. At this time, both of them noticed that the atmosphere seemed to be a little wrong, and their faces showed a very solemn expression.

At this moment, in the originally very quiet hall, a rapid alarm sound suddenly sounded.

The bright white light suddenly turned red.

"Not good!" There was a chill in her heart, thinking of a possibility, Natasha couldn't help but change her face, and quickly gave a warning to her companions: "They started the self-destruction program, get out of here quickly~! "

Although I don't know how big the underground base is, how powerful is the self-exploding device set up by the enemy, will it directly blow through the rock wall when it explodes, causing seawater to flood back. But one thing is certain - if you don't leave before the explosion starts, and continue to stay here to search for the information left by the enemy, the consequences will not be much better.

"Quick, get back to the elevator!"

Not daring to be careless, everyone quickly retreated into the elevator.

"Damn, this thing doesn't work anymore!" I pressed it several times in a row, but I didn't see any response from the elevator. Hawkeye slammed the switch with an annoyed punch: "The automatic program must have been set in advance, and it will be locked directly after coming down..."

This is the only way to connect to the ground.

The depth of the elevator shaft has reached more than 200 meters, and an automatic locking program has been installed.

When the elevator comes down, the self-destruction mechanism will be triggered.

Combining these settings, it is not difficult to see that this is a trap specially set for intruders. Judging from the level of sophistication of this trap, I have to admit that this remnant of Hydra is really cunning enough.

"There is no exit for maintenance above." Looking up at the top of the elevator for the first time, Natasha gave the second bad news.

"Looks like we have to hurry up and find another way Just when Team America was about to rush out and go elsewhere to find another way out, Shi Xiaolei stretched out his left hand and grabbed his arm: "Hey man, don't worry. "

"Do you have a solution?"

"Yes, I have a way to get out, but I'll say it before, no matter what you see in a while, please keep it in your heart and don't tell..." Having said that, he met Natasha and Hawkeye's eyes. After thinking about it, he felt that it should be impossible for them to keep secrets from their position. Shi Xiaolei suddenly became discouraged, and his expression became depressed: "Forget it, don't say it."

"If you have anything to say, go out and talk."

"..." Shaking his head, Shi Xiaolei stretched out his arm: "Put your hands up and hold me tight."

No time to ask this question, Natasha, Hawkeye, and Captain America all obediently put their hands on his arms. And the three ship girls, who had already guessed what Shi Xiaolei wanted to do, put away their ship outfits before approaching.

After making sure that everyone was caught, Shi Xiaolei drove his thoughts and led them out of the elevator together.

Put these people in the ark first, and then come out alone, cut the thick metal plate with a sharp weapon and drill out the elevator, summon the hot wheels, and quickly go up the elevator shaft.

After returning to the exit again, Shi Xiaolei went back to the ark and picked up Team America and the others who were still in a daze after only ten seconds.

"That was just now..."

"Boom~~!" Before Hawkeye could finish the question, there was a loud noise from below.

Accompanied by a violent shaking, there was a lively rush from the exit of the elevator shaft, and then, a thick tongue of flame rolled out like the eruption of dragon flames.


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