Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1507: call

Latest URL: Do the math, since Shi Xiaolei came to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, several years have passed.

In daily life, it is not easy to feel it, but in some so-called "major events", Shi Xiaolei has already experienced what is called "the convergence of the fate line", and felt the hidden correction force.

Although it doesn't happen every time, it doesn't mean that everything that Shi Xiaolei has intervened will return to the original track under the influence of the goddess of fate. The probability of things changing due to the influence of the butterfly effect can almost account for about half. Although it is a bit dull, Shi Xiaolei can still confirm this fact through comparison with the advantage of the traverser knowing the original plot.

It's just that he doesn't know the cause and effect, and he can't judge which things will change, and which things will subtly return to the original path.

After all, fate is too difficult to figure out, not everyone can see through it.

As for Shi Xiaolei... he is not good at seeing the whole situation, nor is he a super-intelligent character. With his IQ, it is normal for him to be unable to understand the mysteries here.

Having said that, if you can't see through it, you can't see it through. He can still take advantage of his identity as a traverser to seize the opportunity in many things, or bypass obstacles and go straight to the point.

Such as finding the whereabouts of venom.

"Jarvis, do me a favor." After teasing Stark, Shi Xiaolei asked Jarvis, "In the media circle, there is a reporter named Eddie Brock, who can find his information. Contact information? As far as I know, his reputation in the industry is pretty good, kind of famous."

There was no mention of the other party's nationality, nor was it limited to being in the United States. In addition, Shi Xiaolei only mentioned the name, and did not say how to spell it...

After some searching, Jarvis found a total of three reporters named Eddie Brock.

"The one in the middle." Glancing at the photo Jarvis showed on the screen, Shi Xiaolei immediately made a judgment—the one on the left is a black man, the one on the right has white hair on top of his head, and he is at least sixty years old. Obviously, none of them met the screening criteria in Shi Xiaolei's mind.

"Eddie Brock..." Seeing this, Stark finally couldn't help but asked aloud: "Dude, can you explain? I've made you confused."

"If nothing else happens, the escaped symbiote should be in his hands." Shi Xiaolei smiled and shook his head: "Don't ask me how I know, I can only say... some things are preordained."

"..., I feel like I'm nagging."

"As long as it works." Smiling, Shi Xiaolei raised his head again and ordered: "Jarvis, hack into his address book, find a number that will never be rejected by him as a cover, and call him. In addition, Just in case, help me find out where he is now."

"Dialing." Jarvis responded: "Coincidentally, Eddie Brock is in San Francisco at this time."

"Huh?!" Hearing Jarvis' answer, Stark showed a surprised expression.

Shi Xiaolei had a smile of "as expected", and shrugged his shoulders slightly in satisfaction: "It seems that I guessed right, the probability of the venom being in his hands has increased a bit."

The voice fell and the phone was connected.

"Hi, Annie." It seemed that she had just finished strenuous exercise, and it seemed that she had encountered some accident, and her mood had not yet calmed down. There was an unnatural ups and downs in Eddie Brock's voice, and his tone was not very calm.

"Hi, Mr. Bullock, I'm sorry to contact you in this way." Shi Xiaolei signaled Stark not to speak yet, and Shi Xiaolei said to Eddie Bullock on the other end of the signal: "To make sure you don't refuse to answer the call, I I can use Miss Anne's number as a cover. Uh... it's just a mobile phone number, I have no contact with her personally. So, you don't have to worry about her safety at all, and think of those scenes that often appear in movies in your mind."

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Shi Xiaolei deliberately explained a few words first.

But even so, Eddie Brock still changed his tone and put on a tone full of guard: "Who are you?"

"My name is Locke. Some people call me 'Gladiator', and some call me 'Weapon Master'." Not a pushy personality who likes to be noticed, and he doesn't adapt to "Iron Man" like Stark. ', he accepted the superhero code given by the people in his heart. When he reported his family name, Shi Xiaolei felt a little embarrassed in his heart, and his tone was a little unnatural.

Fortunately, this did not affect the call, nor did it arouse Eddie Brock's suspicion.

After all, Eddie Brock has been parasitized by the venom at this moment. He is afraid of being known, and his nerves are also very tight. He is in a situation where the slightest disturbance will make him immediately panic.

No, upon hearing Shi Xiaolei's answer, Eddie Brock's voice became tense all of a sudden: "Gladiator? What do you want from me? I don't remember that we had a relationship before."

"Don't be nervous, Eddie." Sensing the change in Eddie Brock's tone, Shi Xiaolei slowed down his speech and deliberately put on a more gentle tone: "I called you just to confirm one thing. Did you encounter some accidents? I mean...a special event that is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people and feels like a dream."

Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning behind Shi Xiaolei's words couldn't be more obvious.

Involuntarily, Eddie Brock felt a chill in his heart, feeling like a mouse being targeted by a cat, and he didn't know how to respond.

"Eddie? Hey, are you still there?"

" He took a long breath, Eddie Brock forced himself to calm down, and finally gave a response: "I'm listening. "

"Don't be nervous, I'll say it again, I don't mean to embarrass you." Shi Xiaolei continued: "As for what happened to you, to be precise, it should be the friend you met... Well, how should I say it?" Well, if it was its companions, I would definitely treat it as an enemy without hesitation, but if it were it, I think we can try to communicate. Eddie, can you understand what I mean?"

Not to mention what Eddie himself thought.

The venom parasitic on his body also heard Shi Xiaolei's words from the phone.

"Don't be fooled by him, he just wants to paralyze you." Poking his head out, Venom reminded with great resistance: "Dude, wake up. If it were you, you would..."

The voice was husky, nothing like Eddie Brock himself.

As soon as he heard it, he knew it was Venom talking, Shi Xiaolei laughed, and simply greeted it on the phone: "Hi, Venom, is that you?"

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