Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 836: Reasonable Braised Eggs

One thing to say, Braised Egg really didn't have any ghost ideas this time.

The reason why Sharon Carter was dispatched to take Natasha's place and asked her to pretend to be the VIP service specialist at the bank to connect with Shi Xiaolei was just an idle move. It doesn't matter if I can get any information from Shi Xiaolei, or if I know something in advance by monitoring his actions, Lu Dan just wants to arrange a position for Sharon Carter that she is satisfied with.

Although Sharon Carter always talks about the words 'Aunt is an aunt, I am me', she never takes the initiative to move out her aunt to seek convenience for herself when she is doing business. But as the niece of Peggy Carter, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., the care she received because of her status is undeniable.

For example, when Captain America just woke up, Sharon Carter was given the task of 'approaching Captain America and helping him adapt to modern life'.

If she wasn't surnamed Carter, because of her aunt's relationship, she wouldn't be hostile to the US team after revealing her identity, which would lead to the US team's disgust towards S.H.I.E.L.D. With her work experience not long after graduating from the SHIELD Academy, how could she be sent to perform this task?

You know, that's Captain America Steve Rogers who "was on the battlefield yesterday". With the way of thinking that he had just woken up and had not had time to turn around, if someone who concealed his identity deliberately approached him... It is no exaggeration to say that any kind of reaction he would make is possible.

Like now.

After taking the place of her aunt and having a paradoxical relationship with Team America, Sharon Carter still failed to get together with Rogers... Let's not consider who did not do well enough when the two of them got along, in the end led to a breakdown. From the overall point of view, if it is changed to other people, there are nine out of ten cases where Braised Egg will be transferred to a remote corner, so as to prevent her from appearing in front of the US team again and affect his mood.

And now, Sharon Carter has just left Team America's vision, but her scope of activities is still in New York.

It's all because her surname is Carter, and she inherited a passion for incense from Peggy Carter. That's why it is possible to let the braised egg not look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, and open up to her.

Including the transfer of Sharon Carter to take over Natasha's job for the same reason.

First of all, pretending to be a bank clerk is something Natasha once did. In Nick Fury's view, Shi Xiaolei should have some expectations about the so-called one-time familiarity. Even if Sharon Carter is exposed, it should be easier for him to accept it, and he will not be particularly disgusted.

Secondly, Shi Xiaolei is a person who speaks well and is not too suspicious.

With Sharon Carter's unrefined acting skills, if she is sent to perform other tasks, she may not be able to succeed in the face of those targets with particularly serious doubts. But when she was sent to deal with Shi Xiaolei, who was relatively careless, her crotch-pulling acting skills still had a little use value.

In the end, Shi Xiaolei is a very important object of attention, and the person who is in charge of connecting with him can also get some attention. To put it bluntly, the person who is assigned to perform this task will get a sense of achievement 'recognized by the superior' on the psychological level. At the same time, because of the importance of the job, the feedback in the process of performing the task will be more. Satisfaction.

The meaning is important, but there is no danger, and the job is easy. Although there is not much oil and water to fish, for the agents who often fight on the line of life and death, the work that can ensure safety can already be regarded as the most moisturizing fat difference.

I didn't choose anyone else, but chose Sharon Carter, who just broke up with Team America... Anyone who knows a little about the world knows that this is Lu Dan's little niece who specially took care of Peggy Carter.

However, Lu Dan didn't know that Shi Xiaolei was a transmigrator, and he didn't expect that he already knew Sharon Carter's true identity.

Therefore, he didn't expect Shi Xiaolei to have random guesses after seeing Sharon Carter, and began to develop new suspicions about himself.

Gu Ling Still the same sentence, luckily Shi Xiaolei is a rough guy, and he doesn't have the stubbornness of "when he encounters a question, he will get into the horns, and he has to break the casserole and ask to the end until he finds the answer".

"Forget it, she's just a low-level rookie agent and can't get in touch with those high-level secrets. Even if she does something bad with good intentions, it won't cause too much trouble. Besides, her aunt is Peggy Carter, and she is also a god. On the side of the Shield, it has nothing to do with Hydra..."

After trying to understand this, Shi Xiaolei was relieved of the pressure, and he simply put Sharon Carter aside.

Then he picked up the kraft paper bag that Sharon Carter personally sent just now, took out the documents packaged inside, Shi Xiaolei lit a cigar for himself, while breathing clouds and mist, carefully Look over.

A thick stack, almost as thick as a stack of unopened new money.

"One, two, three, four..." After looking at it for a while, he carefully counted the number, and determined that there were ten copies of the letter of introduction in his hand. Shi Xiaolei nodded in satisfaction.

Looking up at the time on the wall clock again, Shi Xiaolei took out the phone and made a call to Lexington on Nihau Island.

"Commander?" Still as demure as ever, Lexington's voice always sounded so soft and mellow.

"It's me, Lexington, where are you now? In the dormitory, or at work?"

"I'm in the dormitory. What's the matter, Commander?"

"It's nothing. A few days ago, didn't some people say that they wanted to sign up for classes and study business management courses?" Glancing at the information on the coffee table, Shi Xiaolei said with a smile: "The letter of introduction is ready, and it will be ready now. Put it in front of me. You help me ask, who is going, and let them come to me. "

Some of the eight sets of scientific and technological materials Shi Xiaolei brought back from Xandar have already been sorted out, and some will take a while to digest.

According to Stark's proposal, in the next one or two years, several companies will be established successively to develop and promote these technologies and put them into practice.

Shi Xiaolei was a little sloppy with his nerves. He thought that, like the previous pharmacy company, he would leave it to Pepper to watch, and he would feel at ease as an idle shareholder who only paid dividends and did nothing. But after returning to Earth, Stark put forward a different view of his idea.

Not just one, but at least five or six. According to the prospects given by Jarvis, after these companies develop, the combined size and scale may not be much worse than Stark Industries. It is obviously not suitable for Pepper to help manage such a huge industry. As a technical shareholder, Shi Xiaolei has to send his own representatives to participate in the daily operation and management of the company.

What Stark said makes sense.

What's more, Pepper 'accidentally' got pregnant. As her man, Stark would not let her take care of so many things at this time and be responsible for the establishment and preparation of so many companies.

In this way, with Pepper's suggestion, Missouri and others reconsidered and supported it, and with the initiative of a large number of other ship girls, we have this arrangement - in the next one or two years, ship girls who are interested in participating in the company's management work. , will leave Nihau Island to New York in batches, go to school for further study, and systematically study MBA courses.

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