Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1487: U disk brought by Rhodes

The latest website: "She's staying next door." After embracing and loosening his arms, Stark raised his finger and pointed behind him, then turned and walked towards the bar: "What would you like to drink? Whiskey, or beer?"

"The cup is not so strong." Rhodes answered casually, and Rhodes continued to ask: "Next door?"

"It's not next door to this room, I mean... next door to my house." While pouring wine, Stark smiled: "Two hours ago, she was picked up by the little girls of the Locke family. No accidents If not, at least it will not be sent back until Pepper comes back."

"Pepper isn't home either? No wonder I didn't see her."

"You know her character." Shrugging, he returned to Rhodes with two glasses of wine, and while beckoning him to sit down, Stark replied: "Stay at home honestly, isn't it Her style."

"Are you sure you're talking about Pepper, not yourself?" After taking a sip from the cup, Rhode joked with a smile, "In my impression, you're the one who doesn't go home every day."

"That was before, since I established a relationship with Pepper, I have become different."

"That's right." Scratching his head, Rhodes laughed twice, and put down his glass: "I still don't see much of it, I always remember the original you in my mind."

"How long ago was that, buddy, it's time for you to 'upgrade. In the army, I should have saved a lot of vacation time. Why don't you find a chance to take a vacation this year, so we can get together?"

"It depends." Sighing sadly, Colonel Rhodes said slightly depressed: "There is a small situation, and I don't know if it can be resolved before Thanksgiving. Dude, I won't beat around the bush, come here today I came to you just to ask you for a favor."

"Help? Tell me first."

Although it was a request from a friend, but before Colonel Rhodes said the specific content, Stark still left some leeway and did not directly agree.

Again, after all, Colonel Rhodes is an active soldier.

The "need help" he said may have been raised by the military under the guise of him. Taking a step back, even if he really met by chance, it was not the military behind the scenes... Considering that after I intervene, I may have communication with the military, and finally make things turn into something I don't want to see In that direction, Stark also felt that it was necessary to be cautious.

"Have you heard of the 'Life Foundation'?" Knowing what Stark was thinking, Colonel Rhodes didn't mind his reservation.

"Life Foundation... sounds familiar." Tilting his head and thinking for a while, but couldn't figure out why, Stark raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "Jarvis."


A response sounded, and a light blue light shot from the ceiling, forming a floating screen in front of Stark.

There are photos and information in text form. Various search results are collected and arranged neatly and orderly on the screen.

"The Life Foundation, headquartered in San Francisco. The owner of the company is a man named Carlton Drake..." Without Stark's instructions, Jarvis opened the frontmost document and began to give He introduced it.

It took less than a minute before and after a general introduction, and Jarvis stopped talking.

"So, what's wrong with this company? Or is this guy named Drake causing any trouble?" Stark turned to Colonel Rhodes and asked straight to the point. .

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Nodding with a wry smile, Colonel Rhodes took out a USB flash drive from his pocket: "Look at this first."

"..." Taking it over and looking at it in his hand, Stark held back his mouth: "When is it, are you still using this old antique?"

While complaining, Stark took off the watch on his wrist.

Except for the throw to the table, he didn't see any other actions. The watch that fell on the table changed its appearance, a bit like an ashtray.

Holding the USB flash drive given by Colonel Rhodes, he inserted it into the watch that had already changed its shape. At the same time, Stark greeted again by the way: "Jarvis."

"Yes, sir."

The response sounded, and the files stored in the USB flash drive were displayed on the suspended translucent screen.

There is not a lot of content, there are three texts and two videos.

"Let's take a look at what is recorded in the video first." Too lazy to flip through the text, Stark reached out and clicked on the first video.

"This section was recorded by the surveillance camera in the corridor." When the video started to play, Colonel Rhodes subconsciously added two sentences: "Pay attention to the lower right corner, the mutation will start from there."

After extracting the video recording, useless parts have been cut.

The remaining video is not long at all, and the front part is used as a buffer, and it only takes about seven seconds in total.

No, as Colonel Rhodes' voice fell, the video had already reached a critical point.

I saw a dark shadow suddenly appearing in an adjacent room made of bulletproof glass in the lower right corner.

Because the resolution is not high enough and the angle of view is a bit off, it is not clear what the shadow is in the video. However, through the vague outline, it can still be roughly guessed that it is a person.

As if noticing the shadow, the camera began to move.

With the adjustment of the focal length, the picture became clearer, coupled with the emergency lights, finally...

"Damn it~!" Seeing the shadow locked in the isolation room, Stark couldn't help jumping and he was taken aback.

The video continues.

Putting away the surprise in my heart, I managed to regain my composure. While continuing to watch the video, Stark asked Colonel Rhodes: "What the **** is this? Don't tell me, he is actually a human being."

"It looks like a demon crawling out of hell, right?" Rhode shook his head with a wry smile: "You're right, he's actually a human being."

"Human? Are you sure?" Turning his head to look at the screen, pointing at the guy who was slamming into the bulletproof glass wall, Stark frowned tightly: "I don't think anyone will look like this, and... Oh, just as I imagined, this thing really can't withstand its impact."

As Stark exclaimed again, the black figure in the video had already hit a group of cracks like spider webs on the bulletproof glass wall. Then, immediately following the next impact, the crack widens again and eventually breaks apart.

The black shadow like a demon escaped from the isolation room and disappeared from the camera in an instant.

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