Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 332: on site

There may be only a few thousand people who came to watch the performance. In terms of the number of audiences, it is definitely not comparable to those large-scale concerts that often start with tens of thousands of people.

But when it comes to the importance of the performance itself, there is no doubt that it is definitely the most important one on the 'regular' stage. Except for the military parade every five and ten, or the grand stage of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which attracts the attention of the whole world, no performance is more important than the annual Spring Festival Gala.

For such an important event, it is impossible to be too cautious in the security inspection work. Of course, it is impossible to be negligent.

In fact, not only the "outsiders" like Shi Xiaolei's family will be strictly checked...

"And this? Hahahaha~" After entering the studio, he finally saw Peng Mingwei, an old acquaintance. After hearing what happened just now from Kang Na's mouth, he was happy for a while, then patted Shi Xiaolei's arm and said a few words of relief: "Brother Shi, in fact, you don't need to be depressed at all. Not only you, but also Those with documents like me will also be subject to security checks."

Even vice consuls with official backgrounds have to undergo the same security check?

This really surprised Shi Xiaolei.

"If you say that, my heart is more balanced." He smiled embarrassedly, and Shi Xiaolei raised his hand and scratched the back of his head: "If I knew earlier, I would make an appointment with you first, and come over together after we meet... , Fortunately, there were not many just now, otherwise, my joke would have become a big one."

"It's not, it's not." He waved his hand with a smile, Peng Mingwei let out a haha, turned his eyes to the girls sitting at the table, and greeted them with a smile on his face.

Taking advantage of this gap, Shi Xiaolei raised his head and began to observe the layout of the studio.

Just like the feeling that fills the streets and alleys, the huge studio No. 1 is also magnificently furnished, and it is all red when you look around. The decorative pillars on the stage are vermilion red, and the ceiling is hung with festive red silk cloth. , the carpet under the stage is also red, including the seat covers in the auditorium behind, which are also filled with warm red...

Of course, there are also many golden colors that symbolize wealth.

For example, the tablecloth spread on the round table in front of him is a dark golden color that is graceful and luxurious without making people feel impetuous, and the curtain around the venue as the background is also dotted with large and small golden blessing characters. And to say which piece of gold is the most conspicuous, obviously, we have to count the golden dragons on the two decorative pillars.

Because the party has not yet started, the large and small LCD screens have not been opened yet. For now, among these arrangements at the party scene, there are actually not too many things worth looking at.

It didn't take much time for Shi Xiaolei to scan the scene.

"My eyes are full of joy and harmony." Just after the chat with Beyonita and others, meeting Shi Xiaolei's gaze, Peng Mingwei said with a smile, "I was just like you when I first came in, I don't know how to turn my eyes away. Where. After sitting for so long, I finally got used to it."

"Hehe." With a smile, Shi Xiaolei asked, "Brother Peng, is it your first time to watch the Spring Festival Gala?"

"That's right, it's my first time." Peng Mingwei nodded: "Speaking of which, it's your blessing to have this opportunity. If it weren't for the fact that your superiors invited you, and then thought that you might not It is too adaptable, it is best to arrange a acquaintance to accompany the guest, I really may not be able to get this ticket and come to watch this year’s Spring Festival Gala live.”

"Is it so difficult to get tickets for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"It's not that it's difficult, it's that there are no tickets at all. You don't know yet..."

With Peng Mingwei's explanation, Shi Xiaolei gained a new understanding of the Spring Festival Gala from another perspective.

Unlike those performances that are open to everyone, the Spring Festival Gala will never sell tickets publicly, and the admission channels are open to everyone.

No matter how rich you are, no matter how willing you are to spend money on tickets, you may not be accepted by the Spring Festival Gala and qualified to watch the show.

To qualify for admission, you must first be a member of a limited crowd.

Then, who are the so-called 'limited groups'?

Generally speaking, it can be divided into three categories.

The first is the sponsor who invested a lot of money in advertising during the Spring Festival Gala.

As the saying goes, cannibalism is soft and short-handed. Since you have received money from advertisers, you should give something in return.

However, unlike investing in other programs, at this party, the sponsors will not be treated as 'dads' to receive various preferential treatment. No matter how much you pay, no matter how much you pay, the convenience you get is the same. To put it simply, the organizers of the Spring Festival Gala will only provide you with the most basic admission ticket. Others... may not even provide you with a VIP seat in the front row.

The second is the family members of some of the leaders of the TV station, the family members of the participating artists, and the leaders recruited by a small number of directors.

The reasons for vacating positions for these people are very simple, and no one can't understand them, so I won't explain them here.

The third is the outstanding people.

Champion athletes, scientific research winners who have made breakthroughs in a certain field, national labor models, meritorious soldiers, Chinese figures who have touched Chinese characters, entrepreneurs who have created a large number of jobs, philanthropists who have truly brought good deeds to the ground, and so on. The guests share a common characteristic - no matter which industry or region they come from, each of them contributes either materially or spiritually They set an example for others. In short, this group of people are 'devotees' who have made real contributions to the country.

"...You belong to this category." Looking at Shi Xiaolei, Peng Mingwei smiled and continued to explain: "The copper animal heads you recovered are not only of great economic value, but also the symbolic meaning attached to them is also very important. .Remember when I told you in the summer, 'There will be an exhibition soon, and the bronze animal heads will be publicly displayed'?"

"After you ended your vacation and went back to the United States, in mid-September, the Palace Museum held a week-long special exhibition. At that time, there was a huge response from the domestic masses, and the popularity of this event was It also lasted for a long time... The waves were too great and exceeded the expectations of the Ministry of Culture."

"Haha, speaking of it, it is because of the overwhelming response from the public that the superiors feel that the return of the bronze beast head has greatly stimulated the confidence of the Chinese people... Considering that this is a very important event to be happy, and as the initiator of this event You, your credit is obvious, so after the higher-level department discussed it, we asked our unit to transfer it and sent you this invitation letter today."

Speaking of which, Peng Mingwei gently bent his fingers and knocked on the table: "We are sitting in the VIP seat now, and not everyone is eligible to sit here. Look over there, the one with the hanging on his chest. The table where the police officers with many medals sit. That table, and the table next to them, are all the moving Chinese characters selected this year..."

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