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Chapter 1312: canonization two

Su Mo was also slightly taken aback, but then realized that this was a replacement.

This order has no effect on other people, but it is different to the Empire of Skeleton, their expressions are dimmed.

Emperor Isaac's old face twitched. Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, he felt extremely uncomfortable after hearing it.

But there is no way, who let them lose the competition.

After the announcement, Yin Kaloya said to Su Mo.

"The canonization is over, get up."

Su Mo got up quickly, and then stood beside Herbert behind Yin Kaloya.

In the star ring system, only the Royal Order and very few important personnel are eligible to stand behind Yin Kaloya.


At this time, there was thunderous applause at the scene!

It took a long time for the applause to subside.

But Yin Kaloya did not announce the end, but just glanced at everyone present with cold eyes, and announced calmly.

"From now on, the major dependent countries will send dedicated personnel to stay in the administrative building of the Halo City. The Halo City will convey various orders to you through them, and everyone must accept the order unconditionally."


Everyone responded one after another.

"The ceremony is over."

Yin Kaloya then turned and left.

Crocker and others followed suit one after another. Su Mo hesitated for a moment, but followed naturally.

A moment later, after Su Mo followed Yin Kaloya out of Shenen Square, he found that Yin Kaloya was walking towards the administrative council building.

Suddenly, Yin Kaloya stopped in her tracks.

She turned to look at Su Mo and said.

"Su Mo."


Su Mo responded quickly.

"I've given you a task."

Yin Kaloy said calmly.


Su Mo is also confused, isn't he? Are you going to work right after taking office?

"You go to the Central Prison of the Star Ring City, bring Eureka out, and **** her to the Endless Deep Space Prison."

Yin Kaloya simply gave Su Mo an order.


Su Mo responded quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Kaloya left with Crocker and others.

Su Mo watched them leave their backs and let out a long breath. Although I don't know that the **** mission is a good job or a bad job, but at least I don't have to follow Yin Kaloya.

It's so depressing!

At this moment, Su Mo's bracelet suddenly vibrated.

Su Mo was taken aback for a moment. He raised his bracelet, only to see prompts pop up.

"Respect Colonel Su Mo, congratulations on your promotion to major general."

"Respect Earl Su Mo, congratulations on your promotion to Marquis."

"Congratulations, as a member of the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order, you will enjoy the following privileges."

"Special and unique authority: the right to pardon. After being promoted to the Royal Order, one has the right to be pardoned once."

"Privilege 1, judicial immunity, the regular laws of the Star Ring City cannot judge you, only the Lord Yinkaloya is qualified to convict you."

"Privilege 2, special authority, can pass through all secret areas and military areas of SS-level and below in Planet Ring City, as well as all areas of dependent countries."

"Privilege three, has the right to dispatch, and can temporarily mobilize the troops of the Star Ring City and the affiliated countries."

"Privilege four, the right to judge, the right to convict the non-commissioned officers and officials of the star ring system, so as to take down the opponent, and those who resist can be killed on the spot."

"Privilege Five: The right to build a private formation, you can form a formation by yourself, and directly assign a certain officer position."

"Privilege Six: Enjoy the opening of special resources, which can be exchanged for forbidden weapons...."


Su Mo's eyes were dazzled looking at the privileges. He took a deep breath, and he finally understood why so many people are crazy about getting the position at all costs.

With so many rights, who can not be moved.

At this moment, Su Mo's bracelet vibrated again.

"Congratulations on winning the game and getting 300,000,000,000 star coins, Thor's Gun."

"Congratulations, because you performed outstandingly in blocking Eureka and Caveser, bravely protected the city lord, and received 100 million meritorious contributions."


Seeing this contribution figure, Su Mo's eyelids twitched.

"Wow, 100 million contribution points, yes."

The Creator Devourer said to Su Mo in a low voice, "Yin Kaloya is really generous to you."

"It's okay, actually, if you give me more, I won't mind."

Su Mo said in a very good mood.

"Just dream slowly."

Creator Devourer sneered.

Su Mo didn't care about the cynicism of the Creator Devourer. He knew very well that the Creator Devourer didn't like Yin Kaloya, so he stretched his waist and said.

"No matter what, let's do business and go to the prisoner."


The Creator Devourer replied in a low voice.


After more than an hour, Su Mo appeared at the gate of the Central Prison of the Star Ring City. It was also his first visit to this prison.

Compared to the miserable endless deep space prison, this central prison is a fat job.

All those who committed crimes in the City of Star Rings will be sent here. After entering this prison, all expenses will be paid by themselves.

If you have no money, work to pay off your debts.

The prisoners who are usually put in this prison are divided into two types, one is vicious.

This kind of people is only temporarily detained, and will soon be transferred to the endless deep space prison, and there is another kind of normal crime.

People who commit crimes normally, want to get out early or live comfortably.

It requires costly activities.

Therefore, the funding of this prison is very abundant.

As for the safety of this prison, there is no need to worry. It is located in the city of Star Rings. Normally, no one is out of their minds and rushes to make trouble.

At this time, the entire prison entrance was extremely lively, with countless people holding banners at the entrance.

"Eureka is innocent!"

"Release Eureka."


Su Mo looked at this scene thoughtfully. At this time, a prison guard rushed out of the prison and drove all the people on the scene to the two sides.

"Everyone spread out!"



A fat head and fat ears, weighing almost three hundred catties, came out with a smile on his face.

He smiled and walked towards Su Mo.

"Master Su Mo, come here. I am the warden of Jialuowei. I have been waiting for you for a long time."


Su Mo nodded slightly.

"You are here to mention Eureka."

Galloway asked with a smile.


Su Mo nodded and replied.

"That's great, we've already prepared for you, the transshipment spaceship, and the **** manpower are all equipped for you."

Jia Luowei secretly breathed a sigh of was like sending away the plague god, and couldn't wait to send Eureka out.

These days, because of Eureka, he is almost blocked here.

"My lord, Eureka is innocent."

"You can't wrong a good person."


At this time, the people who were driven to the sides shouted one after another.

The corners of Su Mo's mouth kept twitching. Eureka assassinated Yin Kaloya. He saw it with his own eyes, and he dared not say that he was innocent even if he was killed.

"Don't worry about them, Mr. Su Mo came with me."

Galloway said with a smile.


Su Mo then followed Garowei in.

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