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Chapter 1293: Battle Twenty

As for Leo Te, it was getting more and more troublesome. His breathing was a little short, and he turned his eyes to stare at Kabahn.

He knew very well that he had to deal with the other party quickly.

Otherwise, the more the opponent's negative energy is released, the stronger it will be, and it will be troublesome if they fall in the end, or they will be dragged into the water together.

Thinking of this, Leo Te didn't hesitate any more. With all his strength, he raised his two black blades and attacked Kabahn head-on like a ghost.


At this moment, Kabahn's eyes were red, he turned the scarlet sickle in his hand, and let out a roar.


The scarlet sickle in his hand slashed towards the attacking Leo Te, his aura was extremely terrifying, and the space was split open.


I saw that the attacking V-generation biological mech Abyss Fang was split in half by the front without any accident.

Seeing this scene, many people watching the battle in the Kingdom of Di Nova cheered excitedly.

"Cracked, won..."


However, at this moment, the stabbed abyss fang disappeared like an afterimage, and then appeared behind Kabahn like an abyss demon. At this time, the expression on Leot's face became more and more frenzied. As expected, the overloaded negative energy can strengthen Kabahn's power, but it also makes him gradually lose his judgment under the influence of killing desire.

The opportunity never came again, Leo Te raised the two black blades in his hands.

"Shadow Thorn!"

The two black blades erupted with terrifying power and pierced Kabahn.

At this moment, Kabahn suddenly turned around, looking straight at Leot with scarlet eyes.

Leo Te's heart trembled, and he seemed to be shrouded in the shadow of death for an instant, but he didn't have a trace of fear, and instead increased his strength.

The two black blades pierced through Kabahn without hesitation.

However, Kabahn was also crazy at this time, he withdrew his left hand, and went straight to the V-generation biological mecha Abyssal Fang driven by Leot.


Viscous blood spattered out.

I saw the V-generation biological mecha Death's Cut, half of his hand directly penetrated into the left chest of the abyss fangs, but Leo Te's two black blades directly penetrated into Death's Cut's body.

Both mechs froze in place.

For a moment, all the audience held their breath, not daring to take a breath, watching this scene with excitement

At this moment, the eyes of the V-generation biological mech Death Cut dimmed, and the violent biological reaction dropped sharply, and the entire biological mech fell down.

Leot controlled the mecha, pulled out the claw that penetrated its left chest, and panted heavily.

He was almost killed by this guy.


At this time, the referee's mechanical ball landed and solemnly announced.

"Immortal Empire Leot wins!"

At that time, many people who watched the game wailed for a while, but they still lost.

In the hangar, Sun Duoxiang watched the terrifying battle, swallowed a mouthful of spit, and asked Su Mo.

"Boss is too strong, if you go up, can you beat him?"

Su Mo took a deep breath, feeling a little flustered.

"Should...why do you ask me this, I haven't played before, how do I know."


Seeing that Su Mo was so unsure, Sun Duoxiang became more and more guilty, thinking that his money was going to be wasted, and his heart ached.

Su Mo's expression kept changing, and he really responded to what the Creator Devourer said. Don't underestimate any opponent, everyone who can become a candidate for the Royal Order, really none of them are vegetarians.

Regardless of how powerful the three of the Immortal Empire are, their current situation is not very good. Buserey was eliminated, and Clicia and Riot only narrowly won, winning very reluctantly.

Thinking of this, Su Mo felt even more stressed.

There is one more game tomorrow, and we are about to enter the semi-finals of the top five. I don't know if Nan Qi is reliable.

Now he kind of expects that guy to give him some strength and really let him have a bye, otherwise he will have to fight another fierce battle.

And Su Mo was still a little worried about the mecha, so he turned his head and looked back.

I saw that Zhang Wei and many mechanics were working overtime to repair Shenwei Kai.

Under normal circumstances, the repair cycle for advanced weapons like this is calculated on a monthly basis. It is normal even on a yearly basis. It is really difficult for Zhang Wei to repair it in just a few days.

Skeleton Empire · Observation Deck.

Emperor Isaacli looked at Leot who won in the end, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

The Immortal Empire's two advanced to the top five, this is the rhythm of winning the championship.

And that Leo Te is the number one master of the so-called Immortal Empire, his explosive power is much stronger than Buserley, and it is almost the same as Clicia.

There is not much time left for him to prepare.

At this moment, Yin Kaloya stood up and left expressionlessly, without commenting on this thrilling battle.


At night, Su Mo was lying on the bed alone.

Tossing and turning back and forth, it was rare that I couldn't fall asleep.

He sat up involuntarily.

"What's wrong?"

The Creator Devourer asked in a low voice.

"I don't know why, but I always feel a little restless and a little insomnia."

Su Mo thought for a while and replied.

"Still thinking about the battle during the day? In fact, there is no need to put so much pressure on yourself. The mecha you use is purely mechanical, and I can't do my best to help you. It's really not shameful to lose."

The Creator Devourer was extremely rare and in turn comforted Su Mo.

Su Mo was also a little surprised, he replied curiously.

"It's not like your style. I remember that you kept emphasizing to me before, what will happen if you don't win the championship?"

"Because I have no hope for you."

"I, despise you. Stop talking to you, go to bed, and have to get up early tomorrow to watch the game."

Su Mo replied with a dumb smile, and his depressed mood immediately improved a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Su Mo lay down again.

The night is getting darker.


At dawn the next day, Su Mo got up early and went to the private hangar.

I saw that Zhang Wei and others were still busy maintaining Shenwei Kai.

Sun Duoxiang and the others were helping out, and when they saw Su Mo approaching, they stopped.

"Boss, you are here."

"Well, it's hard work, have you eaten yet?"

Su Mo nodded and asked.

"No, isn't everyone rushing to work?"

Sun Duoxiang shook his head and replied It's not too late, Dr. Zhang Wei should take a break and eat something. "

Su Mo was a little moved, raised his head and shouted to Zhang Wei who was working.

"No need, you can just eat. It's the last game today. I'll try my best to fix it. If you are assigned, the first game of the next round will be troublesome."

Zhang Wei replied while adjusting the internal circuit.

Su Mo wanted to say something, but Wang Hai came over and said to Su Mo.

"Master Zhang Wei is right. Time is running out now. The more you repair your mecha, the more chances you will win in the next battle. You don't have to worry about Su Mo's maintenance, you can watch today's game with peace of mind. Do more research on the opponent's fighting style, after all, you will not be passive if you know your enemy and yourself."

"All right."

Su Mo didn't say much.


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