General Guo said, "Sir, you don't know."

"Every year before winter, the Tianjin Kingdom in the north goes south to forage for food. The people nearby have nowhere to escape and can only enter the city to save their lives."

"There must be spies from the Tianjin Kingdom inside. At this time, the war is fierce and dangerous, and we dare not let them in."

"If they take advantage of our absence to fight and cause chaos in the city, I'm afraid Xiangyang City will be in danger."

Zhang Tian asked, "What is foraging for food?"

General Guo's face flashed with hatred, and he said, "This is what the Hu people say."

"Every time when autumn and winter come, they come to plunder our Han people's territory, steal food, cattle and sheep, and even women and children."

"Nine out of ten villages are empty wherever they pass."

"I only regret that I am weak and can defend the city, but not enough to advance."

"If it weren't for you, Sir, coming today, we wouldn't have won so easily."

Zhang Tian nodded. No wonder the people wanted to enter the city.

The city can at least protect them.

If they stayed in the villages outside, they would be lambs to be slaughtered in the face of the Hu army.

However, even if these people were not killed by the soldiers of Tianjin Kingdom, they would probably freeze to death overnight if they stayed under the city wall.

But General Guo had no intention of allowing them to enter the city.

Since ancient times, kindness is not a good thing for the army!

Now is an extraordinary period, and suddenly a large number of strange refugees are going to pour into the city, which poses a great hidden danger.

Even if he pity them, General Guo dare not joke about the safety of the entire Xiangyang City.

Once Xiangyang is lost, the southern half of the country will be wide open.

However, these common people have no way to survive, and they may curse General Guo's ancestors for eighteen generations.

If this goes on for a long time, the people's hearts will be unstable.

Zhang Tian asked: "Since you are mainly defending the city, why did you go out of the city to fight? If you lose, won't you lose Xiangyang City?"

General Guo said proudly: "The army just now was not the regular army of Tianjin Kingdom, but the mixed Hu people of the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, and they don't even have many war horses."

"They are closest to our Nan'an Dynasty border, and they also want to follow suit and go south to raid the valley."

"I know their combat effectiveness is not high, so I took the initiative to go out of the city and prepare to annihilate this miscellaneous army in one fell swoop."

"Let them know that we still have people in Nan'an Dynasty."

"Xiangyang City is not a place where you can come and go as you please!"

"Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun?" Zhang Tian was a little surprised.

Except for the names of the countries such as Nan'an Dynasty and Tianjin Kingdom, the place names are exactly the same as the original time and space.

"General Guo, were there any dynasties before this?"

General Guo said, "The most recent one is naturally the Tang Dynasty. Since the fall of the Tang Dynasty, many heroes have emerged and established dozens of countries, causing chaos in China for nearly sixty years."

"Until the rise of our Nan'an Dynasty and Tianjin Kingdom, the Central Plains was divided into two parts, and then it was slightly stable..."

Hearing General Guo's rough talk, before the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, history was no different from the original.

But the Song Dynasty and Jin Kingdom that should have appeared, for some reason, became the Tianjin Kingdom and the Nan'an Dynasty.

At this time, it was not convenient for Zhang Tian to continue asking, and he would talk about it later when he had the chance.

Seeing Zhang Tian approaching, the people on the city wall knelt on the ground in a black mass.

Many people kowtowed desperately regardless of the bitter cold on the ground.

They were chanting words, all of which were blessings said when worshiping gods.

What "Greatly compassionate and merciful immortal, please bless us to be safe and sound."

"If I can overcome this difficulty, I will definitely kill chickens and sheep to worship the immortal when I return..."

They were right beside the city wall, and witnessed the "immortal boat" descending from the sky.

They also saw the "immortal" riding on clouds and mist, emitting rays of divine light, killing and wounding all the Hu soldiers.

This shock was countless times more shocking than the "apparition" I had heard of in the past.

The so-called "apparition" in the past was nothing more than some spring water flowing from the eyes of the statue, or dreams that were difficult to distinguish between true and false, or some strange rainbow lights, etc.

But how can these compare to the shock of seeing the immortal descending from the sky with your own eyes? !

As for those Taoists and monks, the so-called "immortal Buddhism" they showed off was completely different from the immortals.

No matter how powerful those Taoist priests and monks were, I have never heard of them being able to defeat the Hu army.

The immortal is right in front of us. If we don't bow down now, wouldn't we be fools?

Zhang Tian said: "General Guo, please tell them that I am not an immortal, so there is no need to kneel down and bow."

"Yes!" General Guo clasped his fists, automatically ignored the words "I am not an immortal", and said loudly, "The immortal has ordered, so there is no need to kneel down and bow."

However, the effect was not obvious.

The common people did not kowtow crazily anymore, but they still knelt on the ground and refused to get up.

They looked at Zhang Tian with awe and enthusiasm, and remembered the true appearance of this "immortal" firmly in their hearts.

Zhang Tian had no choice but to ask: "General Guo, now that the enemy has retreated, it is expected that there are some spies, but there is nothing to worry about.Can we open the gate to let the people enter the city?"

"This..." General Guo hesitated for a moment, "Sir, you can let the people enter the city. But, I dare to borrow your name."

Zhang Tian probably guessed what General Guo was thinking, nodded and said, "You can use it. As long as the people can enter the city and have a place to stay."


General Guo ordered the soldiers to gather the people near the city gate.

Then he said sternly, "Fellow villagers, it's not that I'm cruel that I won't let you enter the city."

"There must be a Hu spy among you. Once you enter the city, you will take advantage of my attack and try to capture Xiangyang City from inside and outside."

"However, God favored my Nan'an Dynasty and sent immortals to help us defeat the Tianjin Kingdom. You can live, all thanks to the immortal."

"The immortal is merciful and can't bear to see the people suffer, so he ordered me to open the door and let you in. "

"I have just asked the immortal. Any spy who dares to enter the city is a contempt for the immortal. After death, he will be thrown into the eighteen levels of hell and will never be reborn."

"If you are willing to plead guilty, I can give you a way out and you can reincarnate normally after death."

"You can still be a good person in the next life."

As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen people looked panicked and quietly pulled away from the crowd, trying to escape secretly.

But among the kneeling crowd, it was like a candle in the dark night.

General Guo waved his hand, and dozens of soldiers caught them back like tigers and wolves.

"Please spare my life, please spare my life, I don't want to go to hell. ”

“Please spare my life, Immortal. I would like to die as a token of my sins, so that I can be reincarnated as a human in the next life…”

The captured spies kowtowed repeatedly.

As spies, they had already prepared themselves for death after sneaking into the enemy country, and were not afraid of death.

The head was lost, but it was just a scar as big as a bowl.

But being thrown into the eighteen levels of hell by the immortals, and never reincarnated, was more terrible than death in their minds.

Zhang Tian didn’t want to play tricks, but the effect was too significant. Just a casual scare would scare out more than a dozen spies.

He had no choice but to cooperate and said: “As long as you can answer General Guo’s words truthfully, General Guo will give you a way out, then I will forgive your sins after death. No matter what causes your death in the future, you can reincarnate normally.”

“I said… I said everything…”

“Er Gouzi over there is one of ours.”

“And Er Liuzi and Lao Gen are also ours. ”

“The man called Heidan, although he is a Han Chinese, has been bribed by us. After entering the city, he agreed to cooperate with us inside and outside…”

If they had not seen Zhang Tianxia with their own eyes, these spies would not really believe that there are ghosts and gods in this world.

But now, the "immortal boat" and the "immortal" are right in front of them, clear, obvious, and real!

Who dares not to believe it?!

Since there are "immortals", then the eighteen levels of hell and Yama, Black and White Impermanence, etc. must also exist.

Thinking of this, the things that have been passed down from generation to generation, such as climbing a knife mountain and jumping into a frying pan, suddenly feel like they are really true.

Those with weaker wills had their mentality broken.

They desperately tried to give out their accomplices, fearing that if they didn't give out enough, they would go to hell and be made into fried dough sticks.

Based on the confessions, dozens of spies were soon caught.

Collected together, there were already nearly a hundred people.

If the city gates were suddenly opened when the Hu army was approaching the city, allowing the Hu army to march straight in, the consequences would be disastrous.

General Guo divided the spies into two groups.

One group was those who surrendered voluntarily, with only a dozen people.

General Guo looked at them and said sternly: "I won't kill those who surrender. The immortal promised that you will not be held accountable after death and can be reincarnated."

"But the death penalty can be exempted, but the living crime cannot be escaped. Come, take them to the prison and keep them under strict supervision."

Then, he looked at the other group, which was the one who was confessed, with the largest number of people, reaching dozens.

General Guo waved his hand: "Kill!!"

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